Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Science series 7

Second Term Exam-2072
Subject: Science                                     Full Mark: 100
Class: 7                      Time:                   Pass Mark:   40
1.       Choose the correct alternatives. [10]
           a)      In 1 litre there is ............. ml. (100, 1000, 10000)
           b)     Which one of them is a natural magnet?
                    (Loadstone, U-shaped magnet, Horse shoe magnet)
           c)      The formula of power is
           d)     The SI unit of pressure is (Joule, watt, Pascal)
           e)      The speed of sound in air is
                    (332m/s, 323m/s, 1000m/s)
           f)      The unit structure of calyx is...............
                    (sepal, petal, pistil)
           g)      The flower which has the pistil only is called a ............
         flower. (staminate, pistil late, reticulate)
           h)     How many percentage of copper consist in Bronze?
                    (90%, 10%, 65%)
           i)      In which layer does the ozonosphere lie?
                     (Troposphere, Mesosphere, Stratosphere)
           j)      The formula of sodium peroxide is
                    (Na2o, Nao, NaoH)
2.       Fill in the blanks. [10]
           a)      The SI unit of volume is ...................
           b)     A ................... has neither a definite volume nor a
         definite shape.
           c)      ................... is produced by a vibrating body.         
           d)     Distillation is the process of evaporation followed by
         ................... .
           e)      A ................... image can be obtained in a screen.
           f)      The flattened tip of the pedicel is called ................... .
           g)      Granite is ................ rock.
           h)     A hygrometer is used to measure ................ .
           i)      ................ is the coldest planet.
           j)      ................ has one moon.
3.       Tick (√) the correct statements and cross (×) the incorrect ones. [10]
           a)      Density of water at 40c is 1000kg/m3.
           b)     Mercury is an insulator substance.
           c)      There is a vaccum in the double walls of a thermos
           d)     There is regular reflection on a rough surface.
           e)      A place mirror forms an erect image.
           f)      A tuning fork is a convenient source of sound in a
           g)      Humid air has less speed of sound.
           h)     Moss belongs to the division called thallophyta.
           i)      Hot air is heavier than cold air.
           j)      Mercury is the brightest planet.
4.       State an important function of each of the following. [5]
           a)      Seed coat          b) Thermometer        c) Leaf
           d)     Root                   e) Endosperm
5.       Match the followings. [5]
           Reproductive organ             Anther
           Monocotyledon                    Flower
           Stamen                                   Maize
           Dicotyledon                          no needs an agent
           Self pollination                     bean
Group "A" [Physics]
6.       Answer the following questions.
           a)      Differentiate between conduction and radiation. [3]
           b)     An electromagnet is a temporary magnet. Why? [3]
           c)      Write three effects of heat. [3]
           d)     What is a keeper? Why is it used? [3]
           e)      When does a substance float on water? [3]
           f)      Write three sources of sound? [3]
           g)      Mercury level decreases in a barometer when it is
         taken at Mt. Everest. Why? [2]
Group "B" (Chemistry)
           h)     Differentiate between mixture and compound. [3]
           i)      What is an alloy? Give two examples of it. [3]
           j)      Name the following compounds. [3]
                    a) Co2                b) CaCo3        c) zno2
           k)     Draw the atomic structure of Nitrogen. [3]
           l)      Define radical. [2]
Group "C" (Biology)
           m)    Draw a labelled diagram of a flower. [3]
           n)     Differentiate between pollination and fertilization. [3]
           o)     What are the conditions required for the germination of seeds? [3]
           p)     Differentiate between algae and fungi. [3]
           q)     Write three characteristics of birds. [3]
Group "D" (Astronomy, Geology and Environment)
           r)      Sea breeze occurs at day and land breeze occurs at
         night. Why? [3]
           s)      The distance between heavenly bodies is not measured
         in km. Why? [3]
           t)      Study the given figure and answer the following
         questions. [4]
                    a)      Name the constellation shown in the figure.
                    b)     Name F and G
                    c)      Which two stars remain in the straight line of
                  vega of lyra constellation?
                    d)     Which two stars of them remain in a straight
                  line of the polaris?
           u)     Draw a labelled diagram of solar system. [1]
*Best of Luck*

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