First Term Examination-2070
7 F.M.
: 75
Science P.M.
: 30

Group – A (Physics)
Examinees are required to give creative
answer in their own words on the basis of given instructions.
1. What
is measurement ? Write any two importance of it. (1+1)
2. What
is standard unit? Write the SI unit of temperature and length? (1+1)
3. Convert
400 km in to centimeter (2)
4. If
the area of a rectangular sheet of metal is 450cm2 and its length is
25cm calculate its breadth. (2)
5. Why
is it necessary to have standard unit of measurement? (2)
6. Differentiate
between scalar and vector quantity? (2)
7. A ball kicked by a player comes to rest
after some time why? (2)
8. Define
force and write its SI unit. (2)
9. Friction
is called as necessary evil. Justify the statement. (2)
10. What
is velocity ? Is it a scalar quantity, Why? (1+1)
11. A
car is moving with a velocity of 36 km/hr. on applying brakes, it comes to rest
in 2 seconds. calculate the retardation. (2)
12. State
the principle of lever write its types. (1+1)
13. What
is velocity ratio of simple machine? (2)
14. Draw
a figure f wheel and axle and label it. (4)
15.Differentiate between fundamental and
derived unit .(2)
Group – B (Chemistry)
16. What
are metals and Nonmetals? (2)
17. Metal
is a good conductor of heat and electricity why? (2)
18. What
is ductility and malleability? (1+1)
19. Write
any two uses of sulphur. (1+1)
20. Write
four uses of metals. (4)
21. Write
six properties of alloy. (3)
Group – 'C' (Biology)
22. Differentiate
between algae and fungi. (3)
23. Maize
and wheat are the example of monocotyledonous plants, why? (2)
24. Frogs
and snakes are not seen in winter season. Why? (2)
25. Define
warm blooded and cold blooded animals with examples. (2)
26. Draw
the diagram to show fertilization in angiosperm. (4)
27. Write
any two characteristics of pisces. (2)
28.Write one characteristics of
hydra. ( 1)
Group – 'D' (Astronomy and Geology)
29. What
is a rock? (1)
30. Differentiate
between rocks and minerals. (2)
31. Which
type of rock is very rich in fossils? Why? (2)
32. Draw
a picture of conglomerate rock. (2)
Best of Luck
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