Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Matters of the Heart Chapter 2 Write to be Read


Chapter 2     Write to be Read

Matters of the Heart
Chapter 2
Write to be Read
BBS 1st year
1.      Which character, Esther or the Ethiopian wife loves more deeply? Explain.
Ans: The Ethiopian wife loves more deeply than Esther because she has stronger determination. The Ethiopian wife takes great risk to get a single hair from the tail of fierce lion because she wants to save relation with her husband. The Ethiopian wife puts her life in the great risk because she loves her husband more deeply. Esther also seems to love Laurence. They spend their life together since childhood. But when Laurence deceives Esther, she decides to kill him which is not good. She should have thought an idea about how she can attract him towards her instead of killing him. I think killing the lover to take revenge is not ultimate solution. In the matter of heart, sometimes obstacles try to win us but we should struggle with the obstacles and think to remedy them as Ethiopian wife did in the story. So in my opinion Ethiopian wife loves more deeply than Esther.
2.      Many marriage end in divorce often because love has failed. What are the causes of this failure? (think in general terms, not of one particular couple you know)
Ans: Marriage is a ceremony in which two. People become husband d and wife legally. Initially, they are perfect happy, later the trouble enters to their life and they are on the way of divorce. There may be many possible reasons of ending marriages in divorce.
The first reason may be husband and wife could not understand each other’s feelings and emotions. Sometimes there is misunderstanding between them due to small matters. Similarly there is no match of religion, class, caste and dispute takes place in their life Likewise they can’t share their feelings freely because they don’t trust each other. As a result their relationship I shattered.
Another reason of divorce may be early marriage. Some boys and girls marry without being matured. When the challenges, difficulties and dispute take place in everyday life, they can’t find an alternative solution and their marriage ends in divorce. Another possible reason may be different life objective. Such as one spouse wants child at the beginning of the marriage while another partner may want to delay to establish good career.
In this way love has failed in the life of many husbands and wives due to misunderstanding, financial problem, and difference in caste and religion different life objective and so on. As a result their marriage ends in divorce. In this way husband’s bad behavior of drinking wine, husband’s demand for dowry, mismatch in their birth order are some of reasons that end their marriage in divorce.
3.      Describe a loving couple you know whose relationship is an example to others. [2072 for 10 marks]
Ans: My friend, Jivan and his wife, Rima are the best loving couple I know. They both live near my village. They are really example to others in their village. They understand and respect to each other’s feelings and attitudes. My friend Jivan never starts any new work without asking to his wife, Rima and she also gives very concrete and logical advice to her husband. They solve any problem by discussing speak lie with each other. They share their experiences and feelings openly. They have good understanding and mutual cooperation. They trust to each other. My friend, Jivan is very funny and romantic, too. Sometimes he tells jokes and makes his wife laugh. If there is any misunderstanding between them, they talk openly and become clear.
They both are on the way of progress. Jivan has a government job and Rima teaches in private English medium school. They have their own house and sufficient land. The couples, sometimes, go for the short tour and become fresh. They always seem to keep each other happy. Rima is going to be mother very soon. They are living very happily and have become example to others in their village. I also respect to his couple and wish for their bright future.
4.      Do women make friends more easily than men do? Do they know how to be better friends than men do? Explain [2073 for 15 marks]
Ans: It is difficult to say who makes friends more easily either man or woman however I think woman can me friends more easily by observing woman’s behavior and activities.
Naturally women are loyal and sensitive to others. They can understand feelings of others well. Like men, women don’t make and leave the friends in a hurry. So, they can make the friends easily than men. Similarly, they are polite and have the feelings of affection and supportiveness to others. Their affection and supportiveness attract to others and finally they become friends with others. Women are kind hearted. They can’t see the difficulties of others and they become friends with others while helping them.
The next reason may be women are emotional and get attached easily, so they can’t let their friends go easily. Similarly understanding is the other essential factor of friendship which is more with women than men. In spite of being far, women share their feelings on the mobile or face book and understand the feelings of each other. Similarly, the next reason may also be that very few person reject women’s request to be friend and finally the become friends.
5.      Using transition Words. [TU 2072 for 2 marks]
Choose the better of the two transition words within parentheses and rewrite each item as one sentence with a semicolon or as two sentences separated by a period.
a. Some people feel that total honesty is essential in a loving relationship others feel it is dangerous to be completely honest. (However/ therefore) [2071]
Ans: Some people feel that total honesty is essential in a loving relationship. However, others feel it is dangerous to be completely honest.
b. One writer feels that good lies lead to a good marriage a person should lie in order not to hurt the spouse’s feeling. (However/ in other words) [2072]
Ans: Lack of communication is at the top of the “destructive” list so we can see how important communication is to a healthy loving relationship.
c. Selfishness can eventually destroy a loving relationship an unforgiving nature can make disappear very quickly.
Ans. Selfishness can eventually destroy a loving relationship, but an unforgiving nature can make disappear very quickly.
d. A lack of trust is a problem, for destruct can weaken any relationship.
Ans.  A lack of trust is a problem, for destruct can weaken any relationship.
e. A perfectionist can make the other person fell incompetent the other person may feel it is pointless trying to please the perfectionist.
Ans.  A perfectionist can make the other person fell incompetent, so the other person may feel it is pointless trying to please the perfectionist.
6.      using Subordinating Conjunctions.
Identity the two independent clauses in each item. then combine them using subordinating conjunctions: because, even though, if, unless. you may use some words more than once.
a. Acceptance and a sense of humor aren’t the qualities, most people think of first they are very important qualities in a loving relationship.
Ans: Even though acceptance and a sense of humor aren’t the qualities, most people think of first they are very important qualities in a loving relationship.
b. Acceptance and a sense of humor aren’t the qualities, most people think first they are very important qualities in a loving relationship.
Ans: If we really love someone, it means we love the person as they are, not as we would like them to be.
c. Not everything in life turns out the way we want a sense of humor about life is a way of accepting what comes our way.
Ans: Because not everything in life turns out the way we want, a sense of humor about life is a way of accepting what comes our way.
d. A sense of humor can make us feel rich and happy it is not the result of how many possessions we have.
Ans: A sense of humor can make us feel rich and happy even though it is not the result of how many possessions we have.
e. Some people take themselves and life too seriously, they can become easily disappointed when thing turn out differently than they expect.
Ans: Because some people take themselves and life too seriously, they can become easily disappointed when thing turn out differently than they expect.
f. We can say that we see the humor in life we are quick to laugh at ourselves and the difficulties life bring.
Ans: We can say that we see the humor in life if we are quick to laugh at ourselves and the difficulties life bring.
g. A relationship can become boring and predictable the people in the relationship have a sense of humor.
Ans: A relationship can become boring and predictable, unless the people in the relationship have a sense of humor.
7.      Editing for Run-On Sentences.
Rewrite the paragraph, correcting the run-on sentences. Some run-on sentences can be corrected in more than one way.
Some people are probably more successful in their relationship they have the qualities essential to loving relationship. The lack of these qualities is probably the cause of many problems we have with other people many of us would benefit from developing those qualities we don’t have. For example, many people get married and divorced over and over again others don’t get along with coworkers on the job. Perhaps their lives would be easier if they were better at communication if they were more honest about their feelings.
Ans: Some people are probably more successful in their relationship they have the qualities essential to loving relationship. The lack of these qualities is probably the cause of many problems we have with other people. Therefore, many of us would benefit from developing those qualities we don’t have. For example, many people get married and divorced over and over again. In addition, others don’t get along with coworkers on the job. Perhaps their lives would be easier if they were better at communication and if they were more honest about their feelings.

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