Friday, November 22, 2019

How the web destroys the quality of Students' Research Paper.

How the web destroys the quality of Students' Research Paper.
                                                                                                    David Rothenberg
       In this essay Professor. Rothenberg has a display the harmful effects of the use of external specially for the students. The writer has claimed that plagiarism (copying) has lost the sense of originatily. Infact his experience with the last semester students clarify that the students were eager to download the materials without mentioning their sources likewise all the references were take from the external and the students even didn’t know where they exactly accured.
Qatar Airways

                   For the ever growing use of the web, the students themselves aren’t fully responsible because the universities themselves teach the students ,” Don’t read, Just connect”. Instead of searching the materials in the labraries, it is easy for the students to cut and paste.

                   The university teachers must be friendly with the students and they must encourage the students to read books from the libraries and consult the related journals when the teachers give pressure to the students they are likely to download the materials form the web that helps them to secured a good grade and avoid the pressure of the teacher.
                   It is also necessary that libraries must be mad up-to-date. It is better to invest on buying book than spending so much money for computer.

          According to the writer , he is given hundreds of research papers by the final years students. He would like to read all of them and eraluat them but he knows that this papers aren’t the original creation of the students for they were down loaded from the web.
          It was abuious that the downloaded materials lost their originality due to which writing of the students lost coherence (unity).
          While looking at the papers the writer noticed that all the works cited from the web and they were written during to months. It clarified that the students were missing the general trend of the past and they also failed to make their papers specific. Neither they were able to take any authentic writers. For their citation nor were they able to give credit to the owner of the material.
          In the research papers the beautiful pictures had been quitted but those pictures were the result of copy cut and paste. Besides random quotations were found but the sources weren’t maintain.
          Prof. Rotherberg Denigh that he is a new – luddile but against the idea of misusing the technology. In other words, he believes that the students quality should not be damaged by so – called industrialization.
          After finding out the errors with students. The writer talks about the causing factors for their flight. First of all. Universities themselves are responsible because they are trying to show themselves modernize and spend a huge amount for the computers. The slogan “don’t read, first connect “. Encourages the students to download the materials rather than create their own ideas. Similarly the teachers are unable to provide adequate information to the students the result in downloading the materials. Specially the students of second language download the materials hsow as to secure a good grave in their exams.
          Therefore the students must be made aware about the harmful effects of downloading the materials and they must be encouraged to use libraries free – entry.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

B A 1st Year Syllabus 2019 for 4 years course C. English

B A 1st Year Syllabus 2019
for 4 years course
C. English

Prescribed Books

different patterns of writing.
Other objectives :
Help them learn writing though others' writing as given under
patterns ( narration, description, comparison and contrast ) and
practice them;
Learn the technique of critical reading through reading texts
Reading to Write: Becoming a Critical Reader
Brent Staples. "Cutting and Pasting: A Senior Thesis" (both
the ones)
Drafting and Revising
Editing and Proofreading
UNIT 11: PATTERNS OF WRITING: Narration and Description
i Narration:
andra Cisneros. "Only Daughter"
.FS onnie Smith-Yackel. ``My Mother never Worked"
Martin Gansberg. ``Thirty-Eight who saw the Murder didn't
`1£` call the Police"


/ r I:"v" -+.:`j`
Ihumpa Lahiri. ``Ricew Vj2pGi;::::::¥:`\*:.:
Suzanne ``Ground Zero"
Heather Rogers. ``The Hidden Life of Garbage"
UNIT111:PATTERNSOFWRITING:CauseandEffectandCompaiisonand 20
Cause and Effect:
itaa;r:::.eToht:sC:::haag:i.?,STthAetrBi:cni:it;°bT:TE;' still There"
_. „`' : I-`*.:.P`i:
Guillermo del Torro and Chuck Hogan. Why Vampires never Die" ,`,.1.iL!j
Comparison and Contrast:
Bruce Catton. Gran and Lee: A Study in Contrast
Bharati Mukherjee. "Two Ways to Belong in America"
Amy Chau. ``Why Chinese Mothers are Superior"
UNIT IV: PATTERNS OF WRITING: Definition and Argumentation
}udy Brandy. ``1 want a Wife"
Meghan Daum. "Fame-iness"
Gayle Rosenwald Smith. ``The Wife-Beater"
-?`;-i `'h
If - -r."jT.;#
Jennifer Halperin. ``No Pay? Many Interns say, `No Problem" Alex Tabarrok. ``The Meat Market"
Daniel Engber. ``Let them Drink Water!"
UNIT V: Critical Reading for Writing

