Tuesday, April 30, 2013


"The Making of a Scientist".

Literal Comprehension:  
          Curiosity is most influencing factor to be a scientist. Still all people can't be scientist through they have curiosity. To be a scientist one must love to nature and have romantic love affair with her (Nature). The writer got encouraging influences from his science teachers, biology professor and from uncle and brother who were much interested in poetry. Besides he got influenced form his parents-especially from his mother who helped him a lot. For his experience parents in child's mind must there to fill two aspects. First, the child is the best one, Second, he is not good enough. The writer was interested in science when he was eleven. He though nature a friend and playground. He took previous scientists as real people.
Having keen interest in various subjects he loved and studied Indian history, art Indus Valley Script and many more. He assumed that Victorian science was good one because there was best progress in science being free from financial problems. He also points out that modern scientists lack fun because they are only research based with tools not the problems oriented. Even then the writer's passion to be a scientist was growing up with the interest in multiple subjects. He left no sector noticed. Nature is not complex thing so it is not difficult to solve/find scientific problems. He referred Darwin, Faraday Galileo like all scientists who walked along adventurous road of science. He has great interest on Neurology because there can have chances to answer common question and large influence secondly It asks question. who we actually are? The writer becomes scientist not to become famous like other but because of inmost desire and fun and influences from his friends.
Interpretation:  This essay might be trying to highlight the ideas that we do progress and do a lot in any sector if we do with fun and work freely. To be a scientist is not only an inborn quality rather so many factors become responsible there. Again doing workshop, seminars and working with equipment is not scientific work in real. We can't think it is scientific development with high qualities tools. But dedication and multidimensional essay is needed.
Critical Thinking: This essay has successfully presented the ideas that how curiosity leads to progress and how continuous dedication helps to get success in any fields. The writer's interest and final stage of gaining is influencing. Still there are some confusing ideas presented in this essay. How can only parents and homely environment create a scientific mind? can only curiosity, truth and dedication help someone to be a scientist? Can one be veteran or at home in multiple sectors at a time? Like the writer everyone wants to become great influencing to other people.
Assimilation: After going through this text I got so many ideas. We can't be successful in any mission unless we have deep interest and dedication to it. How the literary persons or scientists make their personal world is given clearly. To be specific in any subject becomes boring. Sometimes having knowledge about multiple disciplines is very much interesting one. Anyway curiosity is the main factor to do progress in any sector.

The Four-Tusked Elephant

Scientists often test the accuracy of a hypothesis or an educated guess. What was Denis's hypothesis in "The Four-Tusked Elephant"?
Scientists often work with accuracy and deal with educated guess. Here Denis's first hypothesis was that whether the four-tusked elephant really existed that could talk in human voice. But unlike common people the scientist Denis didn't stop here rather wanted to prove what was the reality. He contacted many local inhabitants, pigmies who claimed that they had seen the four-tusked elephant many times. Westerners also believed its existence. Denis himself wanted to observe whether the elephant existed or not. With much hardship, he reached to the place where the four- tusked elephant was supposed to be found. He only saw elephants with two tusks. Then he concluded that it was myth.
But later when he was in Butembo Hotel, he heard four Belgians talking about an African who had claimed that the four-tusks he was stilling was from dead elephant. Then, Denis went to the seller to buy the tusks but they were already taken for providing him the four tusks. He contacted Mumbeli to provide him the skull. Lastly when Denis got the skull he brought it to Belgium. The tusks were carried to Beutral skull's holes. He proved that the four-tusk elephant really existed it was not a myth but a reality. This all process shows that scientists always test the accuracy of a hypothesis and work with educated guess. They never take things for granted. This difficult work of Denis shows how scientists work accuracy, perfect experimentation, and analysis and finally draw a reliable conclusion based on educated guess.

The Four-Tusked Elephant

"The Four-Tusked Elephant".
Literal Comprehension: Belgian writer and scientist Armand Denishas written this story "The Four-Tusked Elephant" while the writer was in Africa, Putnam and Texan were with him. He heard about the four-tusked elephant. Then the writer asked with pigmies, the inhabitants of Ituri forest and got answer that they had seen it directly. They claimed that it was certain to exist. After that the writer made the determination to find the Four- Tusked Elephant that could talk in human voice and could see that other elephants could not. giving tobacco as gift and taking three young men the writer walked for four days. They saw a group of elephants but they were with two tusks. That made writer to take the Four-Tusked elephant as a myth.
Once the writer was in Butembo Hotel for other business. Four local Begian settlers were talking about the elephant having four tusks. The writer got contact the person who would sell tusks without paying tax secretly. When he met Xantos who informed the writer that tusks was sent to the warehouse at Abba. The writer found Mombeli had sold the tusk. Writer made condition to meet head of the elephant with Mombeli offering him wristwatch, light and oil lantern. After that the writer didn't get any news about Mombeli's where about. Luckily the writer got the head (skull) of elephant and wrote a letter to his parents to buy the tusks because the tusks were taken to Central Office Antwerp. Getting too much difficulties Denis brought the head (skull) to home, Belgium. But the tusks were already sent to New York Museum of National History. In New York Museum of National History the writer fit the tusks into holes of skull one after another and they perfectly fitted. Though the writer had solved the mystery of four -tusked elephant still whether it could talk in human voice was in doubt. That was not scientifically proved.
Interpretation: The story "The Four-Tusked Elephant" is not only a story of scientific discovery; it is a scientific process of finding the truth. Scientific experimentation is not a simple process rather it starts with hypothesis and proceeds with observation and experimentation and lastly draws a reasonable (logical) conclusion. It might also be trying to say that sometimes chance or co-incidence plays an important role to make heard a discovery. The writer was in the hotel and heard a talk about four-tusked elephant that led him to find this discovery. Still another possible interpretation of the story might be the result of hard work. Which is always good . We should keep on doing practice one day, sooner or later, we will reach to our goal. We should always be optimistic in doing difficult and sometimes impossible bobs as well.
Critical Thinking: This scientific story has easily drawn the attention of any reader. it has written so systematically that we can't stop without coming to the end. it has surpassed the lesson that only dedicated, hardworking and punctual at work people can meet their goals sooner or later, Still we can be disagreeing with some of the non-convincing ideas presented here. Can an elephant speak in human voice? Does anyone do such risky job for getting that proof? Still the process of scientific investigation is not less convincing one.
Assimilation: I got stuck very much with the ideas presented in the story. It taught me to be ever optimistic and use personal logic and full dedication on our work. We should never be discouraged and back warded in getting difficulties on the process of work. In the quest of mission one should not be tired by any cost. If so, the success is sure to be in the hand.

