Monday, September 17, 2012



                                                                             Gary Althen
The main point
          The most important thing to understand about Americans is probably their devotion to individualism. They are trained from many early in their views to consider themselves as separate individuals who are responsible for their own situations in life and their own destinies.
          Individualistic Americans neutrally see themselves as beings in competition with others competitiveness pervades the society. It is obvious in the attention given to athletic events and star athletes who are praised for being real competitors.
          Also closely associated with the value they place an individualism is the importance American assign to privacy. Americans assume that people “need some time to themselves” or “some time alone” to think about things or recover their spent psychological energy.
          American are also instinctive in the degree to which they believe in the ideal as stated in their declaration of independence that all men are created equal.
          The sense of  equality makes the Americans to be informal we rarely see the Americans being informal dress up. They use slang o address each other they never how to the serious. They attend the public ceremonies even in casual dress.
The future, change and progress:
          The American ignore the past and focus in future. Look ahead is their main slogan. They never regret for the past but see the future besides they believe in changed though the effort of  the people . they believes that time is under the control of human beings.
          For the American “ motion is progress and labour is money. They appreciate the people who make well use of time well organized people get social respect.
Achievement, action work and materialism:
          For the Americans that a person is more important than who the persons belongs to the work that a person does aspects are ignored.
Directness and assertiveness:
          The Americans are open minded and they speak directly to others. Besides they are clever mined and devoted to their works.

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