Interactions: Four Levels of Interacting with Texts
``Yudhisthira's Wisdom"
"The Brave Little Parrot"
``A 1996 Commencement Speech"
``The Wretched Stone"
``Marriage is a Private Affair" "Scientific Inquiry: Invention and Test"
``The Stub Book"
``Keeping Errors at Bay"
The Telegram on the Table
„A Tale"
" Why Go to University"
Evaluation system
Internal evaluation 30% ( Internal Examination, class
External evaluation 70% ( annual examination )
Prescribed Texts:
(12thEdition).Boston,NewYork:Bed ford/St.Martin's.201.2.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

A Passage to India

A Passage to India

Edward Morgan Forster

E. M. Forster

List of Characters

  1. Adela Quested : A young woman newly arrived from England, expecting to be the fiancee of Ronny Heaslop.
  2. Mrs. Moore: Adela's chaperone and Ronny Heaslop's mother, by her first marriage.
  3. Ronny Heaslop: The City Magistrate of Chandrapore.
  4. Mr. and Mrs. Callendar: A Civil Surgeon and Aziz's superior; and his wife.
  5. Cyril Fielding: The English Principal at the Government College.
  6. Professor Godbole: The Hindu colleague of Fielding's.
  7. Hamidullah: Aziz'a uncle and eminent Moslem barrister.
  8. Mahmoud Ali: Pleader *attorney( in the court, and friend of Aziz.
  9. Mr. Das
  10. Nawab Bahadur
  11. Nancy Derek
  12. Mr. Armitrao
  13. Nureddin
  14. Ralph Moore
  15. Stella Moore
  16. Mohammed Latif, pub-6793489967138871, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Merchant of Venice

Merchant of Venice

Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice

List of characters

  1. Antonio
  2. Bassanio
  3. Portia
  4. Shylock
  5. The Duke of Venice
  6. The Prince of Morocco
  7. The Prince of Arragon
  8. Gratiano
  9. Lorenzo
  10. Jessica
  11. Nerissa
  12. Salarino
  13. Salanio
  14. Salerio
  15. Launcelot Gobbo
  16. Old Gobbo
  17. Tubal
  18. Leonardo
  19. Balthasar
  20. Dr. Bellario
  21. Stephano

Friday, March 22, 2019

Live and Dead Metaphors

Live and Dead Metaphors
Chapter 3
BBS 1st Year 

3.1 Find out the context, basis of comparison and context of contradictions in the following conventional ('dead') metaphors.
a)   Singing star                                     b)   Delivering the curriculum
c)   Salt cellar                                        d)   Mole (kind of spy)    
a.     Singing star
Singing star is related to art, which points out the quality and successful personality in singing opposite to the failure one. This also means to denote a reputed person and shining personality in singing songs who has reach the level of in comparability.
Delivering the curriculum
The given conventional metaphor is related to academic sector. The team of faculty has designed and formulated the course to be launched which is contrasted in the context of delivery a child by woman or delivering goods from market. Indirectly, by delivering knowledge, all academics are run.
Salt cellar
This metaphor is related to the field of architecture. It points out quality space and location. There is contradiction between upper-ground and advanced apartment versus underground storage.
Mole (kind of spy)
The term is related to criminal origin. It indicates the brand of a criminality or misuse of mind. It is contradictory showing the scar on human face versus human involved in criminal activities or an underground agent.

A stormy character
This indicates brave, aggressive or violent personality and bold hearted person.
Waves of emotion
The person with this quality is full of kindness, generosity in human relation. It also points out the situation where someone is driven by excessive emotions or ripple of sensation.
A hail of invective
It is the remarks used while making bitter comment. It is normally offensive, situation chill some expression made someone. It is also indicated by barrage of criticism.
A sunny disposition
This is context of zealful or cheerful mood of a person. It can be used when we have to point out a graceful face or dazzling temperament.
A whirlwind romance
It is state full of romance. It is also very funny and wild environment or a twister romance.
3.1 Find out the context, basis of comparison and context of contradictions in the following conventional ('dead') metaphors.
a)   Singing star                                     b)   Delivering the curriculum
c)   Salt cellar                                        d)   Mole (kind of spy)    
a.     Singing star
Singing star is related to art, which points out the quality and successful personality in singing opposite to the failure one. This also means to denote a reputed person and shining personality in singing songs who has reach the level of in comparability.
Delivering the curriculum
The given conventional metaphor is related to academic sector. The team of faculty has designed and formulated the course to be launched which is contrasted in the context of delivery a child by woman or delivering goods from market. Indirectly, by delivering knowledge, all academics are run.
Salt cellar
This metaphor is related to the field of architecture. It points out quality space and location. There is contradiction between upper-ground and advanced apartment versus underground storage.
Mole (kind of spy)
The term is related to criminal origin. It indicates the brand of a criminality or misuse of mind. It is contradictory showing the scar on human face versus human involved in criminal activities or an underground agent.

