Thursday, September 1, 2022


 A Synopsis


Aggression is most frequently defined as a manner in social psychology; which is projected to harm another person, who is motivated to avoid that harm. This type of harm can take many forms "physical injury, hurt feelings, or damaged social relationships" (Allen & Anderson, 2014, p. 922). Although definitions vary slightly, many prominent aggression researchers have utilized more definitions that are similar. Allen and Anderson further explain about subtypes of aggression “any behaviour directed toward another individual that is carried out with the immediate intent to cause harm. In addition, the wrongdoer must believe that the behaviour will hurt the target and that the target is motivated to escape the behaviour” (p. 923).

Spousal violence is a problem that is deep-rooted in many societies around the world. Research related to this field shows that "such type of violence is remained a hidden and persistent problem even though societal awareness and condemnation of the issue has increased" ( The Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime, 2017, p. 1). The main reasons of spousal violence are "power and control held by the abuser and the fear, intimidation and humiliation suffered by the victims of this violence. This type of violence often occurs in relationships that are romantic in nature and then where one partner seeks to dominate and exert power over the other. In such a case, the relationship mostly deteriorates and may become violent" ( The Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime, 2017, p. 1).  In such relationships, "physical, psychological, verbal, emotional, financial and sexual violence are common. Spousal violence can occur in husband-wife relationships, dating relationships, with common-law spouses and also in same-sex relationships" ( The Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime, 2017, p. 1).

When we raise a question, "'Who are the victims of spousal violence?', even if there are some studies that imply men and women are both capable of violence, female victims suffer more physically, emotionally and financially from abuse. While the majority of men are not violent, some men have learned to express their anger or insecurity through violence" ( The Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime, 2017, p. 1). 

"Literature is simply another way we can experience the world around us through our imagination" (Hidayah, 2009, p. 13). Literary work is the output of human thought, which states us about life and deals with "feeling, ideas, experience, ambition, imagination, and problems" (Hidayah, 2009, p. 13). It presents to give a pleasure and expand knowledge of the reader. Literature is one of the most artistic and widespread means of communicating the spiritual emotion and intellectual concern of humanity. "Literature is also a mirror of society and will be considered by human imagination and ideas of their expression, good form, techniques, and our imaginary world. It can be applied from human of daily life" (Hidayah, 2009, p. 14).

While dealing with literary criticism, we also know about psychological criticism that is portion of our soul to express our sentiments. Psychological criticism is the application of psychoanalysis within literature. In addition, critics use "psychological criticism to explore the motivations of characters and the symbolic meanings of events, while biographers speculate about a writer's own motivations" (Bandura, 1973, p. 14). Thus, psychological criticism is one of theories from literary criticism, and to analyse this research, here is the use of part of social psychology, that is aggression and frustration-aggression. Literature and psychology have close relationship and cannot be in separation form, because psychology is a part of literature, which supports and influences each other.


General objective

The over-all aim of this research is to identify and describe aggression and discrimination in Khaled Hosseini's A Thousand Splendid Suns.

            The specific objectives of this research are described as:

·         To identify different kinds of aggression in Khaled Hosseini's novel A Thousand Splendid Suns.

·         To describe aggression in Khaled Hosseini's novel A Thousand Splendid Suns.

·         To assess domestic violence in Khaled Hosseini's novel A Thousand Splendid Suns.

·         To test the application of Frustration Aggression Hypothesis in Khaled Hosseini's A Thousand Splendid Suns.

Statement of Problem

            Based on the above research background, research problems of this study are as follows:

·         What kinds of aggression are found in Khaled Hosseini's novel A Thousand Splendid Suns?

·         How are the different kinds of aggression described in A Thousand Splendid Suns?

·         What kinds of domestic violence are faced by women characters in A Thousand Splendid Suns?

·         How are the aggressions in domestic violence explained based on frustration-aggression hypothesis in A Thousand Splendid Suns ?

Significance of the study

            On the one hand, by doing this study, the researcher assumes that it will give useful contribution for developing knowledge on aggression and literary analysis. Theoretically, this research is aimed to enrich the theoretical basis of literary studies. In addition, it will make the readers or the next researcher have well understanding about aggression and its application in literary work, moreover in Khaled Hosseini's A Thousand Splendid Suns. Furthermore, violence is one form of aggressions of social psychology as one of literary criticism which can also be applied in several side of life.

            Similarly, the result of this study is expected to be a reference and alternative information for other researchers to enrich their knowledge with similar research. For other researchers, it is hoped that this study might help them to learn how to analyse fiction especially about violence and aggression on literary work. However, this study still needs to be followed and completed by other researcher with the same subject or object of the study.


Literature Review

Literature and psychology are interrelated and cannot be separated, because psychology is a part of literature, they support and influence each other. Learning psychology means an effect to learn the understanding of individuality and its aspects to understand another person who has a unique and specific attitude, which differentiate him or her from the other (Hidayah, 2009, p. 17). Moreover, the relationship between literature and psychology is shown by term of psychology of literature. What mean by “psychology of literature” is psychological studies that are applied in literature works. One of them is the study of psychological types and laws present within works of literature. As Wellek, Rene and Warren state “by psychology of literature, we may mean the psychological study of the writer, as type and as individual, or the study of the creative process, or the study of the psychological types and laws presents within works of literature, or, finally, the effects of literature upon its readers (audience psychology)” (Saadah, 2014, p. 4).