Gaia Shreedhar Lohani

Literal Comprehension: 
The strong hot wind blowing everywhere that has made palm trees withered. This imbalance in nature causes over rain. This destructive rain has made the sea. to wait with vast open mouth grabbing how much water comes there. The sharp pointed mountain peaks are also eating with beaks and causing the earth trouble day by day. Earth is polluted very much due to human ruthless activities. The bad smell of damaged fungus has brought many problems to the home(Earth) where we all live. This has brought problems, hunger and disturbances in the world. Yet the mother Earth tolerates all them calmly.
This poem " Gaia" has presented the dilemma of the biosphere. Human beings are careless in their activities so they are creating a number of problem in the environment. Mother earth, "Gaia" is so much tolerant that whatever people do upon her she calmly accepts them. But it might also indicate that to the extreme point of toleration She may turn towards revenge of heedless action upon her. There may be anti-action that will be far more destructive to human beings. This revenge has been foretold in myths in ancient cultures also.
Critical Thinking: 
This poem has only 12 lines and is in two stanzas. More then rhyme other literary language the use of metaphors is very much strong. The six metaphors used in the poem-wind, rain, mountain, sea, time and the house have bought was area of the earth. Hot wind is destructive to palm tree that cause to destructive rain. The sea and mountain as well as time are giving torture constantly. The house stands here as the earth in general. But like mother to nourishment of child Goddess Earth or Mother Earth tolerates how much injustice done upon her. Careless human beings are sheer cause of the destruction of earth and its beauty. The poem written based on Gaia hypothesis is really convincing. Though we can rise a question of existence of God at present but the current ecological problems of the world are not less serious.
The poem gave me a clear concept of an ecological destruction due to reckless activities of human beings. It gave me an insight that if domination is at the extreme, there will be revenge as well. I quickly remembered the poem "Gods Grandeur" by G.M. Hopkins. Here the poet has presented careless money-minded people who are running after power, wealth having no faith on kind God. Yet God will take care to all plants and creatures like a hen to brood her eggs.

The Lunatic

The poet's method in "The Lunatic" capitalizes on the contrasts between the world of Lunatic and sane people. What are some of these contrasts and how they bring out the irony of the poem?
The real massage of the poet in this poem is based on the contrasts. Mainly, there is contrast between the world of sane and the sane people with better characters and personalities ironically. He says Lunatic persona gets experiences that a sane can't. Here lunatic sees the sound, hears the picture and tastes the small but that can't be done by sane person. Lunatic touches things that normal person can't what Lunatic speaks that language never be spoken, written or used. Normal person sees nothing in a stone besides stone. A lunatic can see flower in the stone and can talk with bird on it. Lunatic feels the heavenly beauty is smiling to him. He works with sixth sense that normal person works with five senses. Insane works with heart while sane does with brain. Others freeze but Lunatic melts and becomes vapour. All these contrasts show that actually Lunatic is not Lunatic but these so called sane people are mad. Using the mask of Lunatic the poet has dug out the bases of all social, personal, injustices, inhumanity and inequalities of societies and convention.

The Lunatic Laxmi Prasad Devkota

 The Lunatic
Laxmi Prasad Devkota, Nepal
b. Write the summary of the poem "The Lunatic".
A famous Nepali Literary star Laxmi Prasad Devkota, has composed this poem "The Lunatic". It is the translation of his Nepal poem "Pagal" in 1956. The poet has used a mask of an insane person to show a contrast with the world people and his thinking. in the first stanza he says he is insane (mad) and this is his thinking.
The speaker tells about different contrasts in a second stanza with unusual habits. He can see sound and hear picture and taste a smell. He touches such things that world people don't believe them. He sees flower in the stone. He speaks such strange language, which is not written and spoken and all his words are never understood by anyone.
In the third stanza, the speaker makes many contrasts. Other sense with five sense organs he speaks. One minus one is equal to one and he works with heart while other work with mind. He enjoys in poetry while sane people do in prose. If they freeze he melts because he has world of vapour. With all such contrasts he says a vein is loose in his brain so he is insane.
In the fourth stanza the persona of the poet says he is called crazy when he is talking wintry sun heat. When he is sad at the death of people and weeps people call him mad. Seeing dead body he realizes Buddha's Philosophy still he is called mad. in listening a melodious song of cookoo he is referred to mental hospital and he is tasted if he is mad by pinching on his skin. He still a accepts that he is an insane
In the fifth stanza, the speaker focuses on stronger contrasts that wine is blood, prostitutes are corpse they don't have affection. King of other is beggar to him because he is high ambitious. The highly respected people are fools to him. Other's gold is his iron and the clever people are innocent to him. All the progress is his not progress because all are fools in his eyes. Such is his plight and such is his evaluation. What people value, believe and proThwud on are meaningless to the speaker.
In the sixth stanza, the speaker has become more aggressive. Blind leaders lead the world society/society where truth is not counted. Foolish and cheater have covered all high Honest, true and good people are always sidelined. The speaker sympathizes the weak minds and thinking of so called intellectual people of modern world.
In the last stanza, the speaker is very much violent and challenging towards the flatterers who disturb people from getting true rights and freedom. Political leaders are like prostitutes because they can be sold in money. With black money common people are controlled from getting human rights. False news is published in the media. When the speaker like honest people read them feeling comes to challenge and fight against them. He is much more angry when innocent people are forced to take poison and accept guilt of wrong deeds. When innocent and honest person is corrupted and cheated by so-called clever inhumanly his anger grows up. When he sees tiger punching upon the innocent dear, big fish to small, strong blow occurs from inside of him. There is no inhumanly. His brain burns like a forest fire he becomes too much cruel and become a child of tempest explosion of volcano. His mind is not proper, this is his condition.