A stormy character
This indicates brave, aggressive or violent personality and bold hearted person.
Waves of emotion
The person with this quality is full of kindness, generosity in human relation. It also points out the situation where someone is driven by excessive emotions or ripple of sensation.
A hail of invective
It is the remarks used while making bitter comment. It is normally offensive, situation chill some expression made someone. It is also indicated by barrage of criticism.
A sunny disposition
This is context of zealful or cheerful mood of a person. It can be used when we have to point out a graceful face or dazzling temperament.
A whirlwind romance
It is state full of romance. It is also very funny and wild environment or a twister romance.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Someone is Stealing Your Life

Someone is Stealing Your Life
-Michael Ventura
“Someone is Stealing Your Life” is an essay, written by Michael Ventura. In this essay, the writer describes the exploitation, lack of freedom and the lack of authority that the most workers of the U.S.A. experience. The writer strongly advocates for the situation in which the workers are free to express their ideas, contribute in the decision making and get the finally atmosphere for working.

In this essay, the writer strongly advocates for the rights of working class people especially of the USA. The writer doesn’t mean that the workers should get equal profit and authority. However, he believes that the employers don’t have the rights to exploit or rub the like of the worker. At least, there must be the value of the workers contribution and his voice should be heard and included in decision making process.

Out of 52 weeks, a worker gets only two weeks paid holiday. In that sense, out of 6 years of servile, a worker gets only 12 weeks of his own. It is hardly 3 months. Similarly, it is a worker who stands for the company. In other words, workers are the life line of any company. But the tragically, the workers don’t have any decision making power. In a sense, they are just the puppet of their employers. They are almost treated as slaves.

According to the writer, the owner has taken the greatest risk of investing their money in the business. So obviously they must get a greater amount of profit. But the fact is that they must not exclude the workers from the authority. Truly speaking, the workers have every right to know about their company, their product and the decision which are being taken. However, it is the workers who are victimized mostly when the company is bankrupted by the wrong decision.

The writer of this essay seems to be making a radical statement that the workers should get some share in the company in which they work. His ideas are not beyond criticism however his main argument is that the workers should get friendly atmosphere for their work and their contribution or the price of their sweat must be paid. Besides, he also encourages the worker to work against the injustice and work for their betterment. He also challenges the employers if they expect their workers to be passive and dance according to their time; it would be their greatest error.

Friday, March 8, 2019

US Annual Economic Outlook 2019

Despite the turmoil, the global economy will continue to grow with low inflation in 2019
2018 has been a year of turmoil for financial markets with weakness in the bond markets and two significant sell-offs in equity markets. However, 2019 promises to be much calmer. After a very strong start in equity markets between November 2017 and the end of January 2018, there was a big sell-off from January to April, and another beginning in October and continuing through to December. In between there was a series of disturbances in emerging markets (EM) featuring crises in Venezuela, Argentina and Turkey. In addition to the long-running saga of the Brexit negotiations, the year featured a strong rise in the price of oil followed by a sudden collapse from early October, and disruptions created by President Trump’s repeated trade measures – targeted first at steel and aluminium, then at Europe and NAFTA (North America Free Trade Agreement), and ultimately focusing primarily on China. With numerous other geopolitical events adding to investors’ anxieties – such as wars and unrest in the Middle East, continuing immigration pressures in Europe and the US, the victory of populists over the establishment in Italy and the consequent budget disputes with the EU Commission in Brussels – there was plenty of reason for investors to pull back from risk-markets such as equities. However, the fundamental backdrop to all this was the US Federal Reserve’s (Fed) policy of normalising US interest rates, raising them from 1.25% in early December 2017 to 2.25% a year later, and shrinking it balance sheet. Rising US rates always create a challenging environment for investors. After nearly a decade of virtually zero interest rates, the upturn in rates has put steadily increasing pressure on equity and other risk asset classes. Although some of these geopolitical events may prove to be temporarily damaging, it is my view that they will prove to be no more than waves on the surface of the tide which is the record-breaking expansion of the US business cycle. (Greenwood, 2019)

