Sunday, December 2, 2018

A Sample of PhD Thesis (Quantitative Analysis)

Submitted to
Dr.K.N. Modi University

For the degree of
Doctor of Philosphy
Submitted by
Mr. ….
(September 2011 Batch)

Supervised by
Prof. Dr. …

Prof. Dr. …                                                Tribhuvan University

This is to certify that the thesis entitled “BULLYING, VICTIMIZATION, SELF-ESTEEM AND NARCISSISM AMONG NEPALESE SCHOOL ADOLESCENTS” submitted for the award of degree of “Doctor of Philosophy” in Education is a genuine record of the bonafide research work carried out by “” under my guidance and supervision. No part of the thesis has been submitted for any other degree or diploma elsewhere. He has worked on this subject for a minimum period of 24 months from the date of registration as required under ordinance of Dr. K. N. Modi University, Newai, Rajasthan

Prof. Dr. …


            I hereby declare that this thesis is compiled by me in its original form and that it has not been submitted anywhere for any award of the degree or diploma of other similar degree, with any other institute of higher education.

(Research Scholar)

Page No.
Preface                                                                                                                        1
Chapter One                                                                                                    6
Introduction                                                                                                    6
Chapter Two                                                                                                   27
Review of Literature                                                                                       27
Chapter Three                                                                                                 70
Material and Methods                                                                                     70
Chapter Four                                                                                                   96
Observations                                                                                                   96
Chapter Five                                                                                                   116
Discussion                                                                                                       116
References                                                                                                      131
Appendices                                                                                                     151
      Publications                                                                                               174

List of Tables

List of Figures

I would like to express my sincere acknowledgements to all the respondents of public and private school students of Kathmandu district for their willingness to participate in my study, school heads who provided me good environment. My sincere gratitude goes to my thesis supervisor Prof. Dr. … for his able guidance, valuable suggestions and proper comments during this research work. My sincere thanks also go to Prof. Dr. … and Prof. Dr. …, who heartily helped me and gave valuable suggestions during the study period. Besides that, I would like to give vote of thanks to the Dr. KN Modi University, Newai, Rajasthan, India who gave me valuable guidelines and continue support in University process.
I am also grateful to my all PhD Scholars who encouraged me to complete my work in time. I like to thank Mrs. … for her support in data analysis. Likewise, I would like to thank my family members.