The Lunatic Laxmi Prasad Devkota

"The Lunatic"
Literal Comprehension:  This poem "The Lunatic" by Laxmi Prasad Devkota is his own translation of Nepali Poem "Pagal". The person or speaker of the poem is mad who tells about his uncommon activities just opposite from normal sane people. He sees the sound, hears the sight and tastes the smell. He can see Helen in a rose. He works with sixth sense. He speaks such language that world does not accept. There is one in subtracting one from one in his maths. There is heart that melts and makes world of vapor. His dream world is full of thorns not roses. People call him a mad while sitting in wintry sun, listening cuckoo's song and weeping over people's death. He calls prostitutes are dead bodies and ruler and leaders are real fools. The great king is beggar for him. Other's heaven is his hell and others' god is his worse. When he sees a number if injustices done upon powerless, innocent people by powerful, he is much violent and turns to be like volcano. He/ takes himself really mad because he can't hear thousands of such injustices and inequalities exist in this society  and the world ruled by fools.
Interpretation: "The Lunatic" is an autobiographical poem by a famous Literary star Nepali Literature late Laxmi Prasad Devkota. Looking to the then society full of injustices he has pivoted through ideas and feeling in this poem. The speaker has made a world of contrasts where oppositions are the desirable aspects by which the poet wants to have a systematic and humane world. He has used a mask of mad person but actually the so-called sane persons are mad and foolish. By using his characters like confidence, imagination, abnormality, aggression, rebellion he wants to break down all the vales of social injustices and dominations. In violent and challenging tone the poet wants to demolish all social, personal and any types of dominations. The skillful presentation of sane and insane characters, activities and state the poet might be trying to challenge to so-called civilized, high class and rulers who enjoy in controlling others and looting the innocents. The poem is the best example of political protest poem.
Critical Thinking: It is natural for us not to accept any type of injustice, domination and inhuman behaviors. But the poet's senses of testing, smelling, hearing, sight and seeing the sound are really mad like. Again, The poet has used mask to criticize the ample of social personal injustices done in any name. How can a person visualize sound, hear the sight and taste the smell? Can one work with sixth sense? Though we can be disagree in some aspects of him, still we can't deny what is his intention in the poem. The poem's thirst is to be rebellious against any injustice is ever praiseworthy and ever convincing one. This depth idea is hidden under the surface abnormality of Lunatic in this poem.
Assimilation: After reading this persuasive poem I got the insight c f why people become rebellious. What is the world and what is truth and how the innocent and honest people are made Scapegoat by so-called civilized and powerful people. The poem made me to remember the poem of famous poet Emily Dickenson "Much Madness is Divinest Sense" The speaker has been called insane and sent to prison because she doesn't accept what majority say. She is against injustice and domination so she doesn't say. She is against injustice and domination so she doesn't like to say white to black. If one doesn't do what group says then he/she is called insane. Similarly, the speaker of this poem "The Lunatic" is taking side of truth and so-called sane are mad and he is really sane. The poem also taught me that we should not accept any injustice by any cost.

Monday, April 29, 2013

The Wretched Stone

The Wretched Stone
Chris van alls burg, USA (1949)
The story explores the unfortunate condition brought by television set in our life metaphorically. Stone found in the island is nothing but TV set people become just like animals (apes) due to TV. Out creativity culture etc will be destroyed due to TV. So we have to eschew TV as far as we can.
Four levels of meanings 
Literal comprehension: After completing all its preparation a big cargo ship Rita Anne started her Voyage with fine environment. Every present crew were enjoying by reading books storytelling, etc. After four weeks they reached to an island which was very strange because there were no fruits in the plants, there was no sign of human life. There was bad smelling air and bitter water falling from fountains. They found a strange stone with shining one side that was giving light from there. They kept the stone in the ship and started their further journey. When crews were free they used to watch it. All sailors forgot their jobs and duties and rarely spoke each other. They always sat in front of the stone. They started to walk like animal, didn't understand the language spoken by the captain. The captain made a secret plan to throw the stone in to the see. Soon a storm occurred where captain alone was controlling the ship. Other crews were busy in watching TV (Stone). Later the captain changes them by playing music, reading books and telling stories. The ones who could read changed faster than who couldn't later all were rescued by another ship.

Interpretation: This metaphorical story might be telling many things. Here the stone, ape stands for modern non-creative people. According to the writer being crazy to TV, People are careless to their responsibilities and duties. Watching TV is non-productive and uncreative work. There can be other ways to get entertainment like reading, singing story telling etc. We must be dutiful and punctual to get success in our life. Again the story might also try to tell us that we give less focus to our other important works while watching TV. TV itself is the cause of change in our good manners and attitudes. The title "The Wretched Stone" indicates the stone that gives lot of tensions and problems. This means people get more problems than benefits in watching TV. As we are away from the TV, we can be more creative, mannered and real human beings.