"In social psychology, aggression is most commonly defined as a: (1) behaviour, (2) that is intended to harm another person, (3) who is motivated to avoid that harm" (p. in Allen & Anderson 3; Bushman & Huesmann, 2010). This harm can take many forms such as "physical injury, hurt feelings, or damaged social relationships (to name just a few)" (Allen & Anderson, 2015, p. 3). Although definitions vary slightly, many prominent aggression researchers have utilized highly similar definitions. For example, in order to better distinguish between certain subtypes of aggression, Anderson and Bushman (2002, p. 28) more specifically defined human aggression as “any behaviour directed toward another individual that is carried out with the proximate (immediate) intent to cause harm. In addition, the perpetrator must believe that the behaviour will harm the target and that the target is motivated to avoid the behaviour” (Allen & Anderson, 2015, p. 3).

There are different factors that cause human aggression: environmental, social, learning, etc. Aggression is not variable which emerges incidentally or automatically. The cause factors of behavioural appearance of aggression are frustration, stress, compliance and power, attendance of weapon, provocation, alcohol and drugs, and air temperature.

A large proportion of previous research into bullying and aggression for example, (Olweus, 1980) has focused on aggressive physical behaviour in boys, in part because physical aggression is more easily observed and of a form that is stereotypically male (Underwood, Galen, & Paquette, 2001). Bjorkqvist and Niemela (1992) suggest that aggression can be categorized into the dichotomies physical versus verbal and direct versus indirect, a definitional theme that is apparent in much of Björkqvist and colleagues’ pioneering work in this field (Björkqvist, 2001) and one that has driven much related research for example at (Tapper & Boulton, 2004).

Moreover, Björkqvist, Lagerspetz, and Kaukiainen (1992) propose that there are three main types of aggression. They are i) direct physical, ii) direct verbal and iii) indirect aggression. Physical aggression includes such direct behaviours as pushing another, punching, hitting, or kicking. In which verbal aggression may abuse by yelling at another, name-calling, using insulting expressions, or make verbal threats. Indirect aggression uses less direct forms of aggressive behaviour such as excluding a person from the group, spreading malicious rumours about another, or disclosing another’s secrets to a third person (Bjorkqvist, Lagerspetz, & Osterman, 1992).

Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis

Violence and aggression have quite close relationship and become part of daily life. Harris, Gergen and Lannaman in Andris’s thesis (2006: 4) as presented in Hocker Wilmot believe that violence is related to increase in verbal aggressiveness. It appears that violence occurs when a person’s goal attainment is blocked (the frustration-aggression hypothesis), and the end result from increase in verbal aggressive-part of an “aggression ritual”.

Frustration is external obstacles that obscure someone’s target. The experience of frustration can arise of desires to do aggressive that are cause of frustration. Aggression can arise or not, as reaction of frustration is depend on influence connection variable, that is anxious toward punishment because doing aggression, or nothing existence is cause of frustration as factor that can aggression not arise.  While, Baron and Robert (1977: 449) say that frustration is the blocking of ongoing, goal-directed behaviour, it has long been held to be one of the major elicitors of aggression, but recent findings suggest that it may play a smaller role in this respect that was previously suspected.


Research Methodology

The Research Design

Research design comprises identifying participants for the research, and preparing for data collection activities, which are part of the whole research process. Thus, this study adopted a qualitative research design. This study is a descriptive qualitative research. Creswell (Creswell J. W., 2014, p. 233) states that qualitative research is a research that begins with assumptions, a worldview, the possible use of a theoretical lens, and the study of research problems inquiring into the meaning individuals or groups ascribe to a social or human problem. The multiple data sources of this research are words or images (Creswell J. W., 2014, p. 235). While analyzing results, we can use the form of words, clauses and sentences instead of numerical data.  It is said that under qualitative design, a researcher, as a key instrument in the field, uses multiple sources of data, respects informant’s viewpoint, adopts flexible research schedules, and performs holistic account of research findings. Moreover, the qualitative research design was adopted because it is appropriate for descriptive purposes and it allows the researcher to test the validity of certain claims and assumptions in the real-world contexts that is natural settings (Leedy & Ormrod, 2010, p. 11).

The Data and the Source of Data

Vanderstoep and Johnston (2009:7) state that the data of qualitative research are described in a narrative fashion rather than in the forms of number. Since this research is qualitative, the data were the expressions taken from a novel entitled A Thousand Splendid Suns. The data were related to: (i) kinds of aggression that were found in the novel and (ii) application of frustration-aggression hypothesis.

