Thursday, May 9, 2013

Elements of Fiction (continued...) (B A 2nd Year Major English)

1.                 Plot

·        Plot is the arrangement of action in plot
·        It is the systematic presentation of the story
·        There are three types of plot used if fiction:
1.     traditional plot
2.     flashback plot
3.     stream of consciousness of plot
·        A plot has following episodes element
-           Exposition
-           Development
-           Conflict
-           Climax
-           Resolution

Plot in a fiction is the arrangement of action in order to present the style in the systematic and meaningful way. So plot is the weapon to present the subject matter of a story. There are three type of plot mostly used in fiction. The first type of plot is called traditional plot which is a very popular and common way of writing story. In such plot actions are systematically presented in the chronological order without breaking the sequence. The other type of plot is called flashback plot which is the twisted type of presenting in the story. In such plot the story begins with somewhere middles part and past of the character and action are connected with the memory which is called flashback. The next plot is called stream of consciousness which is named metaphorically. Human mind is metaphorically like is a stream and our flow of thinking is metaphorically similar with the follow of water in a stream.  So in such plot the story is complex because the writer takes the reader in the mind and thinking of the characters. James Joyce introduces and popularizes this plot.

In a plot of fiction there are some episodes of elements. In the beginning introduction of the plot, there is the introduction of character and setting. it is called exposition. After the exposition there is the development in plot which is the relationship of the characters. The next element is not conflict which is the heart of plot. This is the clash between good and evil characters and conflict cause rising action in plot. The pick point of plot is climax and after climax actions are almost finished. So climax is falling action. The ending of the plot is called relation which can be comic and tragic. If there is happy ending there is comic solution resolution and unhappy ending is called tragic resolution.

2.                           Setting
·        Setting is the place and the time related to action in faction
·        It is about where and when a action happen
·        A place where action happen is spatial setting
·        The time when action happen is temporal setting
·        Special setting can microcosm or macrocosm
·        Temporal setting can be a point of time or a period of time

Setting is related to the place and the time where and when action happen in a fiction.

In order words, the place where action happened and the time when action happened is called setting. The place setting the place setting is also called temporal setting. So both spatial and temporal setting make the setting complete.

The place is setting is called spatial setting can be microcosm or macrocosm. Microcosm is spatial setting is related to a small place where action happen like a room, a house, a bus, a boat etc can be taken as a example of microcosm. Macrocosm is a big place where action happened. The natural places such as a jungle, river, sea, etc are some example of such setting. Temporal setting can be either a point time of a period of time such as ten year ago, 1973, last January, spring and last week are the some example of the temporal setting.

3.                 Character/ Characterization
·        Character: human figure created in the fictional world
·        They look like real but they unreal
·        Identity in many ways
1.    individual character and typical character
2.    flat and round character
3.    developing and develop character
·        In terms of action:
1.    Protagonist and antagonist
2.    confident and foil
3.    dandy and clown

Characters are the human figures created in the fictional world by the writer. Such fictional character looks like very similar with the human ways but they are not real alt all because they don't have any existence in the real world. Even they characters are unreal, they act and react very exactly like the real people.

Characters are praised in many ways and the most important category is individual and typical category. Individual character has no any link with a group or a race of people because he or she represent only to himself or herself. On the other hand, typical character is the symbolic character representing a group or a race of people. Flat character is a simple in identity but round character is complex. Developing character is in the process of change while developed character is unchanged.

          In terms of role playing or action, there are other identities of the character such as protagonist, antagonist, confident, foil, dandy and clown. Protagonist is the central character with the positive role even called hero and heroine and antagonist is also the central character with the negative role even called villain. Confident character is close to the protagonist and foil character is close to the antagonist. A clown is a comic character and uses in the humorous propose while a dandy is a showy character guided by the artificial values.

4.                           Narration/Point of view (v.v.i)
·        Narration: the style of telling story
·        Point of view our understanding with the help of the narration
·        Two types of narration
1.  First person narration
2.  Third person narration

A Story or a fiction is presented by a story teller called narrator. The narrator way of telling the story is called narration. We begin to understand the story which is called point of vied. So point viewer is the understanding of the readers about the story with the help of the narrator. A drama and fiction are different because of narration as a drama has no narrator but a story has the narrator. We watch drama on the stage and we make our own point of view in fiction. So in fiction there is either the first person narration of the third person narration.

In the first person narration the narrator is present as the first person narration T. 1st person narration gives us limited point of view, because he does not know everything about the factional world. Such narrator has double role to play narrator as well as character. The narration in the 'Great Gatsby' or in 'shooting an elephant' is the first person narration. In the third person narration, the narrator is identified and is reality it is the writer himself. In the third person narration there is the use of third person narration such as 'he, she and they' and the proper nouns. The narrator in the third person narration plays only one role of the narrator and he is not character. He is all knowing narrator and he gives omniscient narration. 'Hasal and Greatel' or the 'moonlight' are the same example of the third person narration.

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