Critical Thinking: After reading this story I became so much disagree with the ideas given as the negative aspects of TV in total. Modern science and technological inventions have made our life facilitated and comfortable. Among them TV is one most useful tool. As it is given in this story TV is the not really so useless. We can know about the world, new inventions, knowledge skills and so much ideas using TV. We can world in front of TV set. How can any person become ape watching TV? Can we really become careless and duty-free watching TV? Can we reject the number of information and knowledge we get from TV? No doubt TV itself is not bad if we use it selectively and appropriately. There are many more advantages along with few disadvantages of using TV.

Assimilation: The story influenced me a lot. When we see the misusages of TV in our daily life, we can see similar situation. School children become crazy to non-creative programs. They should be interested about study. Most of housewives normally watch TV and kill their important time without any creative work. No doubt, if we can't use TV properly, we can be meaningless and non-creative like the apes. The metaphorical presentation of TV as a stone made me to be careful in watching TV to find whether it has destroyed me or given creativity.

Sunday, April 28, 2013


On Friday (27th Magh), our Trilok children's Academy school team went to picnic in Tribhuwan Park which is located in Thankot, Kathmandu. The students from 4 to 10 grades were actively participated in the school picnic. After the gathering of all the students in school, we started our journey at around 9:30 am and reached our destination, Thankot at 10: 00 am. We really had unforgettable fun while travelling through bus. We enjoyed a lot in bus by singing as well as dancing and finally we reached Tribhuwan Park, a beautiful and evergreen place where we transferred all the brought items and other things with the combined efforts of almost all the students. Then all the students as well as teachers reached to our picnic spot and we had our breakfast at 10:30 am. After having breakfast, we began to chat with friends, danced , sang as well as roamed here and there. It was really joyful. After that, we got something to eat at 12:30 pm.
When we finished eating, some were arranging the music system. Then our real enjoyment began. After a while we danced from 1:00 pm as the electricity came at 1:00 pm. Almost all students were dancing along with teachers. We were very much active as well as energetic during our dance. Before dancing, we also played 'antakshery' with two different groups. Last of all, we had meal to eat. We also conducted joke as well as singing competition. In fact, the picnic of 2068 was really memorable. We really had wonderful experience in it. We took photos, danced, shouted and sang so much. I enjoyed a lot in it. This will be one of the unforgettable moments for me. I collected uncountable memories in it. Even the teachers do not hesitate to dance and make fun. They behaved with students as friends.
            Therefore, this picnic has become one of the wonderful events of my life time. It provided me enjoyments as well as refreshment. So such moment should never be missed. I am also eager to go to school picnic next year and gather wonderful experience.
                                                                     Shared by:  Jyoti chhetri, Grade :  IX , Roll no: 1

Saturday, April 20, 2013

King Ahab of Isreal enjoyed near-absolute power. Is absolute power a good thing? Why? Why not?

King Ahab of Isreal enjoyed near-absolute power. Is absolute power a good thing? Why? Why not?
When a rich and powerful persons misuse their power that becomes absolute power. In other words, when personal desires and wishes are fulfilled using the power that becomes absolute use of power because there is domination to someone or powerless persons.
King Ahab wanted to have the vineyard possessed by Naboth. When Naboth disagreed to give him the vineyard, King and Queen Jezebel used their absolute power on Naboth. With their power and command of kingship they ordered elders of Naboth land to stone him to death. They made Naboth to have guilt on not having respect to king and God. After the murder of Naboth Ahab went to bring vineyard but God gave warning him for his evil deeds. Ahab as the king should have asked why Naboth was killed rather grabbed the vineyard. This action shows that King Ahab used near-absolute power.
No, absolute power is not, in any cost, a good thing. Having such excessive misuse of power becomes undemocratic that can’t be acceptable to present world people. If we see the world’s political histories, we can find that absolute power is always cruel, corrupt and inhuman. To some extant such power holder can enjoy upon powerless ones with their absolute power but sooner or later they are kicked out by the subjects. In this 21st century such power can’t be useful at all nor that can exist any longer because it is the time of true democracy, freedom, liberty, equality, human rights, etc.

Ahab and Naboth

"Ahab and  Naboth"
Literal Comprehension : The story "Ahab and  Naboth" has been taken from " The Holy Bible". Once Ahab, king of Samaria went with Naboth to ask to let him his vineyard. He said he would giveNaboth a better vine-yard or its worth. Naboth refused to give it pointing that the Lord would be angry to give away one's inheritance. Being sad and heavy, king Ahab came home and lay in bed Jezebel, Ahab's wife asked him about the reason. He told her everything that had happened with Naboth. Jezebel encouraged Ahab not to worry and she promised that she would provide him the Vineyard by any cost. Then Jezebel wrote a letter giving order to the elders and the nobles of Naboth. She said they should put Naboth in high among the people. With the witness of two daughters of Belial they should stone him to dead. He should be accused of doing disrespect to king and the God. Elders and nobles did as she ordered in the litter and sent the message of Naboth's death to King Ahab's. Jezebel told Ahab to go Naboth's vineyard because Naboth was already killed. When King Ahab went to the vineyard the God suggested Elijah to go to vineyard warning Ahab that he had done wrong. The God commanded that the place where dogs lick Naboth's blood would lick Ahab's blood. Elijah informed Ahab that in the eyes of God he had done evil deed for that he must be punished.