A Thousand Splendid Suns was written by Khaled Hosseini, which was published for the first time in 2007 by Riverhead Books. Its epic story has made it gain popularity among people around the world and in 2008 Bloomsbury Publishing published it again in paperback version. The novel has 432 pages that are divided into four parts and fifty-one chapters. Part one, which consists of chapter 1-15, tells about Nana and Mariam, part two which is from chapter 16 to 26 focuses on Laila, part three with chapter 27 to 47 tells about Mariam and Laila, and part four which is from chapter 48 to 51 has Laila as its heroine.

In this study, the researcher also used some books, journals, and websites, which dealt with feminism and gender discrimination. Those resources were taken to enrich the researcher's knowledge and comprehension in conducting this study. 

Research Instruments

The primary instrument in analysing the data was the researcher himself, as Creswell (p. 38) states that in qualitative research, the researchers collect data themselves through examining documents, observing behaviour, and interviewing participants. The researchers are the ones who actually gather the information and they do not tend to use or rely on questionnaires or instruments developed by other researchers. They use their own capacity to collect, interpret and analyse the data.  Thus, the primary instrument of this research is a set of data collected from the novel entitled A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini (Hosseini, 2013). This instrument functions as a guide for the researcher in the process of identification and analysis.  In addition, the secondary data are previously published reviews, articles, theses, etc. related to the novel and theories used in this research.

The Technique of Data Collection

In this study, the researcher used the technique of analysis of documents and material culture since the source of the data was a written text (Creswell J. , 2007, p. 38). The process of data collecting technique consists of four steps, namely careful and comprehensive reading, note taking, data interpreting, and data categorizing. Firstly, the writer read Hosseini's A Thousand Splendid Suns carefully and comprehensively. In order to get the trustworthiness of the data, the researcher read and reread the novel to get more vivid understanding about it. 

To obtain the necessary data, the researcher also took notes and highlighted the data, which were related to aggression and types of it. The data, which had been gathered through note taking process, were interpreted using lens of aggression. 

Finally, the data were categorized into the units, which were relevant with (i) kinds of aggression, which were faced by the women in A Thousand Splendid Suns and (ii) the application of frustration-aggression theory used in the novel. The researcher wrote the categorized data in a table of data collection and classification. The researcher marked some sentences bold, which support and emphasize the categories he made to ease the analysing process. 

The Technique of Data Analysis

Kothari (2004, p. 23) mentions that data analysis is an integral part of qualitative research and constitutes an essential stepping-stone towards both gathering data and linking one's findings with higher order concepts.

According to Creswell (2007, p. 185), data analysis in qualitative research involves six steps namely organizing and preparing the data, reading the whole data, coding the data, sorting the data, interrelating description, and interpreting the meaning of description. Below is the description of those six steps.

1. First, the researcher identified the data that were taken from the novel by making some notes.

2. Second, the researcher read and re-read the whole data and arranging them into two major topics under the study. The first analysis was exploration of aggression and the second analysis was kinds of aggression.

3. Third, the researcher categorized the data into thematic categories related to aggression and the kinds of aggression.

4. Fourth, the researcher sorted the data to get the more relevant data. Thus, the irrelevant data were excluded.

5. Fifth, the data analysis process moved towards the process of making interrelation between the description of the data and the theories to get findings based on the objectives of the research: to explore aggression and kinds of aggression in Hosseini's A Thousand Splendid Suns.

6. Sixth, the researcher engaged in making interpretation of the findings based on his comprehension about the theories, which were used.   

The Trustworthiness of the Data

According to Creswell (2014, p. 124) in qualitative research trustworthiness has become an important concept because it allows the researcher to describe the virtues of qualitative terms outside of the parameters that are typically applied in quantitative research. In essence, trustworthiness can be thought of as the ways in which qualitative researchers ensure that transferability, dependability, confirm-ability and credibility are evident in their research.

Transferability refers to the applicability of the research to the different contexts (broad or narrow). In this way, a study is not deemed unworthy if it cannot be applied to broader contexts; instead, a study's worthiness is determined by how well others can determine to which alternative contexts the findings might be applied. To prove the transferability, the researcher provided the rich, thick description to enable the readers to transfer information to other settings and to determine whether the findings can be transferred because of shared characteristics.

Conformability deals with the accuracy of the researcher in conceptualizing the study. The interpretations and findings of a study should match the data. Meanwhile, dependability refers to the idea that if the other researchers collect data in similar conditions, a similar explanation for the phenomenon should be found. Both conformability and dependability in this study was achieved by reading the data comprehensively and rechecking it carefully.

Credibility is a concept of internal validity of the findings. A credible study is one where the researchers have accurately and richly described the phenomenon in question. To provide corroborating evidence and prove the credibility of the study, the researcher employed triangulation method. According to Kothari (2004, p. 89) triangulation is the way to establish the trustworthiness of the data using more than methodology to address the same question. There are four types of triangulation namely multiple and different sources or data, methods, investigators, and theories triangulation (Creswell J. W., 2014, p. 280).

In this research, the researcher engaged multiple and different theories and methods. To collect the data, the researcher conducted multiple techniques, which were reading and note taking. The theory applied in this study was not only frustration-aggression, but also some other supporting theories related to aggression.