Introduction and objectives: This study was carried out in order to explore the prevalence rate of bullying, victimization, global personal self-esteem and narcissism with reference to gender, grade level and ethnicity among Nepalese school adolescents, and to find out the correlation between demographic components (gender, grade level and ethnicity) and students’ behaviours (bullying, victimization, global personal self-esteem and narcissism). In the international level, many more studies have been done on these problems. However, in the context of Nepal it has been in the preliminary stages. Thus, this study was also one step of those preliminary stages.
Methodology: This study was based on postpositivist philosophy, it is also reductionism; testing selected variables that constitute hypothesis and research questions, so it is based on careful observation and measurement of the objective reality in the world. The present study applied the deductive research approach. The design of the main study was correlational.  It employed a pen and paper self-report survey. The survey had four separate instruments. The four instruments were bullying, victimization, personal self-esteem and narcissism scales. The total participants of the study were 936 from 15 government funded schools and 15 private schools of Kathmandu District, Nepal. Kathmandu district was selected due to being the capital city that represents the nature of almost population of Nepal.  Among the total participants boys were 469 (50.1%) and girls 467 (49.9%).
Results: A series of analysis of covariance (ANOVA) tests was performed to test the hypotheses. The hypotheses were set on the basis of gender, grade level and ethnicity with reference to bullying, victimization, personal self-esteem and narcissism. In the case of physical bullying, boys reported higher mean scores than girls (boys M=13.750 and girls M=10.910). Regarding the gender and physical victimization, boys reported 14.3390 mean scores of physical victimization. Whereas, girls reported 11.5000 mean scores of physical victimization. Boys reported significantly higher mean scores of physical victimization than girls. In terms of the relationship between gender and verbal bullying, boys had 10.3667 mean scores and girls had 9.2056 mean scores. Boys reported significantly higher mean scores of verbal bullying than girls. In terms of the relationship between gender and verbal victimization, boys had 11.7036 mean scores and girls had 10.1178 mean scores. Boys reported significantly higher mean scores of verbal victimization than girls. The result related about gender and indirect bullying showed that the mean scores of boys was 22.5032 and girls 20.0471. Boys reported higher mean scores of indirect bullying than girls. In terms of indirect victimization, results showed that mean scores of boys was 25.5970 and girls was 23.4356. It showed that boys are more indirectly victimized than girls.  Regarding correlation between gender and global personal self-esteem results showed that mean scores of boys was 22.5846 and girls was 22.6832. There is no significant positive correlation between gender and global personal self-esteem (p>0.05, i. e. 0.756). In terms of gender and narcissism, results showed that mean scores of boys was 62.0968 and girls was 62.5773. The p value of the results is 0.021, which is <0.05. It shows that there is significant correlation between gender and narcissism.
Regarding the grade level, and bullying, victimization, personal self-esteem and narcissism, grade 10 students had higher mean scores of physical bullying than grade 8 students. It shows that higher the grade levels, higher the amount of physical bullying. In the case of physical victimization, grade 10 students achieved 13.0474 mean scores and grade 8 students achieved 12.8025 mean scores. It shows that higher class students be more victimized than lower class students. Similarly, grade 10 students achieved 10.2710 mean scores of verbal bullying and grade 8 achieved 9.3100 mean scores. It also shows that higher class students report significantly higher mean scores of verbal bullying than lower class students. In the case of grade level and verbal victimization, grade 10 students achieved 11.3290 mean scores and grade 8 achieved 10.5011 mean scores. It explores that higher class students are more verbally victimized than lower class students. The results in the case of indirect bullying, grade 8 students achieved 20.6030 mean scores and grade 10 achieved 21.9613 mean scores. It shows that lower class students report significantly lower mean scores of indirect bullying than higher class students. Likewise, grade 8 students achieved 23.7702 mean scores of indirect victimization and grade 10 achieved 25.5198. It also explores that lower class students report significantly lower mean scores of indirect victimization than higher class students. The results of global personal self-esteem showed that mean scores of grade 10 was 22.7797 and grade 8 was 22.4893. The scored p value was 0.361 (p>0.05). It shows that there is no significance correlation between global personal self-esteem and grade level.  In terms of narcissism with reference to grade level, results showed that mean scores of grade 10 was 62.3137 and grade 8 was 62.3570. The scored p value was 0.905 (p>0.05). It shows that there is no significant correlation between narcissism and grade level.
In terms of correlation between ethnicity and bullying, the results showed that there was no significant correlation between Brahmin/Chhetri and indigenous with reference to total bullying. The scored p value was 0.996 (p>0.05), it showed that there was almost nil correlation. However, there is significant correlation between Brahmin/Chhetri and Dalit with reference to total bullying. Dalit are bullied more than Brahmin/Chhetri and Indigenous group. The results showed that there was no significant correlation between Brahmin/Chhetri and indigenous with reference to total victimization. The scored p value was 0.999 (p>0.05), it showed that there was almost nil correlation. However, there was significant correlation between Brahmin/Chhetri and Dalit with reference to total bullying. Dalit are bullied more than Brahmin/Chhetri and Indigenous group. The results showed that p value of victimization between Brahmin/Chhetri and Dalit was 0.083, which is >0.05. As well as between Indigenous and Dalit was 0.067 which is also >0.05. Hence, it shows that there is significant negative correlation between ethnicity and victimization. The results showed that there is strongly significant correlation between Brahmin/Chhetri and Dalit, and Indigenous and Dalit with reference to global personal self-esteem. The p value of the previous was 0.002 (p<0.05), it showed that there was strongly correlation between Brahmin/Chhetri and Dalit with reference to global personal self-esteem. Similarly, the p value of the later was 0.006 (p<0.05), it also showed that there is strongly correlation between Indigenous and Dalit with reference to global personal self-esteem. Dalit feel that they are inferior to other upper castes.
The results showed that there is no significant correlation between Brahmin/Chhetri and Dalit, and Indigenous and Dalit with reference to narcissism. The p value of Brahmin/Chhetri and Dalit was 0.087 (p>0.05), it shows that there is no correlation. Similarly, the p value of Indigenous and Dalit was 0.149 (p>0.05), it showed that there is no significant correlation between Indigenous and Dalit with reference to narcissism.
Conclusion: This study had undertaken to explore the trends and relations of bullying, victimization, global personal self-esteem and narcissism with reference to gender, grade level and ethnicity roles among Nepalese school adolescents from public and private schools of Kathmandu district. Boys are more bullies and victims than girls. There is no significant positive correlation between gender role and global personal-self-esteem. However, there is significant positive correlation between narcissism and gender. Higher class students have higher trends of physical bullying, physical victimization, verbal bullying, verbal victimization, indirect bullying and indirect victimization than lower class students. There is no significance positive correlation between grade level and global personal self-esteem. Similarly, there is also no significance positive correlation between grade level and narcissism. Likewise, there is no significant positive correlation between Brahmin/Chhetri and indigenous with reference to total bullying, there is significant positive correlation between Brahmin/Chhetri and Dalit with reference to total bullying, there was almost nil correlation between Brahmin/Chhetri and Indigenous to total victimization, there is significant positive correlation between Brahmin/Chhetri and Dalit with reference to total victimization. The trends of victimization to Dalit is more than Brahmin/Chhetri and Indigenous.
There is strongly significant correlation between Brahmin/Chhetri and Dalit, and Indigenous and Dalit with reference to global personal self-esteem, there is strongly correlation between Brahmin/Chhetri and Dalit with reference to global personal self-esteem. Similarly, there is strongly correlation between Indigenous and Dalit with reference to global personal self-esteem. There was no significant correlation between Brahmin/Chhetri and Dalit, and Indigenous and Dalit with reference to narcissism. There is no significant correlation between Indigenous and Dalit with reference to narcissism. However, the in depth studies of causes and effects of bullying, victimization, global personal self-esteem and narcissism among Nepalese school adolescents is needed.
Keywords: bullying, ethnicity, gender, grade level, narcissism, self-esteem, victimization

