Saturday, May 4, 2013

What is poverty?

Poverty is not natural. It is manmade and therefore, it can be overcome by the action of man. The first question that arises in every person's mind when they think about solution to climb out of poverty is “why they don’t they go out and get a job?” but work is scare particularly for those with minimum qualification or health problems. “Overcoming poverty is not a task of charity, it is an act of justice” quoted Nelson Mandela. If we are given more by God then we should not back our hands from sharing a little with needy ones. After all, it is not charity but an act of justice. “People talk about poverty and the poor like it’s so easy to not be poor”, says Geoffrey Canada. Education is what a person needs in order to climb out of poverty. To get education formally is not an easy work; it demands sufficient money and good health. Poverty is stage being hand to mouth. Formal education for poor person is dream. If only poor deserving students would get scholarship they could achieve qualifications. Poor should be provided sufficient basic needs by various welfare schemes.

People living in poverty knows about it’s quite as simple to get out of as people make out. To make person climb out of poverty we must be careful to build ladders. Every coin has two sides, so does poverty. On one sides it is full of pain and misery, on other poverty depends on one’s own thinking. Rural like Abraham Lincoln grew up poor. Even Nelson Mandela was born poor. These ideas accepted challenges, faced them and bravely swarm out of poverty. One should be mentally prepared for every circumstance of their lives. Bad times value good time. Poverty forces people to be strong and tough enough to fight back with its wall. Yes, poverty can lead youth to wrong path. Poor to overcome hunger need food. They don’t care if it’s stolen, robbed or what so ever. Hard-work can lead them out of poverty.

Many children are living their life by working in factories or working for parents. They suffer from an inadequate supply of basic daily needs and lack of support like Slavery, poverty is actions of human. Government of a country is responsible to help the poor. Government can provide employment to poor parents. Child labor should be banned not only in paper but in practice. These children should be given what they deserve by government. Children must get their right and government has to provide them proper food, housing, clothes, healthcare and free education. Government should order various NGO to provide job skills training to poor one. Government should care about poor people more and more by many different ways to help them like various charity programs. Besides, they should encourage everyone to get education because that is a unique way that people need to escape poverty. There should be progressive tax system. Bonus and grants should be provided to poor people to encourage working hard and with determination. Our neighboring countries have overcome poverty to vast extent. This by their government should be sure that the money marked for programs for poverty alleviation must reach the needy people in full. Then and then only can poverty be removed.
Family plays an important role in overcoming poverty. Family members should support each other in that crisis situation. Parents work hard to fill children stomach. Children can help their parent by doing house hold things. Each family member must be hardworking and self-dependent. “Poverty is tough on families in many ways”, says Geoffrey Canada. Families have to go through hard time but if they encourage and support each other than that will be a little relief. Lack of proper food and clothes can make children sad and they show their anger to parent state. When they grew little older they can help their parent happy with hard work and honesty. Parent should send their children to school to achieve education. So what they suffered their children don’t need to. If their child becomes educated he/she can uplift their living standard.

Poverty can be alleviated by providing proper education to all the citizens of a country. Good governance and stable political system can help the poor. Family members as stated by Geoffrey Canada though have to go through hard time they need to be back support for each member. Poor should accept challenges and fight against like Abraham Lincoln, Nelson Mandela so they can overcome poverty. Poverty is creation of man so, man has solution to overcome it.

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