Investigator triangulation was employed to prove the trustworthiness of this study. The research consultation was conducted with his advisor who is competent in the study of literature. In completing triangulation techniques, the researcher also made a discussion with two peer-reviewers.

To increase the credibility of the research findings, the researcher also conducted multiple and data sources triangulation by gathering evidence taken from a variety of data sources such as books, theses, journals and websites which were related to her research matter. Each type of source of data strengthened the evidence and gave different insights regarding the phenomena under study.


Chapter Plan

I am planning to complete my dissertation on the proposed format of following chapter division.

Chapter – I

            This chapter is introductory chapter. It consists of nine subdivisions, namely, background of the study, statement of problem, significance of the study, objectives, philosophical worldviews, theoretical framework, definition of key terms, delimitations and limitations of study, and chapter plan.

Chapter – II

            This chapter deals on literature review.

Chapter – III

            This chapter will deal methodology.

Chapter- IV

This chapter will deal on analysis of data.

Chapter – V

            This chapter will be about conclusion and recommendations.


The Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime. (2017, May). Spusal Abuse. Retrieved September 14, 2017, from Spousal Abuse:

Allen, J. J., & Anderson, C. A. (2014). Aggression and Violence: Definitions and Distinctions. In P. \sturmey, The Wiley Handbook of Aggression and Violence (pp. 921-951). John Wiley & Sons, Limited.

Allen, J. J., & Anderson, C. A. (2015, The Wiley Handbook of Violence and Aggression). AGGRESSION AND VIOLENCE: DEFINITIONS AND DISTINCTIONS. In P. Sturmey, The Wiley Handbook of Violence and Aggression (pp. 1-28). Retrieved from

Anderson, C. A., & Bushman, B. J. (2002). Human aggression. Annual Review of Psychology, 53, 27-51.

Bandura, A. (1973). Aggression: A social psychological analysis. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Björkqvist, K. (2001). Different names, same issue. Social Development, 10, 272-274.

Björkqvist, K., & Niemelä, P. (1992). New trends in the study of the female aggression. In K. Björkqvist, & P. Niemelä, Of mice and women : Aspects of female aggression (pp. 3-16). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.

Bjorkqvist, K., Lagerspetz, K. M., & Osterman, K. (1992). Direct and Indirect Aggression Behavior (DIAS). VASA, Finland: Department of Social Sciences. Abo Akademi University.

Bushman, B. J., & Huesmann, L. R. (2010). Aggression. In B. J. Bushman, & L. R. Huesmann, Handbook of Social Psychology (pp. 833-863). Retrieved from

Creswell, J. (2007). Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing among Five Approaches (Second Edition ed.). Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.

Creswell, J. W. (2014). Reasearch Design: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approaches (Fourth ed.). London: Sage Publications Inc.

Hidayah, L. W. (2009). Aggression in Domestic Violence Based on Frustration-Aggression Described in Khaled Hosseini’s AThousand Splendid Suns.

Hosseini, K. (2013). A Thousand Splendid Suns. New Delhi: Thomson Press India Ltd.

Kothari, C. (2004). Research methods: methods and techniques. New Delhi: Wiley Eastern.

Leedy, P., & Ormrod, J. (2010). Practical Research: Planning and Design (Ninth Edition ed.). Boston: Pearson Education International.

Olweus, D. (1980). Familial and temperamental determinants of aggressive behavior in adolesent boys: A causal analysis. Developmental Psychology, 16, 644-660.


Tapper, K., & Boulton, M. J. (2004). Sex differences in levels of physical, verbal, and indirect aggression amongst primary school children and their associations with beliefs about aggression. Aggressive Behavior, 30, 123-145.

Underwood, M. K., Galen, B. R., & Paquette, J. A. (2001). Top ten challenges for understanding gender and aggression in children: Why can't we all just get along? Social Development, 10, 248-266.


Borangkhola Bazar


Borangkhola Bazar

Borangkhola Bazar is a local market of eastern Lamjung, Gandaki province. It lies in ward no. 1 of Rainas Municipality. It is an old and famous local market of eastern Lamjung. Its old name is Dhaple Bhatti or Dhulpure. The northern boarder is Borangkhola (a small stream). The eastern border is Chepe River (Champawati River); a holistic river as well as a historical river. It lies at about 700 meters from the sea level. Currently, it is a bus stop on the way to Bichaur (Dudhapokhari Rural Municipality).

Click the following link

Borangkhola Bazar: A bit old Video

It is said that the firsts dwellers of this market were Jhanak Man Shrestha, Harka Man Shrestha and Kali Bahadur Gurung. Later on, Dhaple Budha (people used to say Dhaple Gurung) also gave company to others. Jhanak Man Shrestha started cloth shop from 2017 Bs. Harka Man Shrestha started grocery shop. Kali Bahadur and Dhaple Gurung started local base hotel.

Nowadays this market facilitates with different services. The major shops are as follows:

Kedar Shrestha: Cloth, fancy and grocery shop. 

Click the following link

Youth are making Football Ground

Madan Raj Neupane: Utensils shops (Kitchen utensils and other accessories).