Chapter One


1.1 Defining Bullying

1.2 Correlates of Bullying and Victimization

1.3 Different Types of Bullying


1.4 Gender, Grade Level (Age) and Aggression


 1.2 Statement of Problem

            So, regarding to the problem related with the prevalence of bullying, victimization, self-esteem and narcissism among Nepalese school adolescents, following research questions were raised to meet the objectives of research study:
·         What is the prevalence rate of bullying, victimization, global personal self-esteem and narcissism with reference to gender in school level?
·         What is the prevalence rate and correlation of bullying, victimization, global personal self-esteem and narcissism with reference to grade level in school level?
·         What is the correlation of bullying, victimization, global personal self-esteem and narcissism with reference to ethnicity in school level?

1.3 Significance of the study


1.4 Objectives

            The over-all aim of this research is to explore the relationship between bullying, victimization, self-esteem and narcissism with response to gender, grade level and ethnicity among Nepalese school adolescents.
            The specific objectives of this research are described as:
·         To empirically explore the prevalence rate of bullying, victimization, global personal self-esteem and narcissism with reference to gender in school level.
·         To empirically explore the prevalence rate and correlation of bullying, victimization, global personal self-esteem and narcissism with reference to grade level in school level.
·         To empirically explore the correlation of bullying, victimization, global personal self-esteem and narcissism with reference to ethnicity in school level.