US monetary policy is becoming less accommodative, but the Fed is not “tightening”, only “normalising” policy. The current “normalisation” phase is analogous to the mid-course corrections in interest rates that occurred in 1994-95 and 2004-05. The important point about those episodes was that the business cycle continued to expand for several years after the completion of normalisation, and the equity and real estate markets also peaked considerably after these rate hikes were completed. At its meeting on 7-8 November the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) of the Fed kept the federal funds rate at 2.0-2.25%, having removed in September the wording in their previous statements that had asserted the “stance of monetary policy remains accommodative”. The median projection of FOMC members for the federal funds rate remained at 3.1% for 2019 (suggesting four rate hikes of 0.25% during 2019) and 3.4% for 2020, but with the recent sell-off on Wall Street and the plunge in the price of WTI oil to $51 the FOMC may defer raising rates at their meeting on 18-19 December.


Greenwood, J. (2019). Annual Economic Outlook 2019. Invesco.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Out of Courtesy Chapter 5 Write to be Read BBS First Year Write to be Read

Out of Courtesy

1.      Which of the three “basic ingredients” of courtesy makes the must sense to you?
Ans: The three basic ingredients are:
1.      A strong sense of justice
2.      Empathy
3.      The capacity to treat all people alike
4.      Every culture/ religion has its own golden rule that people try to live by. What is yours? How do people apply it?
Ans: The belief in the existence of a god or gods and the activities that are connected with the worship of them is called religion. Every religion has its own golden rules that people try to live by. My religion is Hindu which has also some golden rules that we find people try to live by.
Courtesy, politeness and good manners are the basic ingredients of our culture. We respect to our seniors and love to our juniors. We respect and welcome to our guests heartily since guests are supposed as gods. Parents and teachers are highly respected and supposed as gods. We think that our birth place is dearer than heaven. We help to the poor giving money or something. We don’t try to do bad or sinful works because we afraid of gods. There are many other golden rules in our culture.
Culture rules are transferred from one generation to another by following them. People apply the rules in their life and make their life valuable. Our rules have really made us practicable (capable or useful). People apply these rules by following them in their day-to-day life.
3.      Do you agree with Dr. Peale that our lives would be happier if we all had better manners? Explain.
Ans: Yes, I agree with Dr. Peale that our lives would be happier if we all had better manners. It is clear that a person can be happy when he/ she is politely and respectably behaved. Many things come under good manners. Respecting to seniors, loving to juniors, speaking politely, helping to the poor, not speaking false etc. are the examples of good manners. If we all have good manners, we will behave to others well and we shall be well behaved by others. When we behave to others with good manners, they are happy and we are also happy when we are behaved with good manners. In this way good manners bring happiness in the lives of everyone.
If we all have good manners, we shall not have negative attitudes and feelings. God manners will stop us to do any kinds of works and being cruel to others. Good manners will really create only positive attitudes in our mind. Good manners will also create the world of happiness and we will be the happy persons of that happy world but these all things are only possible when we all have good manners.
4.      Are there universal good manners? In other words, is there a core of good manners that polite people of all countries recognize? Or, are good manners different for each individual culture?