Bishwo Neupane: Mart

Matrika Neupane: Restaurant and Hotel

Jivan Neupane: Restaurant

Samba Gurung: Restaurant

Click the following link

Ropain Jatra

Majority of the households are engaged in local hotel or restaurant.

Volleyball click here

Nowadays, this place has become further center because Ward Office of Rainas Ward No. 1 is here. Very soon one Nepal Police Post is going to be established.

Except cooperative, there are no any banking offices. It is hoped that after the security, there will be banking institute.


Impact of Policies on Development of Cooperatives

Impact of Policies on Development of Cooperatives

 Introduction and objective: The study was carried out to analyse the policy impact in the development of cooperative societies in Nepal. Policy is a principle or protocol, which guides to right decisions and achieve rational outcomes. Cooperatives are businesses owned and controlled by the people who use them. Cooperatives differ from other businesses because they are member owned and operate for the benefit of members, rather than earn profits for investors. Co-operative is a form of business enterprises, or community organization, incorporated in service to its members and users, in order to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations. Co-operative is jointly-owned and democratically controlled by its members and users on the basis of one member, one vote.

       The history of cooperatives development is so longer in Nepal. It was nineteen fifties after the end of Rana regime and establishment of democracy in Nepal, the co-operative movement started. Formally, in Nepal the concept of co-operative started in 1956 AD. The cooperative credit societies were the first institutional sources of supplying credit to the farmers in Nepal. From the government level of Nepal, the policy level body: cooperative department was first established under the Ministry of Planning Development and Agriculture in 1953 AD. The first co-operative act of Nepal was issued in 1959 AD. However, the political change in 1960 AD did not feel the need of cooperatives. It took longer time to regain the essence of it. After the restoration of democracy in Nepal, with the implementation of the Cooperative Act 1992, it has got shaped come into organization, even though it is not well structured till now.

Methodology: The research was based on the pragmatic philosophy having with concurrent mixed methods (qualitative and quantitative). Conceptual framework was developed based on issue-base analysis. This study was cross sectional. Besides that it was descriptive and exploratory research design. It had adopted purposive sampling. Sample size for survey was 248 (226 members of cooperatives and 22 officials), 5 in-depth interview and focus group studies. The study was carried out from September 2011 to July 2016. Frequencies and percentage were used to find out the prevalence rate of data. Besides that, manual interpretation was done for qualitative information collected from the in-depth interview.

Results: In total, out of 226 respondents, only 73 (32.3%) members, who got members' education, 67.7% are not educated by their cooperatives. In the case of knowledge of insurance in their business, out of 226 respondents, only 9 (4%) had utilized facility of insurance service. From the key informants' opinions, it was found that political changes directly influence development of cooperatives. Panchayat system in Nepal was one of the main political constrains in the development of cooperatives in Nepal. Next, instable governments in later 24 years is another problem to shape the cooperative policy in proper way. The result also found that failure or inactiveness of cooperatives in Nepal were lack of market survey, brain-drain, not properly participated female members in participation and decision level, etc. In the case of female participation, the result showed that out of 226 respondents (members of cooperative societies) only 73 (32.3% were female and 153 (67.7%) were male members although more than half of the population is female. In the governance of cooperatives, chairperson of board of directors plays vital role. However, the result showed that 68.2% of chairpersons from study area were found same for many years.

Conclusion: The implementation of cooperative policies was found very weak. Lack of monitoring, the cooperatives are not following its principles properly. As a result it was found that only 32.3% of members of cooperatives from the study area have got members' education. Lack of training and education towards their business only 4% members who were found using insurance service. There were 28.4% members, who got training from their respective cooperative societies. It was also found that political instability is another main cause of hindrance on the development of cooperatives in Nepal. There are flaws of cooperative policies because of which every year many cooperative societies are becoming failure or inactive. Lack of monitoring, there is found vast gap of gender roles in cooperatives in Nepal. The result showed that out of 226 respondents (members of cooperative societies) only 73 (32.3% were female and 153 (67.7%) were male members from the study area. In total, out of 213 members 51(23.94%) female members were getting chance in board of directors. On the other hand, 162 (76.04%) male members were holding the leadership. It showed too much gap of gender participation in leadership. Similarly, Out of 3942 members who were present in the AGM, 2536 (64.33%) were male and 1406 (35.67%) were female. Out of 75 employs, 62 (82.67%) were male and only 13 (17.33%) were female. In the case of governance of cooperatives, out of 22 cooperatives, 15 (68.2%) had same chairperson for continuously six years. 6 (27.3%) had two and only 1(4.5%) had three chairpersons. Thus, further study is needed to find out the impact of policy on development of cooperatives. As well, study must have coverage of whole country.


