Tuesday, May 26, 2020

English Reading Comprehension

10.75.AP.2. Read the text and do the tasks.   10
I entered the building, and as instructed by the curator, I bought a ticket and hired a special hand machine that will play the recorded voice to explain to me everything in English. As I passed the administrative building, I came across a beautiful garden; it was full of pointed shapes of fir and pine trees, giving the best proof of French topiary. Far away stood other trees like walnut, juniper and yew, birds chirruped from the top. Among the topiary art stood a huge black bust, on top of which lay a drooping figure of Rodin. Not Rodin himself but a magnificent sculpture of him. It is commonly known as Rodin’s Thinking Man. The Thinking Man squatted on a large and tall marble slab, in half bent posture and pensive mood. This is one of the masterpieces in modern art, an incomparable work. Rodin’s pensive mood is remarkable.

Three years ago I had visited a smaller museum in Baltimore; Sewa had joined me from Illinois. In that very small museum, Rodin’s copy too was quite small. Rodin’s little thinker in Baltimore was a black metal work, just a replica. I remember writing an article which reminds us of our visit to Baltimore, and van Gogh’s Irises. It got published in Antarderisti edited by Jyoti Ghimire of the USA.

A.   Match the words/phrases in column ‘A’ with the appropriate information

in column ‘B’

Column ‘A’
Column ‘B’

a. special hand machine
i. edited by Jyoti Ghimire

b. beautiful garden
ii. is in Baltimore

c. replica of Rodin
iii. pointed shapes of fir and pines

d. magnificent sculpture
iv. known as Rodin’s Thinking man
e. Antarderisti
v. explained everything in English

vi. the masterpiece.

B.  Answer the following questions.
a. How did the writer get into the museum?

b.   How was the garden of the museum?

c.    What is known as ‘Rodin’s Thinking Man’?

d.   What is remarkable about ‘Rodin’s Thinking Man’?
e.    What is the difference between Rodin in Paris and Rodin in Baltimore?

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