Saturday, October 13, 2012

Richard Cummins / An opposing view Richard Cummins

An opposing view
                           Richard Cummins
          When the article of Rothenberg was published a lot of responses appeared in the newspaper. Among them Richard Cummins also could not help publishing his ideas. He opposed the idea of Rotherberg and try to establish the web as an inevitable part of modern students.
          Richard Cummins appreciates the logus given by Rothenberg but he criticizes the marrow concept of Rothenberg Cummins argues that the available materials should be provided to the students so that they can make their writing and thinking even better. Similarly he rejects the idea of originality and clarifies that there is no infabaur of modern techniques that enable the students to increase their quality.
          Cummins uses the metaphor of a spider and a fly. It is up to the students whether to become a spider or a fly. In other words good and evil come together. Whether we take the good aspects or the bad ones depends an aurselves. So the web is not responsible for the destruction of students for their plight.
          Therefore the teachers should not advocate for banning (to respect) the modern techniques but they should teach the students how to get benefit out of them –
·        Personal persuasive essay
·        Educational hazards ( dangerous situation) of the world wide web (www)
·        Rothenberg’s criticism of students use of www
·        The use of interest is don’t read just connect, slarf (search), download, cut and paste 

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