Thursday, November 29, 2012

Yudhisthira's Wisdom BA & BBS 1ST YEAR ENGLISH

Yudhisthira's Wisdom

Literal Comprehension:

Once when the Pandava brothers were in exile, they decided to kill a deer. They saw a deer and followed it but it disappeared. Being thirsty, Yudhisthira sent his brothers one by one to search water. When they didn't return, Yudhistira went himself to know what had happened. He saw his brothers lying dead on the bank of the pool. He knew that they had ignored the Yaksha and he had cursed them. However, he obeyed Yaksha and answered all his questions sincerely. The Yaksha being impressed promised to save one of the Yudhisthira’s brothers. When Yudhisthira chose Nakula, his step-brother, the Yaksha was even more impressed by his wisdom, fairness and justice. He appeared as the Yama in front of the Yudhisthira and revived all his

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The writer may be trying to show the importance of wisdom, obedience to God and patience. If Yudhisthira looked these qualities all the Pandava brothers could have been lost. The story tells us to give up pride, anger and desire to live happy life. It also shows the importance of the fairness and justice. These things are always rewarded. The writer also tries to show the greatest person in the world answering his questions. The Yaksha had given the same warning of the to the other Pandava brothers also but they ignored him and he cursed. He requested the Yaksha to ask his questions and promised to answer them as well as he could.
The Yaksha's first question was: what makes sun shine?  The answer was- the power of the god. The second was – what is the surest weapon against the danger? The answer was courage. The third question was- what gives a man more than the earth does? www.paniroti.comThe answer was 'mother'. The fourth question was – when does a man become loved by all? The answer was 'when he gives up pride'. The fifth question was – when does a man become happy? The answer was  'when he gives up all his anger'. The last question was – when does a man become rich? The answer was when he gives up all desire.
The Yaksha was very impressed by Yudhisthira's replies and he promised to save all Pandava brothers. Yudhisthira requested him to save Nakula, the son of his step-mother. The Yaksha was even more impressed by his wisdom, justice and fairness. So he appeared as the Yama, Yudhisthira’s heavenly father, the God of death and justices. He revived all the brothers of Yudhisthira. He also suggested them to go to Matsya with Draupadi. He even promised them to save in future

Critical thinking:

Although this story teaches us some very important lesSon, some ideas of the writer are not agreeable. Are there Gods? If so, what is the existence of them? Can we find such ideal brother like Yudhisthira in this selfish world? Can such complicated questions have so simple answers? Does the sun really shine by the power of the God? Is courage the surest weapon against danger? Is patience or wisdom really rewarded? So I don't agree with the writer


After reading this text I learnt a great moral lesson. This story also changed the mode of my life. Before reading this story I was impatient, unwise and unjust. So, I couldn't become successful in life. I was ambitious, proud and moody. So my life was not happy and people didn't like me. But now I give up these things and I'll also try to be patient, wise and fair. However, I won't give up desires if they are in within my


Write the four levels of interacting with the text "Invitation".
Literal Comprehension:
This poem "Invitation" has been composed by 20th century American poet Shel Silverstein. The speaker in the poem invites different persons with different natures with them to accompany with her. He invites the readers who are imaginative as dreamers or even liars who always tell lie. Hopers who for something are prayers of religious deities or persons with magical power are invited to her. He even invites to the pretenders who pretend to be superior or greater to others. So, whoever the readers are, they all are invited by the speaker to sit by him to spin the Flex Golden Tales. The tales are more colorful and very much imaginative, adventurous and with many more outstanding qualities. He invites the readers for four times to accompany him unfolding Flex Golden Tales.
The poem "Invitation" might be trying to create a good readership especially in young generation. Modern young people are not so much interested in reading and enjoying the literatures. Maybe they have not properly been invited to read. Not being interested in reading the children are more pretenders, liars, magic bean players and so on. When they have inner desire for study they will start to read and will be co-readers to spin, colourful Flex-Golden Tales. The speaker's intension seems to make readers and other people to be more imaginative, creative and have fun in literatures.
Critical Thinking:
The basic intension of the poem seems to make people more creative and productive making a good habit of study. It has easily drawn the attention of different readers. With the repetitive structural pattern the poet seems to be able to convince the readers to go with him to spin some beautiful stories and nice pieces of literatures. The multiple use of 'come' has focused much on the importance of reading and value of good readers. How can one be more creative and interested in literatures if there is no passion with him? Only invitation without interest becomes useless. Still the poem seems to arise some keen interest for reading.
Before reading this poem I didn't have keen passion to literature. I had much interest in music, song and sports. I used to think literature doesn't do any practical thing in our life. When I read this poem, I got an vision that literature, creative workers are also the main sources of internal entertainment or happiness. Dreamer, liar, pretender, prayer all could be adjusted in the vast arena of literature. To spin Flex-Golden Tales inspired me to enjoy the world of imagination, creativity and vision. Our life can't always be charming if we don't love reading by heart.


