Thursday, November 29, 2012

Yudhisthira's Wisdom BA & BBS 1ST YEAR ENGLISH

Yudhisthira's Wisdom

Literal Comprehension:

Once when the Pandava brothers were in exile, they decided to kill a deer. They saw a deer and followed it but it disappeared. Being thirsty, Yudhisthira sent his brothers one by one to search water. When they didn't return, Yudhistira went himself to know what had happened. He saw his brothers lying dead on the bank of the pool. He knew that they had ignored the Yaksha and he had cursed them. However, he obeyed Yaksha and answered all his questions sincerely. The Yaksha being impressed promised to save one of the Yudhisthira’s brothers. When Yudhisthira chose Nakula, his step-brother, the Yaksha was even more impressed by his wisdom, fairness and justice. He appeared as the Yama in front of the Yudhisthira and revived all his

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The writer may be trying to show the importance of wisdom, obedience to God and patience. If Yudhisthira looked these qualities all the Pandava brothers could have been lost. The story tells us to give up pride, anger and desire to live happy life. It also shows the importance of the fairness and justice. These things are always rewarded. The writer also tries to show the greatest person in the world answering his questions. The Yaksha had given the same warning of the to the other Pandava brothers also but they ignored him and he cursed. He requested the Yaksha to ask his questions and promised to answer them as well as he could.
The Yaksha's first question was: what makes sun shine?  The answer was- the power of the god. The second was – what is the surest weapon against the danger? The answer was courage. The third question was- what gives a man more than the earth does? www.paniroti.comThe answer was 'mother'. The fourth question was – when does a man become loved by all? The answer was 'when he gives up pride'. The fifth question was – when does a man become happy? The answer was  'when he gives up all his anger'. The last question was – when does a man become rich? The answer was when he gives up all desire.
The Yaksha was very impressed by Yudhisthira's replies and he promised to save all Pandava brothers. Yudhisthira requested him to save Nakula, the son of his step-mother. The Yaksha was even more impressed by his wisdom, justice and fairness. So he appeared as the Yama, Yudhisthira’s heavenly father, the God of death and justices. He revived all the brothers of Yudhisthira. He also suggested them to go to Matsya with Draupadi. He even promised them to save in future

Critical thinking:

Although this story teaches us some very important lesSon, some ideas of the writer are not agreeable. Are there Gods? If so, what is the existence of them? Can we find such ideal brother like Yudhisthira in this selfish world? Can such complicated questions have so simple answers? Does the sun really shine by the power of the God? Is courage the surest weapon against danger? Is patience or wisdom really rewarded? So I don't agree with the writer


After reading this text I learnt a great moral lesson. This story also changed the mode of my life. Before reading this story I was impatient, unwise and unjust. So, I couldn't become successful in life. I was ambitious, proud and moody. So my life was not happy and people didn't like me. But now I give up these things and I'll also try to be patient, wise and fair. However, I won't give up desires if they are in within my

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