Tuesday, March 17, 2015

BBS 1st Year BUsiness English Question Set A

BBS 1st Year BUsiness English Question Set A

BBS 1st Year Pre-Board Exam 2071 F.M: 100
Time: 3 hrs Business English P.M: 40
[Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.]
Attempt ALL questions.
1. Attempt any two questions. [2x15=30]
a. Read the following excerpt of a poem and answer the questions that follow:
Surely, my friend, insane am I
Such is my plight.
I visualize sound
I hear the visible.
And fragrance I taste.
And the ethereal is palpable to me.
I touch objects
Whose existence the world denies,
Of whose shape the world is unaware.
I see a flower in the stone--
Smoothed by wavelets at the water's edge
In the moonlight,
While the enchantress of heaven is smiling unto me.
Exfoliating, mollifying,
Glistening and palpitating
Clever and eloquent you are!
Your formulas are ever precise
To you a rose is but a rose,
It embodies Helen and Padmini for me.
You are strong prose,
But I am liquid poetry.
i. The poetic persona addresses by using the second person pronoun "you." Who, do you think
is this?
ii. Who are Helen and Padmini referred in this poem?
iii. How does the poetic persona perceive objects of the world?
iv. Compare and contrast between prose and poetry as mentioned in this poem.
v. Explain the expression: I touch objects whose existence the world denies.
b. Imagine yourself to be Mrs. Ramsay of "Mr. Know All." Now retell the whole story in your own
Apply the four levels of reading a text to "To His Coy Mistress".
c. English has two contradictory sayings that can apply to friendship: "Birds of a feather flock
together," and "Opposites attract." What do they mean? Which saying describes friendship more
accurately in your experience?
2. Attempt any five questions. [5x10=50]
a. What is the general mood of the poem "New Year" by Parijat? How do you account for the tone
of dissatisfaction at the end of the poem?
b. When a government starts a war, its position is that it is acting justly and morally. If a citizen
refuses to participate in the war because of personal moral principles, is he/she less moral than
the government? Explain.
c. What makes a good teacher? Compare two good teachers that you have had. What were the
similarities and differences between them? What conclusion can you draw about effective
d. Describe a tourist destination that you think is specially beautiful, historic, or significant. What is
remarkable about it? Where is it? How do you get there? Describe the experience people have
when they visit this place. Why do you think people should visit it?
e. In what ways could the following be understood as ideological?
i. a beautiful girl
ii. a handsome woman
iv. a superb left hook
f. Distinguish between content words and function words with sufficient examples.
3. Attempt any ten questions. [10x2=20]
a. Edit the following sentences:
i. I love you to, Julian.
ii. I don't like him more.
b. Condense the main point of "Why Go to University" into a single sentence.
c. The poem "Piano" conveys a tension between the speaker's desire to be a man and his desire to
return to his childhood. Which desire is stronger in the poem? Justify in brief.
d. Decide which of the two clauses in parentheses is a well-formed relative clause that correctly
modifies a noun in the sentence.
i. Professor Norris is an excellent administrator.
(, who used to direct the English language programme) / (that is the author of our textbook)
ii. Computers are becoming more widespread worldwide.
(, which have come down in price)/ (they are beneficial in education)
e. Read the sentences and add the modifiers in parentheses.
i. (almost) I dropped my book on the floor.
ii. (that are dependent) Children need their parents.
f. Show the comparison between points of support in a paragraph and body paragraphs in an essay.
g. List any four connectors to show contrast.
h. What is a narrative? Write any two basic concluding features of narrative essay.
i. Rewrite the following boxing commentary for the beginner.
Aims to throw an overhead right.
j. By the use of one set of words over another, emotional attachment /detachment can be
expressed. Illustrate this statement by suitable examples.
k. Distinguish between the followings:
i. football and soccer
ii. signal and sign
l. Write the meaning of the following conventional (so called 'dead') metaphors.
i. salt cellar
ii. mole (kind of spy)
The End

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