Saturday, April 20, 2013

Ahab and Naboth

"Ahab and  Naboth"
Literal Comprehension : The story "Ahab and  Naboth" has been taken from " The Holy Bible". Once Ahab, king of Samaria went with Naboth to ask to let him his vineyard. He said he would giveNaboth a better vine-yard or its worth. Naboth refused to give it pointing that the Lord would be angry to give away one's inheritance. Being sad and heavy, king Ahab came home and lay in bed Jezebel, Ahab's wife asked him about the reason. He told her everything that had happened with Naboth. Jezebel encouraged Ahab not to worry and she promised that she would provide him the Vineyard by any cost. Then Jezebel wrote a letter giving order to the elders and the nobles of Naboth. She said they should put Naboth in high among the people. With the witness of two daughters of Belial they should stone him to dead. He should be accused of doing disrespect to king and the God. Elders and nobles did as she ordered in the litter and sent the message of Naboth's death to King Ahab's. Jezebel told Ahab to go Naboth's vineyard because Naboth was already killed. When King Ahab went to the vineyard the God suggested Elijah to go to vineyard warning Ahab that he had done wrong. The God commanded that the place where dogs lick Naboth's blood would lick Ahab's blood. Elijah informed Ahab that in the eyes of God he had done evil deed for that he must be punished.

Interpretation: This religious story might be trying to say that powerful people are always trying to enjoy in the absolute power dominating the powerless people. It is also meant to give a clear picture of absolute power. King Ahab has used his absolute power to get Naboth's vineyard. The power of so called kingship has used to snatch away others possessing. His wife Jezebel is also assisting him to use this evil power. Again, the story might also be telling that how far we dominated others and control with personal power, God is watching everything. We can’t be more powerful then God. So, we have to accept the punishment for our misdeeds. It is human greed that makes him want to possess other property. While ruling over others or controlling others we have to at least be afraid of almighty god. The absolute power neither gives benefit to users, not the used ones either.

Critical Thinking :Ahab and Naboth is a story full of moral lesson that we have to bear the result of our evil deeds. It teaches about human greed that has ever-negative results. Besides, we can't agree with some ideas presented in this story. (a) Do people of present world have faith on god ? (b) Is it possible to be Ahab like absolute king at present ? (c) Isn't it natural desire of human to possess new things? (d) Doesn't a faithful wife help her tensed husband? etc.
Still we come to the idea that evil or bad actions should be avoided, and we must be fully satisfied that we have, is acceptable moral part of this story.

Assimilation: After going through this story I got new idea that we must be fully happy and satisfied what we have possessed. If we are greedy and loot others, god is ever watching our misdeeds. We shouldn't use our absolute power because we will be punished for that sooner or later. I have also learnt to give of my habit of greediness and theft.

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