Saturday, January 4, 2014

Mass Media And Technology / B A 2nd Year

Mass Media And Technology
A writers technique : figures of speech core reading -1
Computer and the pursuit of happiness
                                      David Gelernter
·        This essay refuses the fact that 21st century is the age of information technology. The writer puts there questions:
a)     Are computer and the internet really responsible for the revolution of information technology.
b)    Whether the computer and the internet has really helped the human being over 50 years.
c)     Will the computer and the internet play significant change in the next fifty years.

In this essay the writer is writing the public opinion that the writers have brought revolution in information technology. According to the writer it is not only the computer and the internet that has played a significant roll is making the age as information is but the other means like radio and television are equally responsible.
                   The writer clearly says that neither we are in information nor the computers and internet have brought revolutionary development in human history. The people claim that what counts in 21st century is the information but they have been mistaken. In fact the materials which were important in the 20th century are equally important even in the present time. The writer says ,” virtual food make you feel full but it does not prevent from starting.” It clearifies that the artificial world or the abstract ideas can never help the human beings to live a natural life.
                   It is generally claimed that we have got sophisticated machines to create stone and deliver the information. However this claim is not able to process that the present generation are much happen that the precious ones. No doubt the children of the present time enjoy their self in play with computers. But it don’t not necessary mean that the part generations were not happy.
                   The writer believe that the computers and the internet have brought a redical change in science and engineering however it is just and evolution of the industrial age in other sector. Therefore 21th century is not a revolution but it is an evolution of the 20th century.
                   Have computers been good or bad for making seems they were invented 50 years ago. Obviously information has inriched the life a moral human beings but it doesn't necessarily mean that wealthy people are happy. The writer compares the information technology with plumbing. In the industrial age the common place was the well where face to face communication was possible. But in 21st  century the water has been brought to  home with the help of plumbing. Un doubtey, it is easy but not healthy. Truly speaking the compacter and the internet have ignored help benefit. Moreover human desires are the same although the ways of fulfill them might be differed. Therefore the life of the marking hasn’t been changed by the computers and the internet.
# Will the computers and internet bring significant changes in the next 50 years?
          The writer doesn't cleared that the computers and the internet have brought changes in the present time. This main argument is that the development of the information technology is continuous and there is no revolution yet all. He compares the development of information technology which breathing. Just as breathing supports the life, so does information technology. Besides there is no significant change in the structure of human desires but here might be in the days to come. Although the writer criticizes the role of the computers and the internet in his first 2 paints he argues that the whole pectic should not be give only to the computes and the internet. But we have to see the contribution of the industrial age for the progress of the 21st  century.
-         Possibilities and limitations of technology.
-         The nature of technological change.
-         The pros (adv) and cons (disadv) of the internet
-         Online shopping and education.
-         The difference between information and knowledge
-         The distinction between reality and virtual reality.

Three Questions
I.            Whether thanks to the computers and the internet.
II.            Whether computes have been beneficial or determental (harmful)
III.            Whether computers are likely to have positive or negative influence.
David Gelernter is this argumentative essay raises three question about the use of computers and internet and address them an his own way. First question he raises is his whether thanks to computer and internet we are now giving in a new information age. He answer this question negatively and says that we aren’t in a information age and computer and the internet aren’t a revolutionary development in human history except in science and engineering. He opines that we need food, clothing, sheltered and possession and this thing are need now. There is not any change in this matters. Brought by information age he says information age is the revolutionary development of industrial age.
The second question is whither computer have been beneficial, detrimental( harmful) to humanity over the last 50 years. Even this question, answers negatively. Through computers have generated lots of information and much wealth, human happiness has increased on the whole. New technology have came into existence but social structure. They have engendered haven’t necessarily improved and the human element associated with old structure has decreased.

          The third question is whither computes or likely to have positive or negative influences. Over next half centuries ( 50 years). This question is answered rather positively. He says that technology will have little to do with human happiness in the future. Respite the new possibilities that new technologies introduce human uniqueness and happiness lie between technological strength, sped and intellect.

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