Interpretation: This religious story might be trying to say that powerful people are always trying to enjoy in the absolute power dominating the powerless people. It is also meant to give a clear picture of absolute power. King Ahab has used his absolute power to get Naboth's vineyard. The power of so called kingship has used to snatch away others possessing. His wife Jezebel is also assisting him to use this evil power. Again, the story might also be telling that how far we dominated others and control with personal power, God is watching everything. We can’t be more powerful then God. So, we have to accept the punishment for our misdeeds. It is human greed that makes him want to possess other property. While ruling over others or controlling others we have to at least be afraid of almighty god. The absolute power neither gives benefit to users, not the used ones either.

Critical Thinking :Ahab and Naboth is a story full of moral lesson that we have to bear the result of our evil deeds. It teaches about human greed that has ever-negative results. Besides, we can't agree with some ideas presented in this story. (a) Do people of present world have faith on god ? (b) Is it possible to be Ahab like absolute king at present ? (c) Isn't it natural desire of human to possess new things? (d) Doesn't a faithful wife help her tensed husband? etc.
Still we come to the idea that evil or bad actions should be avoided, and we must be fully satisfied that we have, is acceptable moral part of this story.

Assimilation: After going through this story I got new idea that we must be fully happy and satisfied what we have possessed. If we are greedy and loot others, god is ever watching our misdeeds. We shouldn't use our absolute power because we will be punished for that sooner or later. I have also learnt to give of my habit of greediness and theft.

“The Brave little parrot”

The Brave little parrot
Literal Comprehension: Once Buddha was born as a little parrot. In the forest where various animals and birds lived. While all the creatures were spending happy life, a storm and lightening turned the forest into fire. Helpless animals and birds were trapped in the fire. It was terrible picture where birds and animals were crying for help. Seeing that situation the little parrot started to put out the fire by dipping into river and spreading the drops of water into the fire. Though it got burnt all parts of his body the parrot still continued doing the work. Seeing such foolishness of parrot Gods in heaven laughed. But one of the Gods became ready to help him by changing himself into a golden eagle. The parrot didn’t like eagle’s advice rather help when the eagle told the parrot to stop doing that work. So,the eagle began to weep weave upon weave until the fire was put out completely. By the mercy of God all the animals and plants were saved in that forest and there was greenery everywhere. All the animals expressed their gratitude to brave little parrot that saved them.
Interpretation: Since the story is based on Buddhist Legend it tells much about human kindness,love and help. It tells us we should love and help as far as we car selflessly. It we do selfless help, God loves us. Again, another meaning can be that we should always struggle a lot whether it is fruitful or not. Keep on doing struggle but don't expect the fruit is its lesson. The good deeds of parrot are praiseworthy that are seen by the god as well. Those who have experienced the bitter life or suffering can understand others well. So rich and aristocratic people never understand the actual pain of poor and common people.
Critical thinking: The story teaches us to do selfless service and help to other as moral lesson. Though in philosophy such concept is suitable and impressive but in our practical life such feeling  is impossible because people don't have strong faith on God. Some disagreeing points are: (a)  Is it possible for a man to be born as a parrot ? (b) Do we really believe on the existence of god ? (c) Can pouring tear put out forest fire? Besides these some of the confusing points the story has praiseworthy ideas. Teaching human to help others selflessly and be kind and helpful are humane. This aspect of this story is really acceptable and heart touching one.
Assimilation : I got extreme influence after reading this story "The Brave Little Parrot" and knew that we must be like the little parrot. While innocent and poor people are doing honest and dutiful works but so called reach people do everything with selfish motive. Reach are indifferent to the suffering of poor. Still the right conduct of parrot teaches us more to do similar type of behaviours in our life as will. If we help others without selfish nature, there will be someone ready to help us. These concept germinated or came in me after reading these mythological story "The Brave Little Parrot" 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Invitation / four levels

Literal Comprehension: This poem "Invitation" has been composed by 20th century American poet Shel Silverstein. The speaker in the poem invites different persons with different natures with them to accompany with her. He invites the readers who are imaginative as dreamers or even liars who always tell a lie. Hopers who for something are prayer of religious deities or persons with magical power are invited to her. He even invites to the pretenders who pretend to be superior or greater to others. So who ever the readers are all are invited by the speaker to sit by him to spin Flex Golden Tales. The tales are more colorful and very much imaginative, adventurous and with many more outstanding qualities. He invites the readers for four times to accompany him unfolding Flex-Golden Tales.

Interpretation: The poem "Invitation" might be trying to create a good readerships in young generation. Modern young people are not so much interested  in reading and enjoy in the literatures. May be they haven't properly been invited to read. Not being interested in reading the children are more pretenders, liars, magic been players and so on. when they have inner desire for study they will start to read and will be co-readers to spin, colourful Flax-Golden Tales. The speaker's intension seems to make readers and other people to be more imaginative, creative and have fun in literatures.

Critical Thinking: The basic intension of the poem seems to make people more creative and productive making a good habit of study. It has easily drawn the attention of different readers. With the repetitive structural pattern the poet seems to be able to convince the readers to go with him to spin some beautiful stories and nice pieces of literatures. The multiple use of 'come' has focused much on the importance of reading and value of good reader. How can one be more creative and interested in literatures if there is no passion with him? Only invitation without interest becomes useless. Still the poem seems to rise some keen interest for reading.

