Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Role of youth in development of nation

Role of youth in development of nation
Simply, a nation is the area or a country which is beneath the control of government making the fixed decree which is implemented only under its frontier. A nation can be developed only when it is under the run of good ruler and through the proper consumption of available resources of the country with the help of manpower of the nation.
For the proper development of the nation, today’s youth are more responsible and they are also the main theme. The realm can be easily developed through the joint effort of the youth. Youth’s people are the age group consisting of power and strength and can easily change their nation according to their whims. Youths are also known as the pillar of the nation. So the nation could easily develop when the youths are in the government sector.
A nation cannot develop only through the individual. Proper participation is needed for the proper development of the nation. Instead of roaming here and there, if the youth makes their one participation in different field then this participation ultimately takes the nation towards the path of growth. Today’s youth are the outlook of tomorrow so they should also be aware about it and make proper participation among themselves and involved in different field of development of the nation.
Since, there is lack of proper employment opportunities in the developing countries like Nepal; today’s youth are in the process of going to the foreign countries for the proper employment which creates the parent country huge loss of manpower. Instead of going to the foreign countries, if the youth tried to involve in different field like agriculture, trade, and industries than the country could be developed. Beside, in case of the barren land of the government, if the youth involved in production sector instead of that they can give tax to the government and if the government do not interfere on it then also the nation could be developed.

In conclusion, if all the youth of our or any other developing countries been to foreign countries for job than foreign nation could be more developed instead of our nation. So, the government should pay proper attention towards it and encourages them to settle over here and guarantee them about the proper facilities and proper economic gain. Only then, through the joint effort of these youths the country could take part in different field which takes the nation towards the path of development.

Role of youth in the development of nation

Role of youth in the development of nation
Development means the physical change that occur in the country the development change the country in various ways .The development of the country helps the people to be dutiful by which  the can change the  life style of the people of the native nation .Development may be fast and slow .if the people of the certain country is intelligent then  surely HE/SHE can develop the country .If the citizen of the country isn’t educated the  new things and creative works cannot  be done by HIS/HER mind.
The youth plays the great role for the development  of the nation .The  youth of the new generation can do the creative things for the benefit of the nation which can lead the nation towards the development .If the youth  wanted to utilize the natural resources then HE/SHE can use the resources in the best way which can generate the more amount of benefit .The youth plays the vital role for  the  preservation and promotion and preservation of the natural resources and the development of the nation .The advantage of youth are; the youth can change the nation as they  like ,they do the things which maximize the cost of the goods and which benefit the nation .They also establish the factory which can develop the  nation.
The role played by the youth in the development works of the nation has also got the disadvantages too .The youth are developing the nation by the wish of their  feeling  which is different way which  can change the nation in a bad way .The youths are doing the corruption as they thinking, other don’t know about corruption .The youths are doing  corruption by indirectly  .The youth can be taken as negatively or positively. The youths are going to abroad which are benefit fot the native for the native country.
 . The youth are going to abroad and they are doing the work which is benefit for the native country. The abroad country is increasing the development of the own country. The youth who has gone to abroad plays the great role. If they  are not  gone to the abroad and work for the own country then the country  will be developed . The youth who has already gone to abroad  have earn the foreign currency .If  the youth has worked  for  their own country then the country  will be develop fast .
Hence, above explanation shows that the youth plays  a great role in the development of the nation. For the development of nation the youth must not go to abroad which decrease the capital amount . The amount can be use  to the further development of  nation .Along the youth  should be educated ,the educated people can change the nation as quick as the other country.

Role of women in development of Nation

                        Role of women in development
            Woman  are those who can move the country toward the development. There is great role of woman to make the country beautiful. They have equal rights like a boy’s. Education must be given equally to both boy’s  and  girls. Woman must  be focused for the higher education.
  There is a great role of woman to develop the nation and move towards the ray of light. They   have right to take parts in each and every field of development works such as doctor, nurse ,engineer, pilot, and various construction works to. As  far  as  possible education must  be provided to those places where woman are still backward. Different programs which help to provide education and knowledge must be raised among the number of society. As for the development of our country woman must be forward in each and every field of the work.

   Different social works and construction works which help’s to move the society forward is done by the woman. As  woman  is equal in the context  of man. Woman  are being  more popular than man in every technical works. So government must be aware and raise awareness program in all the society and the village for the importance of the education to woman.


      Technical education are those education which we gain practically. It has its own importance. That’s why it is very important for us in the context of developing education. It helps to think about the things to be done technically. In the similar way, in the present condition technical education has great importance. People of today are not reading their text books, they have done many practical for improving their skills, knowledge and techniques. That’s why it is necessary for us to have technical knowledge.
   Technical education helps to work in different field. For e.g. technical education is very important in doctor, engineering and so on. Without technical education, it is impossible to develop our country.  Most of the people in our country are giving more priority to the technical education than others. For e.g. students in school prefer technical education specially in HPE ,SOCIAL and SCIENCE.Therefore technical education is very important  new nation.
   There are many benefit of technical education as well as disadvantages. With technical education,we can develop knowledge, skills and we will be well trained.For e.g. for running industry in Nepal, the workers are given  technical education i.e. they are trained for different works. As a result, they become perfect in building good catching capacity power. Many of the scientists also proved that, in many schools and colleges, practical
education are necessary .     
       In the context 0f development, technical education is more important than other because while involving in political, social and economical field,technical education is required.Political leader also need technical education about how to progress the nation  . Many of the mechanics also need techniques for performing various kinds of activities. In this way, there is a great importance of technical education for the development of nation. So, technical education should be started to provide in every field.
     Therefore, technical education plays a great role in the development of nation .Technical education should be spread all over the world. If the technical education is provided, then surely the country will be in progress. People can think deeply about the process of developing nation, about how to increase efficiency of the people. And also how to make people aware about the importance of technical education.

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