Ans: I cannot simply say that there are universal good manners. Manners mean the habits and customs of a particular group of people. Manners also refer the way that somebody behaves and speaks towards other people. Manners differ from culture to culture, religion to religion and country to country. We can see many examples that prove that there are not universal good manners. For example: Bride wears red clothes in marriage in Hindu religion which is supposed best but in Christianity, bride wears white dress. What a difference white dress suits for bride in Christianity while in Hindu religion a widow wears white dress.
Good manners are different rather than universal due to various cultural norms and values. The manner which is best in one culture, religion or country may be worst in another religion, culture or country. A hug or a kiss is supposed common in western culture but it is not accepted in our culture.
However, there are certain core good manners which people of all countries recognize. Such as to respect to the seniors, to love to the juniors, to welcome to the guests heartily, to speak politely, to respect and obey parents and teachers. In this way justice, politeness, empathy, honesty, faithful, to treat all people alike etc. are the core of good manners that polite people of all countries recognize.
5.      Writing Compound Sentences.
Form compound sentences by adding an independent clause (With a subject and verb).
a. Did they treat you courteously, or ……?
Ans: Did they treat you courteously, or were they rude to you?
b. The studens respect that teacher, for ……
Ans: The students respect that teacher, for she is always prepared for class.
c. I wanted to tell the truth, yet ……
Ans: I wanted to tell the truth, yet I was afraid of how you would react to it.
d. ……, so I told a white lie (untrue statement)
Ans: I was afraid of hurting my mother’s feeling, so I told a white lie.
e. ……, but I was suspicious of their motives.
Ans: They were eager to help me, but I was suspicious of their motives.
f. ……, and another is empathy.
Ans: Justice is one of the ingredient of good manners, and another is empathy.
g. ……, nor should you fail to return a person’s phone call.
Ans: To be polite in the USA, you shouldn’t fail to look at your interlocutor’s (person taking part in conversation with you) eyes, nor should you fail to return a person’s phone call.
h. ……, so their children will probably have very good manners.
Ans: My uncle and aunt have taught their children about good manners, so their children will probably have very good manners.
i. ……, for the thoughts in your mind determine the kind of person you are.
Ans: Be careful what you think of other people, for the thoughts in your mind determine the kind of person you are.
j. ……, nor is he very tactful.
Ans: He isn’t very thoughtful, nor is he very tactful.
6. Writing Complex Sentences.
Add an independent clause to each dependent clause to make a complex sentence.
a. …… even though John’s rude remark made me angry.
Ans: I didn’t react even though John’s rude remark made me angry.
b. …… since he lied to me last year.
Ans: I can’t trust Hari since he lied to me last year.
c. Whenever someone is rude to me, ……
Ans: Whenever someone is rude to me, I try not to be rude in return.
d. …… because he is considerate of others.
Ans: Hari gets along (to interact well) with people at work because he is considerate of others.
e. …… so that they will treat me courteously, too.
Ans: I always try to treat people courteously so that they will treat me courteously, too.
f. If a person’s bad manner bother you, ……
Ans: If a person’s bad manners bother you, it may be best just to tolerate the person’s bad manners.
g. Although I try to think in a courteous way, ……
Ans: Although I try to think in a courteous way, people sometimes blame me for not being courteous.
h. …… even when they are treated discourteously.
Ans: People with good manners respond politely even when they are treated discourteously.
i. If people practice courtesy, ……
Ans: If people practice courtesy, it will eventually become a habit.
j. Because Mr. Vann is suspicious of other’s motives, ……
Ans: Because Mr. Vann is suspicious of other’s motives, he can’t really accept their help.

