
Showing posts from June 19, 2024

Grant and Lee: A Study in Contrast Bruce Catton

  Grant and Lee: A Study in Contrast Bruce Catton Summary /  Question Answers               Both Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee were men of integrity, determination, passion and great skill. Bruce Catton wrote about the two men in the essay, "Grant and Lee: A Study in Contrasts". Catton, a Pulitzer Prize winning author and Civil War Historian, provides a brief character analysis of both men in this essay. The beliefs that Grant embraced as a frontiersman was more admirable than those aristocratic beliefs of Lee, and more men and women of today should understand and follow Grant's principles. Social inequality was one of the fundamental differences between the two men. Lee was an aristocrat who believed in traditional chivalry. He believed that this social class of privileged aristocrats is where leaders should be chosen. Catton, Lee firmly believed that social inequality has its own advantages and dividing the society into leisure class and common class is nec