Thursday, May 9, 2013

Elements of Fiction (continued...) (B A 2nd Year Major English)

1.                 Fairy Tale
·        Like tale fairy tale is also the early form of story.
·        It is also a collected story in oral tradition with the anonymous author.
·        Fairy tale the subject matter is either the suffering of orphans or the prince hunting.
·        The setting of fairy tale is mostly countryside area.
·        There is the suffering of the virtue character by the cruelty of vice character in the beginning   
       like in 'Hansel and Gretel.'
·        But in the ending there is poetic justice or happy ending with the punishment to vice.
·        Fairy tale has a lot of magic or miracle with the use of supernatural element.
·        So its plot has romance and fantasy.

Like tale fairy tale is also an early form of story which is a collected story. It is orally transmitted from generation to generation even the author is eponymous in a fairy tale. The subject matter of a fairy tale can be seen in two ways. It can be either about the prince and prince's hunting in the jungle which is the reflection of the high class or it can also be the suffering of the helpless and poor orphans reflecting the low class. The story in a fairy tale begins with the suffering of the virtue of good characters due to the cruelty of vice or bad character like in 'Hansal and Greatel'. The virtue character experience suffering a lot but is poetic justice which means virtue characters win and vice character get punishment like in 'Hansal and Greatel'. All fairy tales have happy ending or true is no tragedy in the fairy tale.

Another significant feature of a fairy tale is that it was a lot of magic miracle which is not possible in our real life. There is the present of the super nature in the fairy tale like the which in 'Hansal and Greate'. Moreover there are also unbelievable action such as a cake house in the jungle and a bird helping the children to cross the river to Hansal and Greatel. This is called use of fantasy and romance in the plot of a fairy tale.

2.                 Realism and Realistic story
·        Realism is the 19th century movement in literature and realistic story is based on the theory of realism.
·        This theory focus on depicting literature as the mirror of reality by using real like character and setting and probable action.
·        In fiction realism has been much popularized by English writer Charls Dickens friench writer Moupassant and Russian writer Chekhov.
·        Realistic story have no use of fantasy and romance in plot.
·        Guy De Moupassant's 'Moonlight' or james joice 'Clay' are same example of realistic stories.

Realism is a great movement in the 19th century that was developed and used in literature. Realism is the theory related to the ideology that literature as the mirror of reality should reflect and represent the real world as its true picture. In other words realism is always concerned with depicting the real world in the imaginary world of fiction. Realistic story are based on the theory of realism and the realistic writers use the real like character and setting along with the probable action which are possible to happen in reality. Realistic stories were produce in England by Charles Dickens. Guide Maupassant in France and Anton Chekhov in Russia. Maupassant 'Moonlight' and James Joyce's 'Clay' are same example of realistic story. The plot of the realistic story is completely different from the plot of fairy tale because the plot of such story there are not only magical and miraculous actions every probable real like action happen in the realistic story. So the plot of a realistic story has no use of fantasy and romance.

3.                 Fabulation
·        19th century was dominated by realism.
·        20th century story writer related to realism and developed a new story called fabulation.
·        Fabulation is the combination between realism and fantasy it has the word like the realistic story and that of a fairy tale.
·        This type of story is more complex and satiric in narration.
·        It has the use of some serious tragic element.
·        Such story always gives some moral lesson to the readers.

The 19th century was completely dominated by realism and realistic stories were highly popular during this period. 20th century story writers produced a new story which is called fabulation developed as a reaction to realism in fiction. The writers of fabulaton combined realism and fantasy so fabulation is like a realistic story as well as a fairy tale. In order words it has the use of element of element found in a realistic on the one hand and on the other hand it has also the use of fantasy and mystery like in a fairy tale.

But fabulation is neither a realistic story on a fairy tale because it has its different features. This  story has the setting of modern world and  it is strongly satiric in style the satire in fabulation is address to the modern corrupted people. This story id always tragic to reflect the growing tragedy of the modern world. In the same way fabulation always gives a serious moral lesson to the people. D.H. Loreence's ' the rocking horse winner' is a best example of the fabulation. In this story as a fabulation there is batter satire to the materially corrupted modern people and a serious moral lesson that material corruption leads towards destruction.

4.                  Meat- fiction
·        Fiction is the produced of the writer's imaginary characters and action.
·        Meta fiction is also a type of fiction but it is a different style of writing fiction.
·        Meta means beyond and fiction means story this combination reflects that meta-fiction is not only story but is different style of writing fiction.
·        In reality writers of meta-fiction tell the readers about the process of writing the story but something out of it.
·        In meta-fiction we are informed that a story is not ready but product of fancy.
·        Writes of meta-fiction tell us that the author is like god and fiction is just creation.
·        It is the author who create & action but in the way he likes.
·        He makes it clean that fictional world is not reality but an illusion & reality.
·        John Fowls the French lieutenant's the French lieutenant's woman is the best example of meta-fiction.

Fiction generally means the imaginary world created by the writer with the imaginary character and action and meta-fiction is also the kind if fiction which is a different stage of writing the story. The word meta-fiction is made up of the words: 'meta' and 'fiction'. The word Meta means beyond of out and the fiction means story. This combination of the word clearly reflects and idea that meta-fiction there is the story character and action like in the other story but in such story of meta-fiction, there is also a lot of comment related to how a story is created.

The writer of meta-fiction tell the reader the reality that is almost powerful like god and everything in fiction such as characters and actions are controlled by author. Moreover it is also clear in a meta-fiction that characters and action ate presented in the way that the author likes to present them. Even though fictional word look like reality, the writer's of the meta-fiction tells us that fiction is not the reality but it is an illusion of the reality. The illusory world if fiction is created just for the pleasure. The French lieutenant's 'woman' by Jhon fowls is the best example of the meta-fiction.

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