Saturday, March 12, 2022

My Surkhet

My Surkhet


The tourism industry plays a critical role in Nepal's overall growth. Because of its natural and cultural diversity, Nepal has a very strong natural power. Tourism has a significant role to play in improving the country's international image. Tourism is a major driver of Nepal's economic development. It makes a significant contribution to the Nepalese economy. The tourism industry is seen as a way to boost the country's economy, enhance living standards, and eliminate poverty. Surkhet District represents the country's linguistic, cultural, religious, and biological diversity in a complicated cross-section. It serves as the gateway to Karnali Province, as well as a link to Mansarover, Hinduism's holiest site. The tourism resources present in Surkhet district have a significant impact on tourism growth not only in Karnali province, but also throughout Nepal. The prospective products of tourist development are identified using both primary and secondary data. The importance of this study stems from the need for proper knowledge among tourist development stakeholders. It has a high potential for religious/pilgrimage tourism, rural tourism, eco-tourism, cultural tourism, village tourism, agro-tourism, adventure tourism, health tourism, and other types of tourism.


Surkhet District is a melting pot of linguistic, cultural, religious, and biological diversity. It is located in the Karnali Province. Surkhet boasts a plethora of tourist attractions, and taking advantage of them provides a wide range of comparative advantages. The district's attractions include a diverse range of flora and animals, a park, Bihar, and a diverse climate. Tourism, according to Kunwar (1997), is the temporary migration of people to places other than their usual places of work and residence, as well as the activities they engage in while there and the facilities built to meet their demands. The tourism industry has played a significant influence in the Nepalese economy. Every year, tourists visit Nepal, which benefits Nepalese people directly or indirectly. It is the primary means of obtaining precious foreign currency. Nepal has become a popular tourist destination for visitors from all over the world due to its stunning natural beauty and diverse cultural aspects. As a result, we can confidently assert that tourism may be a potent weapon in the fight against poverty and unemployment. Tourism could improve the living conditions of the impoverished and underprivileged locals if adequate and thorough study is conducted (Upadhaya, 2005). Tourism is a business that is driven by human desires. Tourism has evolved to become the largest and fastest expanding industry in the previous two decades.

In light of this, it is now critical to expand and promote the tourism business, as well as associated events and initiatives. The actions of persons traveling to and staying in places beyond their customary surroundings for not more than one year for leisure, business, or other purposes not related to the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the area visited are defined as tourism by Theobald (1998). Surkhet District is located in Karnali Province's southern region. It is a place blessed by God with natural assets such as valley land, river, basin, mild climate, and other features that would pique the tourist's interest. Natural beauty abounds in this neighborhood, as well as cultural diversity. From a variety of views, this region is an ideal tourist destination.

Kankre Bihar's most stunning attraction is the Surkhetis holy shrine. Deutibajai Temple, Shiva Mandir, Siddhapaila, and Gangamala Mandir, the Hindu faith's center, are among the district's other major religious attractions. Pilgrims come from all throughout Nepal, and even certain parts of India, to pay their respects to the Goddess. The constant dingdong of bells and the scent of incenses emanating from the Kankre Bihar and other temples sends a message of peace, harmony, tolerance, and goodwill. All of these criteria indicate that Surkhet might be a good tourism destination. This area is abundant in vegetation and fauna. Almost all of the 6 Rhododendron species, more than 123 bird species, around 60 animal species, and numerous orchid species can be found. Leopard, Bear, Deer, and Wild Dog are among the many species of wild animals found here.

The Study's Objectives 

The study's major goal is to determine the potential of Surkhet district's tourism products. 

The following are the precise goals: 

1. To assess the tourism development potential in the district. 

2. To find a possible product that can help the tourism industry grow.


The data and information used in the study came from both primary and secondary sources. The primary data came from a Key Informant Survey and Observations, which were conducted with the help of a standardized questionnaire and an observation sheet. The tourists were invited to fill out 100 questionnaires. Information can also be gathered through the use of a structured interview method, which is performed through the creation of a questionnaire. Hotel management, tourists, and local officials were among the key informants interviewed. The study was observed in order to gain access to the many stages of tourist growth; the benefit of this method is that it provides a quick and vivid picture of the situation. The checklist is utilized to achieve the goal. Secondary sources also contributed to the data collection. The information was gathered from a variety of sources, including books, journals, and public and unpublished records.


The tourism business is a rapidly expanding economic, social, and cultural phenomena. Tourism has also been referred to as a means of development in recent times. Surkhet district is a fertile land for tourism destinations. It has a high potential as a tourist destination in all areas, including eco-tourism, religious, cultural, recreational, agricultural, adventure, and health tourism. The area relies heavily on massive products to promote tourism. These are cultural and natural heritages that represent the tourism destination. Anthropology of tourism is a method of tourism that involves both the hosts and the visitors.

The study focuses on the Gurung, Tharu, and Bote people's indigenous culture. The distinctive and rich cultural history of the Tharu and Gurung can be used as a primary source of tourism products in this district. As a result, the study can be regarded as anthropological tourism's norms, values, and principles, as well as a source of natural and archeological products. The Surkhet district is known for its panoramic natural beauty. The area is known for its many eco-regions as well as its rich cultural and natural history, which draw visitors to the area.

Cultural Practices in Nepal

Rural Development Programs in Nepal


In a rural country like Nepal, rural development programs have a high value. Proper development programs can serve as a stepping stone toward the rural poor's livelihood and the nation's long-term growth. This study aims to provide an overview of rural development practices in Nepal. The research is based on secondary data provided by various government agencies. The majority of the data comes from numerous periodic plans, publications, papers, and government programs. The importance of this study stems from the need to learn from past experiences and build future guidelines for developing effective, popular, and long-term rural development programs.


