Sunday, June 28, 2020

Why Chinese mothers are Superior: Vocabulary Projects

BBS & BA-BSW First Year

New Course 2019
Patterns for College Writing
A Rhetorical Reader and Guide
Laurie G. Kirszner
Stephen R. Mandell

Why Chinese mothers are Superior

Vocabulary Projects
Define each of the following words as it is used in this selection.
stereotypically: defined by a widely held but oversimplified view of something
prodigies : people with exceptional abilities or skills squeamishness:  being easily offended or uncomfortable
foster: to encourage or promote fortitude : strength during adversity
tenacious: determined, adhering closely to one's principles
ostracized : excluded; shunned
mediocre: of average quality; ordinary
fragility : being easily damaged
aptitude: ability to do something, competence interrogating: asking questions aggressively
callous : insensitive; cold; heartless

Why Chinese mothers are Superior: Style and Structure

BBS & BA-BSW First Year

New Course 2019
Patterns for College Writing
A Rhetorical Reader and Guide
Laurie G. Kirszner
Stephen R. Mandell

Why Chinese mothers are Superior

Style and Structure
1. Why does Chua begin her essay with a list of things daughters were not allowed to do as they were growing  up? How do you think she expects readers to react to this list? How do you react? 
Ans: Chua expected readers to be shocked, possibly angered but this list; she included it with the intent of eliciting the response in the reader. She intends to persuade the more by appealing to their emotion.
2. Is this essay a point-by-point comparison, a subject-by-subject comparison, or a combination of the two organizational strategies? Why does Chua arrange her comparison the way she does?
*    This essay is organized using a point-by-point structure. This organizational style works well because it allows Chua to touch on many individual points and write about how each parenting tule differs regarding that point in a way that is not confusing for the reader. 
3. What evidence does Chua present to support her view that there are marked differences between the parenting styles of Chinese and Western parents? 
Ans. First of all, Chua heavily relies on her own experiences of rearing children. Most of the evidences that Chua provides is based upon her own opinions and observations. Her comparisons between how Chinese and Western parents deal with learning instruments and how to speak to one's child are based purely on her own experiences. In paragraph 5, Chua cites a study to compare Chinese immigrant mothers and Western mothers' opinions on topics like academic expectations.
4. Chua was born in the United States. Does this fact undercut her conclusions about the differences between Western and Chinese child-rearing?
Ans: The fact that Chua was born in the US does not undercut her arguments; if anything, this helps her case. Being born in the US has given her an opportunity to see both parenting styles she discusses firsthand. Her conclusions are more severely undercut by the lack of nuance she provides, there is little evidence that the techniques she discusses are effective.
5. What points does Chua emphasize in her conclusion? How else could she have ended her essay?
Ans: Chua ends her essay by comparing and contrasting Western and Chinese parenting styles. She also could have used narrative as a strategy for her conclusion, perhaps circling back to talk about her experience with her own daughters again.

Why Chinese mothers are Superior: Purpose and Audience

BBS & BA-BSW First Year

New Course 2019
Patterns for College Writing
A Rhetorical Reader and Guide
Laurie G. Kirszner
Stephen R. Mandell

Why Chinese mothers are Superior

- Chua Amy

Purpose and Audience
1. What preconceptions about Chinese mothers does Chua think Westerners have? Do you think she is right about this?
The preconceptions about Chinese mothers Chua think that Westerners have is that Chinese parents are stereotypical, overbearing and indifferent to their children's needs. While I do not believe that the perception itself is correct, I do think she is correct in stating that many do believe this to be true.
2. Does Chua seem to expect her readers to be receptive, hostile, or neutral to her ideas? What evidence can you find to support your impression? How do you know?
Ans: She seems to anticipate her readers to react negatively to her ideas. When she talks about the time she called her daughter garbage". She mentions that she was ostracized by a social circle when mentioning this incident. She also me of books that portray Asian mothers as heartless. aware that this parenting style is not well-received daughters, do many of the things Westerners. In the very first paragraph, she states how her own d. Sophia and Louisa, were never allowed to do many of which western parents allo tern parents allow their children to do. She also done on differences between Chines and Westerners way of parenting (p.5). Similarly, she tells when she called her daughter 'garbage' how one of her guest reacted by leaving the party (p.8).
3. What is Chua's thesis? Where does she state it?
Ans: Chua's thesis, which she states in paragraph 11, is that there three main differences between Western parenting and Chinese parenting.
 4. In an interview, Chua said that the editors of the Wall Street Journal, not she, chose the title of her essay. Why do you think the editors chose the title they did? What title do you think Chua would have chosen? What title would you give the essay?
Ans: The editors likely chose this title because it is a controversial statement that would draw in readers. Chua's point doesn't seem to be to claim superiority; her goal seems more oriented toward explaining the nuances of these parenting techniques to dispel the criticism they receive and to talk about how these techniques differ from Western techniques.. Her title may have been something along the lines of "How Chinese and Western Mothers Differ." I would have chosen a similar title as we believe that the author's goals should be recognized in the title.

Why Chinese mothers are Superior: Comprehension

BBS & BA-BSW First Year

New Course 2019
Patterns for College Writing
A Rhetorical Reader and Guide
Laurie G. Kirszner
Stephen R. Mandell

Why Chinese mothers are Superior

- Chua Amy

1. What does Chua mean when she says, “What Chinese parents understand is that nothing is fun until you're good at it" (6)? Do you agree with her? 
Ans: According to Chua, many Chinese parents push their children work hard to get good at things because they believe that despite the resistance the child may have at first, the praise satisfaction that comes from this hard work will make it worth it, thus giving them motivation to work at the skill even harder. Yes, I do agree with Chua that we need to practise constantly until we get achievement. Achievement in turn will motivate the 'child to even work harder. Hard work is never fun for Chua.
2. Does Chua's husband agree or disagree with her child-rearing methods? Why does he react the way he does?
Ans: While Chua believes that children owe something to their parents, her husband believes the opposite. He believes that since parents are the ones that choose to give life to their children that way should be prepared to provide for them as a result.
3. According to Chua, why are Chinese parents able to do things that Western parents cannot?
Ans: Chua devotes time talking about how while Western parents are very gentle with the way they speak to their children, cautious to protect their self-esteem; Chinese parents don't believe that this is necessary. Chua talks about a time when she called her daughter "garbage"; she says that she felt terrible about what she had done, she did not believe that she truly thought she was garbage. She believes that this is because the harshness with which Chinese parents often treat their children toughens them up, rather than damaging their self-esteem.
4. How does Chua respond to the charge that Chinese parents don't care about their children?
Ans: Many believe that the way Chinese parents push their children and dismiss their children's interests is a sign that they do not care. Chua refutes this by writing that these parents behave this way because they care a lot; they want what is best for their children and believe that, by making these decisions for them, that they are preparing them to succeed.
5. According to Chua, how do Chinese child-rearing practices prepare children for life?
Chua says that Chinese child-rearing practices give children strong work habits, skills, and confidence.

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