Sunday, May 19, 2013

Inclusive Education (B Ed 1st Year Compulsory English)

Inclusive Education
This article mainly focuses on the inclusive education that remained an issue education from a long year back. It mainly tires to find how the inclusive education plays an important role to enhance the citizens belonging to different strata in terms of language, geographical locations, ethnicity, gender, economic situation, culture, etc. to participate in the mainstream of social and political life and the national development.
           The author views that political speeches and good wishes are not sufficient for making the people able to participate in different kinds of political and socio-economic activities. There should be a separate provision i.e. educational provision to support and develop the mainstream. The different projects like primary education project. Basic and primary education project and primary education development project are launched according to the ideas of inclusive education. Many people were given the opportunities to the mainstream of education in an inclusive by developing materials for them, building the school infrastructures, training teachers and so on. Even today, the project is over, the different activities done in that period are worthy. The supply side of education by providing and supporting the different activities in the school environment, the entire systems are brushed up or developed to uplift the quality of education.
           With the pressure on the government as well as on civil society and concerned authorities, the system of inclusive education is finally implemented. Thus, for meaningful inclusion, the persons included most have the strength to serve the purpose for which they are included. There should be the participation of all level students to be part of an inclusive education. Necessity of internal mechanism and the entire system should be managed properly in order to implement this system appropriately. There are different ways to achieve the inclusion in education; however, it is not as easy as we think upon it. The current activities of government may not be adequate or sufficient to bring inclusiveness in its educational policy. The financial support is the important factor to conduct different projects. By the help of strong financial support, it is easy to provide the opportunities for implementing the inclusive education in all levels.
           Thus, to implement inclusiveness in education, it is necessary to consider mainly three issues; adequate school space, parental demands, and positive treatment in school.  Furthermore, the adequate space for children, parents, responsibility in education for their children and the managerial aspect in the school should be properly cared.

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