Saturday, February 18, 2017

Doze bridges being constructed in Tinau

Doze bridges being constructed in Tinau

Tilottama (Rupandehi), Feb 18: The Road Division Office, Butwal is set to reconstruct a dozen bridges over the Tinau River in Rupandehi.
The construction of motor able bridges over the River had begun in 2067 BS. Among them, the construction of bridges except the one located nearby Butwal suspension bridge has yet to be completed.
According to the office, 11 bridges are under construction right at the moment. Considering the inconvenience to cross Tinau River especially in the Rainy Season, the bridge construction has been expedited to ease the movements, shared Road Division Office Spokesperson Engineer Jaya Lal Marasini.
The bridge construction drive is moving ahead at the cost of around Rs 1 billion.
Many bridges are being constructed on the roads linking Gautam Buddha's birthplace, Lumbini, from the East-West Highway. The bridge construction drive that started in 2067 BS is likely to be completed by 2076 BS.
The bridges are expected to shorten the travel distance to the rural areas of Rupandehi from Butwal. The construction of bridge linking Butwal-13 Devinagar and Motipur has expedited in a way to complete the works within a couple of months.
Likewise, the reconstruction of suspension bridge nearby Commerce Campus has been paced up as it was swept away by the last year's flood. RSS

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