Rural development is the most important aspect of any rural country's development, as it promotes agriculture and related activities. It has been demonstrated that rural development policies capable of addressing the problems of rural people, women, separated populations from the mainstream of development, and poor people can help a country develop. In the case of Nepal, the rural sector employs millions of people, accounting for more than 66 percent of the country's employment. Agriculture accounts for more than 27.04 percent of the worldwide gross domestic product (GDP) (CBS, 2017). Rural development refers to all aspects of rural life that are essential in a rural civilization. The word 'rural development' refers to the entire development of rural areas with the goal of improving the quality of life of rural residents, particularly the rural poor. Rural development is defined as a process that leads to a long-term increase in the quality of life for rural residents, particularly the poor. 

Materials and Methods 

This research relies on secondary data sources. Information for this study was gathered from a variety of sources, including budget speeches from various governments, economic surveys, Nepal's various periodic plans, Nepali congress manifestos, government policies and planning, rural development publications, national and international journals, and books on rural development. The majority of the approaches used to interpret the relevant data and information are qualitative. 

Programme for the Development of Rural Community Infrastructure 

With the aid of the World Food Programme (WFP), the Rural Community Infrastructure Development Programme (RIDP) will be implemented in 45 districts in phases. The program's key goals were to improve food availability for rural poor families, improve and construct community infrastructure in food-deficit areas, strengthen rural community self-help capability, and improve the management capacity of local bodies in administering the program. To improve access to essential services for the rural population, programs such as connecting remote roads to main roads and market areas, community-based irrigation projects, and river training to safeguard farm lands and farmers will be undertaken. In the hill and terai areas, programs such as the building of small canals, pond construction, and maintenance, as well as mule trails and tractor roads, river bank protection, and small landslide management in the mid-hill, would be implemented. In food-deficit areas, programs to address community malnutrition would be implemented by mobilizing food under the "food for labor" initiative. This would contribute to increased revenue creation by providing jobs in rural areas. This program aims to execute 2,300 community-based events, with 200,000 households benefiting from participation in the food for work program (NPC, 1997).


Because of the country's agricultural nature, rural growth is unavoidable for the country's overall development. There are many more rural development programs in Nepal that have been started by various administrations at various times. The majority of rural development programs concern rural infrastructure development, such as land reform, water, power, agriculture, social-cultural issues, and so on.

Because Nepal is a rural country, the government's programs are critical for rural development and national development. The study also revealed the significant potential for economic growth through rural development. On the other hand, Nepal's established rural development policies and programs have not been able to address the real difficulties that rural poor people face. Some of the programs are excellent, but the next administration will not continue them. It is critical to adopt rural development policies that are pro-poor and geographically appropriate.

Girl Students' Perspectives on Cultural Barriers During Menstruation


Girl Students' Perspectives on Cultural Barriers During Menstruation

Culture is created by humans; one belief system dates back to the dawn of civilisation. It has brought people together under a same set of beliefs. People's personalities are shaped by their culture. The major goal of this research is to discover the cultural hurdles that girls face during their menstrual cycle. A total of 120 secondary school females participated in the study. According to the study, 50% of girls said they were denied access to daily tasks such as cooking and collecting water, while more than 80% of females said they were denied access to religious areas during menstruation. The findings revealed that cultural traditions continue to promote stigma and prejudice against girls during menstruation, which has a direct impact on their personal and professional growth and development, as well as a substantial impact on menstrual hygiene management. As a result, a huge public awareness campaign on the deleterious effects of unhealthy cultural practices associated to menstruation is required.

Because Nepal is a multi-cultural, multi-lingual, multi-caste, and multi-ethnic country, different tribes, races, and cultural groups have different cultural belief systems. The cultural taboos around menstruation vary by region in Nepal. As a result of their cultural context and religious system, people had diverse perspectives on menstruation girls and women. Attitudes, beliefs, and social norms around menstruation vary widely over the world, and these differences have an impact on menstrual behaviors. Certain people feel that menstruation is filthy and that women who are menstrual are unclean (Burrows & Johnson, 2005; Ahmed & Yesmin, 2008; Burnet Institute; Survey METER; WaterAid Australia; Aliansi Rem aja Independen, 2015).

Girls and women can be isolated and stigmatized as a result of cultural assumptions and restricted practices surrounding menstruation (Adhikari, Kadel, Dhungel, & Mandal, 2006; Tamiru, 2014). When this is the case, menstrual stigma and secrecy can lead to gender inequity and discrimination against women and girls throughout their lives. Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) and the amount to which menstruation can be managed properly and with dignity can be influenced by such restricting behaviors (House, Mahon, & Cavill, 2012). Restrictive menstrual habits can have significant psychosocial consequences for girls and women (House, Mahon, & Cavill, 2012). Harmful menstrual practices are a kind of social discrimination and abuse against women and girls. They are denied access to a variety of household and social activities.