1.5 Hypotheses

Gravetter and Forzano (2003) mention that before a research idea can be assessed, it needs to be converted into hypotheses. These hypotheses are statements about the relationship between variables. The hypotheses of this study are as follow:
1.      Gender role would be significant in bullying, victimization, global personal self-esteem and narcissism.
a.       Boys would report significantly higher mean scores of physical bullying than girls.
b.      Boys would report significantly higher mean scores of physical victimization than girls.
c.       Boys would report significantly higher mean scores of verbal bullying than girls.
d.      Boys would report significantly higher mean scores of verbal victimization than girls.
e.       Girls would report significantly higher mean scores of indirect bullying than boys.
f.       Girls would report significantly higher mean scores of indirect victimization than boys.
g.      There would be a significant positive correlation between gender and global personal self-esteem.
h.      There would be a significant positive correlation between gender and narcissism.
2.      Grade level factor would be significant in bullying, victimization, global personal self-esteem and narcissism.
a.       There would be a significant negative correlation between physical bullying and grade level.
b.      There would be a significant negative correlation between physical victimization and grade level.
c.       There would be no significant relationship between verbal bullying and age.
d.      There would be no significant relationship between verbal victimization and grade level.
e.       There would be a significant positive correlation between indirect bullying and grade level.
f.       There would be a significant positive correlation between indirect victimization and grade level.
g.      There would be a significant positive correlation between grade level and global personal self-esteem.
h.      There would be a significant positive correlation between grade level and narcissism.
3.      Ethnic roles would have significant positive and negative correlation between bullying, victimization, global personal self-esteem and narcissism.
a.       There would be a significant positive correlation between bullying and ethnicity.
b.      There would be a significant negative correlation between victimization and ethnicity.
c.       There would be a significant positive correlation between global personal self-esteem and ethnicity.
d.      There would be a significant positive correlation between narcissism and ethnicity.

1.6 Philosophical Worldviews

            “Worldview refers to the culturally-dependent, generally subconscious, fundamental organization of the mind. This organization manifests itself as a set of presuppositions or assumptions, which predispose one to feel, think, and act in predictable patterns (Cobern & W.W., 1991)”. Worldview is defined as "a basic set or belief that guides action" (Guba, 1990, p. 17). Worldviews are overall orientation about the world and the nature of research that a researcher holds. These worldviews are shaped by the discipline area of the student, the beliefs and advisers and faculty in a student‘s area, and past research experiences. The types of beliefs held by individual researchers will often lead to embracing a qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods approach in their research. Four different worldviews are discussed: post-positivism, constructivism, and advocacy/participatory, and pragmatism.

Figure 1: Philosophical worldviews

- Determination
- Reductionism
- Empirical observation and measurement
- Theory verification
-Multiple participant meanings
-Social and historical construction
-Theory generation
Philosophical Worldviews
-Power and justice oriented
-Consequences of actions
-Real-world practice oriented

Source: (Creswell W. J., 2003)

            The study was based on postpositivism because the researcher observed the problems empirically and applied quantitative method. “Postpositivism is more cautious concerning strong and one-sided interpretations and restrained regarding the too extensive (or obsessive) use of (quantitative) data and methods (Adam, 2014, p. 5)”.

1.7 Theoretical Framework


1.8 Conceptual Framework

Figure 2: Conceptual framework
Theoretical Linkage
Study Variables
Research Methodology
General Strain Theory
Group Relation Theory
Social Learning Theory
Ecological Theory
Independent Variables
Dependent Variables
Grade Level
Research Design: exploratory & Correlational
Study Unit: Grade 8 & 10 students
Instruments: Questionnaire survey
Analysis: Hypotheses Testing
Analysis and Findings

            The present study has three independent variables: gender, grade level and ethnicity. The dependent variables of the present study are bullying, victimization, self-esteem and narcissism. To explore the prevalence rate of those dependent variables and to show the correlation between independent variables and dependent variables, questionnaire survey was done among grade 8 and 10 school students. The results were analysed on the basis of given theories.

1.9 Definition of Key Terms

1.10 Delimitations and Limitations


1.11 Chapter Plan

Chapter Two

Literature Review

2.1 Outline

2.2 Aggression

2.2.1 Aggression: Definition and Forms

2.2.2 Bullying: Definitions and types

2.2.3 Bullying prevalence in schools

2.2.4 Roles of bullying participant

2.2.5 Consequences of bullying

2.2.6 Aggression and Bullying: Types

2.2.7 Aggression and Gender Difference

2.2.8 Gender and Indirect Aggression

2.2.9 Developmental Changes in Aggression

2.3 Self-Esteem

2.3.1 Self-Esteem and Aggression

2.3.2 Global Self-Esteem and Victimization

2.3.3 Global Self-Esteem, Aggression, and Bullying

2.4 Narcissism

2.4.1 Narcissism, Aggression, and Bullying

2.5 Ethnic Minority, Bullying, Self-esteem and Narcissism


2.6 Drawing Together Self-Esteem, Narcissism, and Aggression and Bullying


Materials and Methods

This chapter describes how the study was conducted. The purpose of this quantitative study was to obtain statistical, quantitative results from a selected sample. This study used quantitative methods in order to test the above stated hypotheses. A cross-sectional design was used to collect data with self-administered surveys. This chapter presents information about the method that was used for data collection and analysis. Information about sampling, the research design, the survey method, reliability, validity, weaknesses and strengths of the research design, and data analysis are included.