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The Hidden Life of Garbage Questions and Answers

  The Hidden Life of Garbage Questions and Answers Comprehension 1.      According to Rogers, why are landfills “tucked away, on the edge ...


summary BA English BBS English Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Nepal AFP TU Business English four levels AI AR BA 2nd year Compulsory English BA First Year BASW BBA VII BBS 1st year Billy Budd: The tragedy of justice Compulsory English ESG Exam Gaia Shreedhar Lohani Love Piano Pokhara University Question The Four-Tusked Elephant The Great Gatsby The Lunatic Third Thoughts Third Thoughts / Four Levels BBS FIRST YEAR / TU / BUSINESS ENGLISH / VR What is poverty? Why Chinese mothers are Superior - Chua Amy bias billy budd data privacy education four level healthcare machine learning sustainability term paper tribhuvan university "No Problem" - Jennifer Halperin 4 years course A Concept Paper for PhD A Descriptive Essay A Synopsis A THOUSAND SPLENDID SUNS A strategic approach to academic reading AERIAL AGGRESSION AMERICAN VALUES AND ASSUMPTION ASSESSMENT ASSIGNMENT Abraham Adaptive Failure: Easter's End Ahab and Naboth Albert Wendt American Studies Analysis Antarderisti Anyway? Appetite Appraise Arriving at Shared Ground Through Difference B A second year. comp English. BA 2nd year English BA English Notes BAGHDAD BBA BBA English BBS English Notes BBS first Year New course BBS second year English BRITAIN BSW BSW 2nd year Baltimore Bible Billy Billy Budd: A catharsis of the feelings of pity and fear Borangkhola Bazar: A Historical and Cultural Hub in Eastern Lamjung Bruce Catton CONGO CRITICAL AND CREATIVE THINKING CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY Captain Vere Characteristics Chua Amy Claggart Clay Communicating in a World of Inter-culturally Compulsory English BA First Year 2081 Compulsory English I Cooperative Critical Thinking Test Questions Cultural Practice DAMASCUS DANCE Daniel Engber Dansker Dasarath Neupane Debate on Globalization Doubting Thomases ECONOMICS ENVIRONMENTAL CRISIS ESSAY Element of Fiction English Test Second Term Grade 7 English literary canon Example FIRE FRANCE Flax Golden Tales Notes Friendship Friendship Chapter 3 Write to be Read BBS 1st Year English Tribhuvan University GAYLE ROSENWALD SMITH GMT Gay de Maupassant Govt Grant and Lee: A Study in Contrast HUMOR AND SATIRE Half a dozen journalists aspiring to file candidacy in Horace Freeland Jrdson How Sane Are We? How to Draw Map of Nepal I BA First Year IMPORTANCE OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION IRAQ Immanuel Kant Inclusive Education Invitation Is There Safe Way to Drink ? Isaac JAPAN James Joyce Jyoti Ghimire KAZEMBE KHALED HOSSEINI Kathmandu Kathmandu Valley Kavre district. Sub Inspectors Tamang and Thapa Keeping Errors at Bay Kenneth J. Pakenham King Ahab and Naboth LUBUMBASHI Lamjung District Laxmi Prasad Devkota Let Them Drink Water Life With out Chiefs Lisa Davis Literature Review Steps Los Pobres MACHHAPOKHARI MARKETING MASSIVE MBA MBS MORTAR MOSUL MSC Making Connections Making of a Scientist Managerial Communication Marris Chafetz Mass Media And Technology Melvile Merchant of Venice Michael Ventura Mid term Model Question Set Moonlight Morang Mr. Know-all NATIONAL NEWS NATURAL SCIENCE Nepali culture New Directions No Pay ? Many Interns Say OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES ORIGIN OF THE EARTH POSTMODERNISM IS EVERYWHERE PU Paramhansa Yogananda Paris Patterns for College Writing A Rhetorical Reader and Guide Laurie G. Kirszner Stephen R. Mandell Patterns for college writing PhD Scholar Introduction CHAPTER ONE PhD Thesis Problem Statement Purpose Quest of Divinity in Autobiography of a Yogi Question Set 1 Question Setting Guidelines Question and Answer RSS Rabindranath Tagore Raj Kumar Gurung of Devdaha Reason to Write Renaissance: Impact on English Literature Richard Rodin Rodin in Baltimore Rodin in Paris Rodin in Paris and Rodin in Baltimore Rupandehi district and Arjun Bahadur Lama of Shikar Ambote VDC Rural Development SCHOOL SYRIA Sambat Tamang and Surya Bahadur Thapa Scarlet Letter Science and The “Spirits” Scientific Inquiry: Invention and Text Second Term Exam Set 3 Major English 421 BA First Year Practice Question Tribhuvan University Shakespeare Style Susan Bordo TOKYO TRILOK TROOPS Television The Brave little parrot The Hidden Life of Garbage Questions and Answers The Human Condition The Lunatic Laxmi Prasad Devkota The Making of a Scientist The Rage To Know The Sick Rose The Telegram on the Table Then and Now : Finding My Voice To Know a Fly Towards a New Oceania Trilok Academy Kathmandu Trilok school Types of Essay UKG : Online Class UN UNO USA Vaccination Fund Vinblastine WIFE-BEATER What does a person need in order to climb out of poverty? What is globalization? What is intelligence Where do we stand? Where the Mind is Without Fear Why Chinese mothers are Superior: Vocabulary Projects Why Vampires Never Die - Guillermo Del Toro and Chuck Hogan Question Answers William Blake Wretched stone Write to be Read adhikari advantages of arranged marriage agony answer arranged marriage assimilation autobiographical story billy's innocence and guilt casuists christ on the cross communicative approach critical thinking crust dietary earth earth quake elements of fiction evil existence of good and evil fabulation fairy tale feminism food choice gaseous theory good haiku hot girl interior structure of the earch interpretation ironist kanon landforms literal comprehension lithosphere living in a multicultural society major English 12 mantle moralist mountain museum new course novice paniroti plot policy poor and powerless poverty problem purpose and audience pyrosphere questions researcher second edition sets up setting sial story style and structure surkhet the challenge of diversity tourism in Nepal vincristine worker