Assimilation: Before reading this poem I didn't gave keen passion to literature. I had much interest in music, song and sports I used to think literature doesn't do any practical thing in our life. When I read this poem, I got an vision that literature, creative works are also the main sources of internal entertainment or happiness, Dreamer, liar, pretender, prayer all could be adjusted in the vast arena of literature. To spin Flex-Golden tales inspired me to enjoy the world of imagination, creativity, and vision, Our life can't always be charming if we don't love reading by heart.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Great Gatsby

           The Great Gatsby is a novel that is set against the ending of the war. Both Nick and Gatsby have participated in the war, although like much of the historical background in the novel, these events are more implied than developed. When Nick first meets Gatsby, Gatsby asks, "your face is familiar - - - weren't you in the Third Division during the war?" Nick tells him, "yes - - - the Ninth Machine-gun battalion" to which Gatsby responds, "I was in the Seventh Infantry until June nineteen eighteen" (TGG 50).
            After the war the American Economy went into a slight recession that was followed by an era of almost uninterrupted prosperity culminating with the stock market crash of 1929. For Fitzgerald Jazz Age began in 1918 and ended in 1929—dates he would later personalize; his flapper comes into being at the age of eighteen, and the illusions of youth fade at 29. Even in The Great Gatsby, published in 1925, these dates take on a kind of prescient significance: Gatsby and Daisy consummate their love when she is eighteen, and Nick turns thirty the day Gatsby's dream dies.
            The 1920s seen through the prism of Fitzgerald's fiction becomes a strange distillation of unlimited wonder and opportunity foundering on human excess and waste, a heightened and yet insubstantial carnivalesque emptiness; indeed the twenties may in many ways be thought of as Gatsby's America.
            There is a moment in any real authors career when he suddenly becomes capable of doing his best work. He has found a fable that express his central truth and everything falls into place around it, so that his whole experience of life is available for use in his fiction. Something like that happened to Fitzgerald when he invented the story of Jimmy Gatz, otherwise known as Jay Gatsby, and it explains the amazing richness and scope of a very short novel.
            To put facts on record, The Great Gatsby is a book of about fifty thousand words, a small structure build to nine chapters like big blocks. The fifth chapter—Gatsby's meeting with Daisy Buchanan—is the center of the narrative, as is proper; the seventh chapter is the climax. Each chapter consists of one or more dramatic scenes, sometimes with intervening passages of straight narration. The scenic method is one that Fitzgerald probably learnt from Edith Wharton, who in turn learnt from Henry James; at any rate the book is technically in the Jamesian tradition.
            Part of the tradition is the device of having the story told by a single observer, who stands somewhat apart from the action and whose vision "frames" it for the reader. In this case the observer plays the special role.
Although Nick Carraway doesn't save or ruin Gatsby, his personality in itself provides an essential comment on all the other characters. Nick stands for the older values that prevailed in the middle west before the first world war. His family is not tremendously rich, like the Buchanan's, but it has a long established and sufficient fortune, so that Nick is the only person in the book who hasn't been corrupted by seeking or spending money. He is so certain of his values that he hesitates to criticize others, but when he does pass judgement—on Gatsby, on Jordan Baker, on the Buchanan's—he speaks as if for ages to come.
            All the other characters belong to their own brief era of confused and dissolving standards, but they are effected by the era in different fashions. "Each of them, we note on reading the book a second time, represents some particular variety of moral failure" (Cowley XIX). Lionel Trilling says that they are "treated as if they were ideographs". Tom Buchanan is wealth brutalized by selfishness and arrogance; he looks for a mistress in the valley of ashes and finds an arrogant women, Myrtle Wilson, whose raw vitality is like his own. Daisy Buchanan is the spirit of wealth and offers a continual promise "that she had done gay, exciting things just a while since and that there were gay, exciting thing hovering in the next hour" (TGG 18); but it is a false promise, since at heart she is as self-centered as Tom and even colder. Jordan Baker apparently lives by the old standards, but she uses them only as a subterfuge.
            All these, except Myrtle Wilson, are East Egg people, that is they are part of a community where wealth takes the form of solid possessions. Set against them are the West Egg people, whose wealth is fluid income that might cease overnight. The West Egg people, with Gatsby as their archetype and tragic hero, have worked furiously to rise in the world, but they will never reach East Egg for all the money they spend; at most they can sit at the waters edge and look across the bay at the green light that shines and promises at the end of the Buchanan's dock. The symbolism of place has a great part in Fitzgerald's novel, as has that of motor cars. The characters are visibly represented by the cars they drive: Nick has a conservative old Dodge, the Buchanan's, too rich for ostentation, have an "easy-going blue coupe" while Gatsby's car is "a rich cream colour, bright with nickel, swollen here and there in its monstrous length with triumphant hat boxes and super-boxes and tool-boxes, and terraced with a labyrinth of wind-shields that mirrored a dozen suns" (TGG 63-64). A description of an expensive and fashionable 1920s car could represent not only Gatsby's vehicle, which plays a key role in the plot of the novel, but also the materialistic values of American society, which held such objects in high esteem. When Daisy drives through the valley of ashes in Gatsby's car, she causes two deaths that end the story.
            There is probably no writer who is more identified with a decade than Fitzgerald is identified with the 1920s. His short stories defined the flapper and the new morality, and his novels caught the essence of the historical moment. While The Great Gatsby suggests rather than develops the era of the twenties, it does evoke the haunting mood of a glamorous, wild time  that seemingly will never come again. Richard Lehan writes about the subject of The Great Gatsby:
The loss of an ideal, the disillusionment that comes with the failure to compromise, the efforts of run away prosperity and wild parties, the fear of the intangibility of that moment, the built-in resentment against the new immigration, the fear of new radical element, the latent racism behind half-backed historical theories, the effect of prohibition, the rise of powerful underworld, the effect of the automobile and professional sports on post-war America—these and a dozen equally important events became the subject of The Great Gatsby, a novel that evokes both the romance and the sadness of that strange and fascinating era we call the twenties (Lehan 2).
            Fitzgerald described the Jazz Age, in his "Echoes of the Jazz Age", as an age of miracles, an age of art, an age of excess and an age of Satire (qtd. in Bush 171). Fitzgerald's use of the term satire in his comment on the Jazz Age draws attention to what is clearly part of his intention in The Great Gatsby—to subject the value of the society in which he lived. His intention in writing the novel was to draw attention to the defects of society as he perceived them.
            Since the Fitzgeralds' lived a life not very far removed from those of his characters, Fitzgerald himself felt well qualified to explore the theme of wealth and its effect. In his brief career Fitzgerald tested in imaginative terms the occupations of gilded youth, of the impressively rich, of the socially elite, and found them "sterile" (Quinn 889). Although in terms of biographical detail Fitzgerald resembles Gatsby less than the heroes of his earlier novels, there is a strong sense of identification with him, both as the romantic idealist and for the difficulties Gatsby faced as a penniless young man who wanted to be successful. Scott Fitzgerald wrote. "That was always my experience—a poor boy in a rich town, a poor boy in a rich boy's school, a poor boy in a rich man's club at Princeton. I have never been able to forgive the rich for being rich and it has coloured my entire life and work. This theme comes again and again because I lived it" (qtd. in Bush 171). In writing The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald also wanted to break new ground as a writer and an artist. He wished to produce "something new–something extraordinary and beautiful and simple and intricately patterned" (171).
            The Great Gatsby asserts the value of human order in defiance of all which defeats it. My effort in this study has been to expose the defects of the society which Fitzgerald has presented in the novel. Fitzgerald's world in The Great Gatsby is loveless, commercial, mechanized, and immoral in many respects. What Fitzgerald wants is moral world with traditional values which he implies in the person of Nick Carraway. So I have analyzed Nick Carraway's retreat to the West in the final unit of textual analysis. 