BBS 1st Year                                   First Term Exam   2068                         Full Marks: 50
Time: 1:30 hrs                                    Subject : English                                   Pass Marks: 20

1.       In one long paragraph, summarize the story “Phaedo” by Plato. 5
2.       Select the appropriate words to create correct sentences in the following.                                                                                                            5
a.       Nepal is facing crisis/crises of fuel.
b.      The data clearly show/shows that he is mistaken.
c.       The criteria we applied in this case is/are mistaken.
d.      In a beehive, the queen has many offspring/ offsprings.
e.      Tribhuwan University has thousand of alumnus/alumni.
3.       Apply the four levels of reading a text to "The Library Card" by Richard Wright.                                                                                                                   10
4.       Write a paragraph on: The role of youth in the development of the nation.                                                                                                                          5
5.       Write a paragraph on: A place that has special meaning for you. Describe it and its influence on you.                                                        5
6.       a) Prepare works cited of the following information in MLA Method.      5
Reason To Write
Mary R. Colonna  and Judith E. Gilbert
Oxford University Press
Published Year
Place of Publication
New Delhi

7.       Write an argumentative essay on Human Cloning.                            15

Best of Luck!


B.B.S 1st yr.                                                                                                                            F.M: 100
Time: 3 hrs.                                                           English                                                    P.M: 35
Attempt any one complete set:
Set A
Attempt All the questions.
1.       Do you agree with Asimov that human beings cannot be placed on one-dimensional intelligence scale that they are all made of a unique mixture of intelligence and stupidity? (What’s Intelligence, Anyway?)
Summarize Devkota’s poem “The Lunatic” in a long paragraph. [5]

2.       Edit the following sentences:                                                                            [5]
a)       I love him so much, Intelligent and kind.
b)       I can understood why a system build on a pattern must tries to destroy the free mind.
c)       A Leo Buscaglia say, to love, live and learning is such a difficult art.
d)       I don’t like him no more.
e)       Being so large, they couldn’t no longer cover her with flowers.

3.       Explain which of the two formats-short story (“Wretched Stone”) or essay (“Curbing the One-Eyed Monster”) makes a stronger case against television? Why?                                           [10]
4.       Compare Nepali education today to Mexican education in the 19th century. Does Nepali education promote memorization or understanding?                    [15]
5.       Apply the four levels of meaning to “Smarter kids, Brought to you the letter T and V” by Christakis or “The stub Book” by de Alarcon.                 [15]
6.       Enlist any five questions that you have to raise yourself for revising the first draft. [5]
7.       What happens in Hassan’s dream? What do you think the dream means? What is the monster at the bottom of the lake?                                                          [5]
8.       Some work places have a policy that prohibits employees from dating. Write an essay in which you discuss the advantages and disadvantages of such a policy.                                         [15]
9.       How were the students in your school system classified? Do you think this system worked well? In what other ways could students be classified? Write a five paragraph essay on it.          [15]
10.    What does a person need in order to climb out of poverty? How should the government of a country help the poor? How important is family in overcoming poverty?                   [10]
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Friday, November 9, 2012