Menstrual girls and women are not allowed to enter the kitchen, holy sites, or engage in cultural programs in Nepalese society. They were not allowed to touch the water tap, fruit trees, or any food items, and they were not given milk because menstruating women and girls were considered impure and unclean. As a result of these socio-cultural beliefs about menstrual women and girls, the primary goal of this study is to investigate the cultural hurdles that menstrual girls face.

Materials and Procedures 

The study included 120 female secondary school students from both public and private schools in Kathmandu's district. The girls were chosen from grades 9 and 10 who had prior experience with menstrual hygiene management and cultural taboos around menstrual females. A systematic questionnaire survey was conducted to obtain quantitative data, as well as a focus group discussion with females to learn more about their experiences. The study's main goal was to look into the cultural beliefs and challenges around menstruation. The female students were informed about the study's goal and were asked to provide an honest response in order to learn about real-world practices. The study took into account the ethical issue, thus no females were forced to participate. The confidentiality of the information was respected, and it was not used for any other purpose than the study. The quantitative data from the survey was analyzed using a statistical model, while the qualitative data was analyzed using a qualitative technique. By combining the findings of both forms of data, a decision was drawn.

Exploring the Views and Dietary Practices of Elderly Nepalese Citizen

 Exploring the Views and Dietary Practices of Elderly Nepalese Citizen

Malnutrition is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality among the elderly. We have very few studies on Nepalese senior citizens' eating habits. The purpose of this research is to learn more about Nepalese senior citizens' eating habits. In-depth interviews were used to conduct a qualitative study. The research was carried out in Nepal's Lamjung and Chitawan districts. All of the respondents were between the ages of 71 and 91. According to the statistics, the average teenage waking time is 4-5 a.m. For breakfast, they have tea, cookies, milk, chapatti, and beaten rice; for lunch and supper, they eat pulses, vegetables, milk, butter, and weekly meat with regular diet. They eat gravy veggie curry with rice and chapatti most of the time. They do, however, prefer soft and spicy vegetarian meals.

In terms of food consumption patterns, Nepal is divided into two distinct groups: rural and urban. Furthermore, the patterns of consumption have shifted as a result of industrialization and urbanization. The rural environment has its own pattern of food consumption depending on seasonal availability of food found on the consumers' own farmland (Neupane, 219; Neupane, 2018). In the context of Thailand, Chalobol Chalermsri and friends wrote that they had witnessed a rapid increase in the old population. Nutrition is linked to a number of negative health effects in the elderly. Physical, emotional, and social variables all have an impact on senior people's nutrition. From the perspectives of both carers and the old, this study looked at the food choices and dietary behaviors of community-dwelling elderly persons in Thailand.

Zumin Shi and colleagues used data from the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey to investigate the link between dietary preferences, lifestyle characteristics, and all-cause mortality in the elderly (CLHLS). A total of 8959 people aged 80 and up took part in the baseline survey in 1998/99. Up until 2011, follow-up surveys were conducted every two to three years(Placeholder2) (Shi, Zhang, Byles, Martin, Avery, & Taylor, 2015, p. 7562). According to Professor Kourkouta Lambrini, the number of persons living in nursing homes has risen dramatically in recent decades. In Europe, one-quarter of the population is over 60 years old. Although life expectancy has grown, owing primarily to improved disease diagnosis and treatment approaches, it is unclear if the extra years are of acceptable quality.

T. Lallukka and a friend wrote Helldan, Helldan, Helldan, Helldan, Helldan, Helldan, Helldan, Hell Gender, marital status and household composition, socioeconomic position, income, physical activity, smoking, body mass index (BMI), and health are all factors that influence eating habits, but the impact of these factors on eating habits among older adults has received less attention (Helldan T. L., 2012, p. 582). Maya Nath Ghimire noted that multi-sector indicators act in bidirectional pathways, which means they can both contribute to and be symptoms of poor nutrition and food insecurity. In Nepal, most development indices continue to show significant differences by region, sub-region, and urban versus rural areas (Ghimire, 2018, p. 172).

The study was exploratory in nature and used a qualitative approach. The research was carried out in Nepal's Lamjung and Chitawan districts. Participants had to be between the ages of 71 and 91 years old, both male and female. The information was gathered through in-depth interviews and a semi-structured questionnaire. When it comes to the philosophical underpinning, the researcher's philosophical perspective directs how data about a phenomenon is obtained, processed, and reports are written. As a result, the research paradigm in a qualitative study serves as a guide for any study including food trends in people's lives. It also addresses the issue of researchers and their existence. A research paradigm is a set of beliefs that guides any researcher in determining what can be examined and how the results should be interpreted. For this project, I choose to apply the interpretative and critical paradigm.

His qualitative research reveals that the eating culture of Nepalese elder citizens in rural areas is nearly identical. They are aware of the importance of eating organic foods. They used to eat maize, rice and millet dhindo (pores and bread), nettle soup, and other locally produced foods. However, the current food supply is mostly reliant on outsourcing. In their later years, they favor vegetarian, soft, and spicy foods.

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