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Doubting Thomases

Doubting Thomases

In "Accursed House" a story by the French writer Emile Gaboriau, the tenants one by one desert Vicomte's house doubting his good intention of lowering their rent by one-third. After the death of his miser uncle, Vicomte decreases the rent out of sheer generosity. He is, however, misunderstood, and before long a rumor goes rife that the house is haunted, which in turn makes the tenants leave the house. Certainly, the writer is not only trying to show the funny side up but also lashing the very human nature of doubting others' benevolent intent. Who is to blame, one can question. Aren't we all nonetheless doubting Thomases? Haven't we doubted our friends, husbands, wives and children? Haven't we tried to discover ugly designs in the works done by our fellow beings in good faith?
Othello and King Lear serve as fine examples of heroic and famous Doubting Thomases we have heard of and read about. The undaunted warrior Othello sets his own doom driven by his infidelity to doubt the fidelity of Desdemona, a wife so faithful to him. Likewise, we know of King Lear's pathetic end precipitated by his act of doubting the genuine filial love of his youngest daughter, Cordelia. In both these plays, Shakespeare, with a real understanding of human weaknesses, portrays these characters that seem to be more like human nature personified.
Why are people so skeptic? Why do we believe in none of our leaders and bureaucrats today? Perhaps, we haven't come across people who have sincerely tried to work for the country putting aside their own interests. Is it the world that makes us Doubting Thomases or we are born skeptics? These questions are difficult to answer. Nevertheless, one thing is sure: we grow up to be better skeptics as we live longer in the world devoid of faith. In offices, pubs, schools, colleges and even temples people's talks, curiously, feature mainly on how they are aware of others' mistakes (and, of course, they think that they are always right). The sense of complimenting others for even little things and praising others' sincerity make your demeanor pleasant, which is, however, lacking in us.
            Just the other day, we were having 'aalu chops' in the college cafeteria. It was a cool morning and hot chops were all our never-satiating guts desired. One of us was serving the rest, for self-help is a custom in our cafeteria. The prowling demon of doubt suddenly sneaked into our joyous gathering: 'Oh, those must be yesterday's stale chops,' came the hasty remark leaving everyone startled for a while. Mind you, those chops were steaming hot, and the young man who gave the verdict wasn't the one who was going to pay for the breakfast. It had but only given a hiatus to our jokes and laughter for a couple of seconds, which had been going on for quite a long while.
            Such is our plight. 'Doubt everything and everybody' has been the worldview of people. Old habits die hard. But you must make a beginning. You must pluck some courage to break away from this tradition of doubting. It's time we began recognizing goodness latent in others and be especially careful about not penalizing someone's good intent. Else, we will unfortunately be adding to the catalogue of uncountable Doubting Thomases.

Factors that Influence in the Proper Use of Communicative Approach in English Language -Teaching

Factors that Influence in the Proper Use of Communicative         Approach in English Language -Teaching
          The former English curriculum was based on oral structural situational approach, but this approach was not so effective to teach English language teaching therefore, many students hadn't passed S.L.C. in English. But the communicative approach was highlighted in new curriculum of secondary level, the students are more motivated and pass- percentage is also in increasing order. All this comparative study between oral structural and communicative approach had been done by the researcher and came to conclusion that communicative approach is suitable approach than former one, but still, it has not been used properly. The present need is to find out the factors that influence in proper use communicative approaches. The factors are given below

                         Over-Crowd Pupils.                                                     The teacher and student ratio is seen greater than average ratio. It is a serious factor in the use of communicative approach because the teacher does not get sufficient time to involve in communicative process. Instead of doing so, the teacher is always busy to control the students. It is very difficult to proceed ahead in their teaching\learning activities. So due to the over-crowded pupils, the teacher hasn't got time to use communicative approach properly.
                         Student Background.                                                            The basic standard in English of primary and lower- secondary level is very poor. So even in secondary level, the students do not know English language. The teacher face many difficulties to teach them. Instead of giving textual meaning by using communicative approach, the teacher has to lose the time in translating in mother - tongue. That's why, the poor base standard of students is an obstacle to use communicative teaching.
Teaching Aids                                                             
         To teach this new curriculum of secondary level in English subject, it has assigned teaching aids like cassette, audio-visual aids, newspaper and reference books. But all these teaching aids are not available in school. This also causes difficulty.
English teachers                                                           English teachers themselves are the major factors that influence in the use of communicative approach. They are not aware of modern methodologies has implemented, they do not get a training. To use the communicative approach properly, the teachers must be trained, qualified and experienced.
Headmaster                                                                             Some of the headmasters are still untrained. As they do not understand the problems and solve the problems of the English teacher. They always want to impose them heavy load and do not buy the teaching aids. So, the headmaster should arrange conductive environment to English teachers for teaching English.