Set B
Attempt All the questions.
1.       Edit the following sentences:                                                                            [5]
a.        I love you to, Julian.
b.       He love you so much, he simply adores you, he is absolutely crazy about you, Bettie.
c.        The children’s minds finally reach a decision: they were going to drive crazy their teachers of math.
d.       Gurov did not sleep all night, and filled with indignation.
e.       When Lenin wishes to proof some proposition, he did so, if possible, by quote text from Marx and Engels.
2.       Which reasons lead people living in small societies of 100 people tend to be more generous than people living cities? ( Life without chiefs).
Summarize the text “Arranging a Marriage in India” by Nanda in a long Paragraph.                                                                               [5]
3.       Apply the four levels of meaning to “Why Go to University” by Nissani or “Shep’s Hobby” by Herriot.                                                              [10]
4.       King Ahab of Israel enjoyed near-absolute power. Basing your answer on this brief tale, answer the following questions: Is absolute power a good thing? Why or why not? Do you think similar immoral plots have been varied out by powerful people in Nepal? Elsewhere?                              [20]
5.       Mark the following as true or false on the basis of the text “To know a fly” by Dethier.                                                                                        [10]
a.        Among other things, a well-designed scientific experiment suggest that we can trust our eyes and ears.
b.       All scientists can think clearly.
c.        To avoid committing silly errors, scientific experiments usually require a control condition.
d.       If you owned six puppies, and if you wished to test the efficancy of daily giving them chandan tika, you would give tika to three of them every day, and no tika to the other.
e.       If you owned six puppies, and if you wished to test the efficacy of daily giving them chandan tika, you only need to give tika every day to all six.
f.         The guru got very angry, and then the lightning struk. Hence, the guru’s anger caused the lightning.
g.        One line of evidence that flies can taste with their feet is this: A hungry ( but not thirsty) fly will extend its proboscis when its feet touch sweet water, but it will not extend its proboscis in pure water.
h.        Humans are better than flies at tasting extremely small concentration of sugar.
i.         When presented with a saccharine solution, a fly extends its proboscis.
j.         It is possible to beautifully stain the insides of a fly by placing its feet in sugar water, while making sure that its proboscis will be extended into dyed water.
6.       In order to summarize the main ides of the story, ask yourself any five questions.                                                                                [5]
7.       Match the following columns with meaning:                  [5]
Column A                                              Column B
On the look out for                              regular
Routine                                                  searching for
Sexual harassment                               risk losing
Prohibits                                                forbids
Jeopardize                                             gender discrimination

8.       What should an employee do if he knows that his boss is doing something illegal? Should he” blow the whistle” on his boss and risk losing his job, or should be keep it to himself and endanger the company or the public? Write an essay that discusses the moral aspects of each decision.                   [15]
9.       Why do you think the dream is used in many languages both for the images you experience while sleeping and for the wishes you have for your future? How does this second type of dream wishes for your future affect your life? Do you consider dreams to be fantasies, or are they goals that people should try to achieve?                                                                  [15]
10.    Write a five paragraph essay about the causes and effects of discrimination against gender in the context of Nepal.   [10]

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Set C
Attempt All the questions.
1.       Edit the following sentences:                                                            [5]
a.        The milk of cow has many uses.
b.       I know a old man like to play marbles.
c.        This problem easy to solve.
d.       Rain there is as plentiful as Biratnager.
e.       Chitwan is a spectacular national park, but most Nepalese must travel great distances.
2.       Rushdie says that the college of Cambridge pride themselves on the “ancient tradition of fairness and justice” Does he mean what he says or is he being sarcastic? Please explain your answer.
Summarize the story “The sword of Damocles” in a single paragraph.      [5]
3.       Apply the four levels of meaning to the poem “King John and the Abbot of Canterbury.”
If you had to choose between the two, please explain with examples which attitude towards love would you prefer: that of the narrator in “To His Coy Mistress” or that of James Duffy in “A Painful Case”?                          [10]
4.       Jared Diamond says that the vanishing of part civilizations ‘touches us as the disappearance of other animal, even the dinosaurs, never can. No matter how exotic those lost civilizations seem, their framers were humans like us. Who is to say we won’t succumb to the same fate? Perhaps someday New York’s skyscrapers will stand derelict and overgrown with vegetation, like the temples at Angkor Wat and Tikal? Would Chaudhary agree with him that perhaps someday something as thriving as the city of Kathmandu ‘will stand derelict and overgrown with vegetation? Would lohani agree?                              [10]
5.       Compare Dr. Kim’s childhood and educational experiences to those of Richard Wright.                                                                                                      [20]
6.       Write a long paragraph response of the text human cloning.     [5]
7.       Write the analyzing elements of concluding paragraph of a classification essay. [5]
8.       Write an essay about a particular kind of art form in three different areas of the world. Consider traditional music, handicrafts, pottery or dance. In what respects are they the same? How are they different? Are they considered pure art forms in each place or do they have a different function in some places? For example in dance part of a social or religions ritual for some societies? or do they have a different function.                                                                    [15]
9.       How do you feel about genetically engineered babies? Do parents have the right to create the “perfect baby”? What traits would you choose for your child? What problems could this create for society?                              [15]
10.    Write an essay on advantages and disadvantages of special caste right federal system in the context of Nepal.                                                             [10]

The End
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