3.1 Research Approaches

            There are mainly two research approaches: deductive and inductive. The deductive approach – known as testing a theory, in which the researcher develops a theory or hypotheses and designs a research strategy to test the formulated theory. The inductive approach – known as building a theory, in which the researcher starts with collecting data in an attempt to develop a theory. The present study has applied the deductive research approach.

3.2 Design

            The design of the main study was correlational.  It employed a pen and paper self-report survey. The survey had four separate instruments. The four instruments were bullying, victimization, personal self-esteem and narcissism. There are a number of research designs. Among them why the researcher chose the correlational one is that especially in the quantitative type of research where two or more than two variables are existed correlational design is suitable (Thompson, Diamond, McWilliam, Synder, & Synder, 2005). Secondly, why the researcher chose the survey method is that the nature of the study is quantitative. It provides numeric description of trends, attitudes or opinions of population by studying a sample of that population (Creswell J. W., 2011).
Among a number of methodological considerations, consent procedure is one of them. Those children who are under 18 are taken consent from their parents or caretakers (Tisdall, Davis, & Gallagher, 2009). Thus, first step towards survey was consent to a child’s or young person’s participation in research from the parent or guardian. The consent to the parent was attached with information cover letter. The detailed of the cover letter and consent are given in Appendices. There are two types of consent processes: an opt-in process and opt-out process. The researcher chose the second one. The process requires that parents or guardians must sign and return a form if consent is not given for their children to participate. The next step was of letter to the head teachers or principals of the concerned schools. The sample of the letter is in appendix.

3.2 Participants

The total participants of the study were 936 from 15 government funded schools and 15 private schools of Kathmandu District, Nepal. Kathmandu is the capital city that represents the nature of almost population of Nepal.  Among the total participants boys were 469 (50.1%) and girls 467 (49.9%). The following table no. 3.1 shows the gender wise participants.

3.3.1 Demographic Information

3.3.2 Bullying and Victimization

3.3.3 Personal self-esteem

3.3.4 Narcissism

3.4 Procedure



This chapter presents the results of the data collected from the sampled school children of grades 8 and 10 from Kathmandu districts, Nepal.  The study purposed to aim to examine the relationship between the degree of bullying and victimization with reference to gender, grade level and ethnicity as well as self-esteem and narcissism. All the collected data were entered into SPSS. The results of this study are presented by hypotheses.
Table 4: Demographic information of respondents






Hypotheses Testing

Hypothesis No. 1. Gender role is significant in bullying, victimization, global personal self-esteem and narcissism.
Hypothesis No. 2. Grade level factor would be significant in bullying, victimization, global personal self-esteem and narcissism.
Hypothesis No. 3. Ethnic role would have positive and negative significant in bullying, victimization, global personal self-esteem and narcissism.

Chapter- Five


5.1 Summary of study

Hypothesis No. 1. Gender role is significant in bullying, victimization, global personal self-esteem and narcissism.
Hypothesis No. 2. Grade level factor would be significant in bullying, victimization, global personal self-esteem and narcissism.
Hypothesis No. 3. Ethnic role would have positive and negative significant in bullying, victimization, global personal self-esteem and narcissism.

5.2 Key Findings of the present study

5.2.1 Demographic status of Respondents

5.2.2 Findings related with Hypothesis No. 1. Gender role is significant in bullying, victimization, global personal self-esteem and narcissism.

5.2.3 Findings related with Hypothesis No. 2. Grade level factor would be significant in bullying, victimization, global personal self-esteem and narcissism.

5.2.4 Findings related with Hypothesis No. 3. Ethnic role would have positive and negative significant in bullying, victimization, global personal self-esteem and narcissism.

5.3 Conclusion of study

5.4 Recommendation for future research

            Following recommendations are made on the basis of results obtained from the study:


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