Communicative Approach

Communicative Approach to Language Teaching
Definition of the 'Communicative Approach'
          The term communicative approach' was developed by Wilkins (1972), who proposed a functional or communicative definition of language that could have served as a basis for developing communicative syllabuses for, national and functional approaches are all the synonyms used to mean the same thing.
          According to Halliday (1976), a communicative/functional approach to language teaching means:
(i)                  Investigating how language is used
(ii)                Trying to find out the purposes that language serves for us and
(iii)             How we are able to achieve those purposes through listening and speaking, reading and writing. It also means seeking to explain the nature of language in fundamental terms i.e. seeing whether language itself has been shaped by use and in what ways the form of the language has been determined by the function, it has been evolved to serve.
          This approach serves as the backbone of a language course based on language functions or speech acts rather than on units of grammar or situations with a grammar focus. As the purpose of language teaching is to communicate, the learners are to teach functional use of language rather than grammar and its rules.

Origin of Communicative Approach
          In 1971, a group of experts began to investigate the possibility of developing language course. The group used studies of the need of European language learners. D. A. Wilkins (1972) proposed a functional or communicative definition of language that could serve as a basis for developing communicative syllabus for language teaching. Wilkins's' contribution was an analysis of the communicative meanings that a language learners need to understand and express. He attempted to demonstrate the systems of meaning that lay behind the communicative uses of language through traditional concept of grammar and vocabulary. Wilkins in his notional syllabus has described two types of meaning viz. (i) categories of communicative function viz. requests, denials, offers, complaints and (ii) notional categories (concept such as time, sequence, quantity, location, frequency).
Objectives of the Communicative Approach
          Both American and British proponents of the communicative approach to language teaching have explained the communicative approach aims at:
(i)                  Making communicative competence, the goal of language teaching and using language as a means of expression.
(ii)                Making communicative or developing the procedures for the teaching of the four language skills that acknowledge the inter-dependence of language as a semiotic system and an object of learning.
(iii)             Making language as a means of expressing values and judgement about oneself or others
(iv)             Using language learning within the school campus curriculum.
          Those above objectives, though meant for 'communicative approach' are generally applicable to any teaching situation. There is no particular objective of communicative language teaching, only since such an approach assumes that language teaching will reflect the particular needs of the target language learners. These needs may be in the domains of reading, writing listening or speaking each of which can be approached from communicative perspectives.

Processes of Teaching Communicative Approach
          There have been various ways of teaching any approach of any language. So, in this communicative approach, too, some processes of teaching have been put forward. Among the, the well-established processes have been discussed below.
                      Controlled Practice
                      Free Practice
          The teaching policy may change at each of these stages. So let's discuss them in details.

(i)      Presentation
          At this stage, the teacher is firmly in control and doing most (if not all) the talking. There is no possibility of error, because the student is not invited to speak.

(ii)     Controlled Practice
          At this stage, the teacher remains in control. The possibility of errors has been reduced to a minimum, but when they occur, the teacher corrects them until the class produces the forms correctly. At this stage, students' talking time is equal to or greater than teacher's talking time.

(iii)    Free Practice
          At this stage, the teacher relaxes control. Mistakes will occur, but students will correct each other or themselves when challenged much greater than teacher's talking time. The teacher will only intervene if serious problem is arisen.

In fact, there is no abrupt shift from on stage to another. There may be a change of the context for practice when shifting from the controlled to the free practice stage. As to the shift form presentation to the controlled practice, anyone will agree that it is practically impossible to separate these stages because one stage will flow inevitably into the other.

          The above figure shows that the analysis of the teaching process as separated into three distinct stages is, therefore, more of a typical analysis than an exact description of what happens in the classroom. In practice, the three stages are moulded together, into a pattern which represents a smooth transition from total teacher control to nil teacher control. The process is a continuum.

Importance of 'Communicative Approach' to Language Teaching
          The 'Communicative approach' being new in our context may have created some problems for the beginners. It has, nevertheless, great importance in our English language teaching\learning system. They may be broadly discussed here below.
                      It is important in the sense that it takes the communicative facts of language into account from the beginning without losing grammatical and situational factors.
                      It can make the student sensitive to the need of appropriate language in a given situation. Besides, the 'Communicative Approach' to language teaching focuses on the more important goal of using the language for a purpose.
                      This approach enormously enhances motivation. Instead of learning to manipulate language item in vacuum, the student will be able to recognize the practical value of the language he learns
                      It is important for specialist courses viz. Scientists, Pilots, Doctors etc.
          Communicative Language Teaching is best considered an approach rather than a method. Thus although a reasonable degree of theoretical consistency can be discerned at the level of language and learning theory, at the level of design and procedure. There is much greater room for individual interpretation and variation than most methods permit. It could be that one version among the various proposals for syllabus, models, exercise types and classroom activities may gain wider approval in the future, giving communicative language teaching a status similar to other teaching models. On the other hand, divergent interpretation may lead to homogeneous sub-groups.

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