Thursday, May 9, 2013

Element of Fiction (B A 2nd Year Major English) Fiction

Elements of Fiction

1.                 Fiction, fact and truth

·        Fiction a made up story an imagination
·        Fact a happened event a reality
·        Origin Latin language: fiction from 'fingere' and fact from 'facer'
·        Fiction and fact look like contradictory but the matter is different
·        The relation between fact and fiction can be seen in history
·        History, 1. Second of reality happen action, 2. supposed to have happened action
·        So history as fact and fiction together
·        Fact and fiction not contradictory but complementary
·        Truth in fiction present but invisible a matter of interpretation

Fiction is made up story out of (within) imagination which means it unreal fact is related to reality. So fiction and fact look like contradictory to each other. When we study the root or origin of fact and fiction both of this words are derived from Latin language fiction come from 'fingere' and fact comes from 'facere' the first means imagination and the other means reality. It also reflects that fiction and facts are contradictory to each other. But the relationship between fact and fiction is some thing different which can be analyzed with the help of history. History has been defined in to two ways: 1. the record of events really happened in the past (past). 2. The records of events supposed to happened in the past (fiction). This definition of history clearly reflects that fiction and fact aren't contradictory but they are complementary to each other. Not only history all the other discipline and human activities have the presence of both fact and fiction. So fact and fiction are interrelated to each other something fact finally changes in to fiction because only fiction can be give permanent existence to fact so fact is the subject matter of fiction which fiction is the medium to record fact. Therefore fiction and fact are always related to each other.

2.                 Fiction: Experience and analysis

·        Fiction a made up story with imaginary character and action
·        Experience of fiction to enter its imaginary world and read it
·        For a movement we forget the real world and lose ourselves it
·        As reader, we have limited role to play fiction
·        We can only read and experience it neither can we after its world can we stop character from action.
·        After experiencing the fictional world, we can some back to reality.
·        It is somehow similar with coming back from dream.
·        Analysis in its interpretation, it is done after experience gives the meaning.

          Experiences of fiction mean reading the fictional world. This is an imaginary world. In other words, a fiction is a made op story with imaginary characters and actions. Created out of the writer's imagination, when we inter the imaginary world of fiction, we begin to experience it by reading and the more we read it. For a moment we forget the reality because we are lost in the imaginary world with imaginary people and actions. Experiencing the fiction as reader has certain limitation for us because our role is to read and experience such imaginary world. More than reading we can do nothing or we can't after the fictional world can not we do not change the characters nor can we prevent them form those actions which we dislike. We read the fictional world as it is we experienced it can finally we come back to reality. To some extent experiencing the fiction is more or less similar with coming back from dream. So fictional world is like a dream and it has a long distance from the world of reality.

After experiencing the fiction, we come to reality and then we make its analysis. Analysis of fiction is making the interpretation or judgment of the fictional world. For the analysis of fiction it should be first experience which means only after reading the fictional world we make it analysis. Analysis of fiction is done by linking it with the world of reality.

3.                 Spectrum of fiction

·        Spectrum of spectra is the world related to sunlight
·        The spectrum of sunlight is made up of seven different colorful rays of light such a infrared and ultraviolet
·        This spectrum of sunlight is visible in a rainbow
·        Fictional spectrum is a metaphor used here for its structure
·        Its spectrum is related to history, realism, romance and fantasy

          Spectrum is the world related to the sunlight. In other words spectrum is the combination of the seven different colorful rays of light which are found in the sunlight and they can be visible when we see the rainbow. Many colorful rays of light such as inferred and ultraviolet are found in the rainbow and it is the total spectrum of the sunlight. In fiction there is neither inferred nor ultraviolet rays of light. So the word spectrum in fiction is used metaphorically. As there are seven different colorful rays of light in the spectrum of sunlight, there are also different elements in the spectrum of fiction. Like the spectrum of the sunlight, Fictional spectrum doesn't have any inferred and ultraviolet light but it is related to history, realism, romance and fantasy.

          History can be a subject matter of fiction and such a fiction is called historical fiction. The writer of the historical fiction uses the historical events and presents then in the structure of story. Realism is the matte of perception and vision. Writers using realism in fiction present such story by adopting the real life in fiction such story is called realistic story. Fantasy is dream like imagination and romance is the picture if the ideal world with the presence of super nature is called romance fiction. So history, realism, romance and fantasy make the spectrum of fiction which can be reflected in the following figure.

Spectrum of fiction

History                 Realism                Romance              Fantasy

4.                 Modes and patterns of fiction

·        In fictional world the imaginary characters are presented in realistic and non-realistic way
·        In the non-realistic fiction, the fictional world is either better than the reality of whose
·        In such fiction, we can see different modes and patterns
·        First mode: comic rise and ironic rise
·        Second mode: tragic fall and pathetic fall
·        Third mode: heroic and anti-heroic

          In this imagery world of fiction writers create imaginary characters and actions. While creating a fictional world writer may create it by using the realistic world. In history and realism there is realistic world and in fantasy and romance there is non-realistic world. Writer of fiction in such fictional world create either batter or worse picture of reality. In such development of the fictional world, there are three modes and six patterns possible to be developed.

          In the first type of fictional modes, comic rise and irony rise and developed. In same fictions writers create ideally prefect world with perfect and educated characters. Then there is the entry of an imperfect and low character all the actions and interaction by the imperfect character in the perfect world arouses a comic effect over the readers. It is called comic rise. It is also possible that writers of fiction may crate an imperfect world with low love characters. In such a world there is the entry of a perfect and a educated character which arouses positive hope to the readers. But ironically such perfect character also become corrupted and it is called satiric and ironic rise. The second mode of fiction includes tragic fall and pathetic fall. In a fictional world if the central character falls from prosperity to depravity because of his own mistake. It is called the central character falls from happiness to sadness because of fate. It is called pathetic fall in the third type of mode there are the patterns of heroic and anti-heroic  This related to love story. In love story in the separated lovers finally reunite by overcoming all social villain, it is called heroic and anti-heroic patterns. If even in the ending of the story such lovers aren't reunited, it is called anti-heroic patterns.

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