Friday, November 9, 2012


Set E
English                                                                  BA & BBS   1st Year                          100
3 hrs                                                                                                                                  35

Attempt ALL the questions:
1.       Write the plural of the following words:                                [10x.5=5]
osprey, loaf, notch, ass, goose, louse, alga, fungus, thesis, thief
2.       Summarize the plot of "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening".
According to Diamond, what is the single most important difference between Easter Island's decline and the contemporary decline of the entire biosphere? Do you agree with him that this difference provides us with a measure of hope for the future of humanity?
3.       Apply the four levels meanings to "Surely You're Joking Mr. Feyman!" or "The Brave Little Parrot".                                                                           [10]
4.       Answer the following questions on the basis of the poem "Ethics" by Linda Pastan. [4x5=20]
a.       Explain the central dilemma in the poem.
b.      Why is the question that the teacher poses "so many years ago" unanswerable?
c.       What s worth more: life or art?
d.      The poem seems to imply that it s not possible for children to understand questions of ethics or moral values. Why?
5.       Do the two scientific odysseys: the first involving Richard Feyman's and the second, Armand Deni's lend support to V.S. Ramachandran's belief that "science is a love affair with nature"?
Retell the story "A Painful Case" by Joyce.                                            [10]
6.       Write any five strategies with examples of describing research. [5]
7.       Fill up the following gaps with suitable words / phrases selecting from the given list.  [5]
dwindled             glared                   pick it in                putting my self through this        huddled

It was our annual spelling bee – the boys against the girls. The number of students on the stage had _____________ (decreased) from twelve to just four. I was the only girl left standing on the stage. Dressed in my white blouse, green school jumper, and green lace-up shoes, I stood awkwardly on the stage as the boys _____________ (stared angrily) at me and willed me to make a mistake. I wanted to ____________ (quit, give up). Who cared if the boys won? I certainly didn't. Why was I _______________ ( forcing myself to do) ? I peeled my gaze away from the girls who stood ______________ (gathered together) in small groups in the back of the room.
8.       Write an essay n which you discuss how the job of a doctor has changed over three generations. How is the life and work of a doctor different now from the way it was n your parent's generation? In your grandparent's generation?                                [15]
9.       Write a five paragraph essay by comparing and contrasting Sheldon Theory of appearance and personality traits with MBTI Theory of personality traits.                                  [15]
10.   Write an essay on: the political instability is the hindrance on the development of the country. [10]

The End

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