Saturday, November 25, 2017

Rohingya to stay in temporary shelters after Myanmar return

Rohingya to stay in temporary shelters after Myanmar return

Rohingya refugees who return to Myanmar following a Bangladesh-Myanmar repatriation agreement will initially have to live in temporary shelters or camps, Dhaka said Saturday.
"Primarily they will be kept at temporary shelters or arrangements for a limited time," Bangladesh Foreign Minister A.H. Mahmood Ali told reporters in the capital Dhaka.
The United Nations says 620,000 Rohingya have fled to Bangladesh since August and now live in squalor in the world's largest refugee camp after a military crackdown in Myanmar that the UN and Washington said clearly constitutes "ethnic cleansing".
Bangladesh and Myanmar signed the repatriation agreement on Thursday, which would pave the way for an "earliest return" of the Rohingya refugees, according to the deal, which Dhaka released on Saturday.
Under the agreement, Myanmar "would restore normalcy in Northern Rakhine (State) and to encourage those who had left Myanmar to return voluntarily and safely to their own households" or "to a safe and secure place nearest to it of their choice".
"Myanmar will take all possible measures to see that the returnees will not be settled in temporary places for a long period of time and their freedom of movement in the Rakhine State will be allowed in conformity with the existing laws and regulations," it added.
Since most of the Rohingya villages were burnt during the violence, many would have no choice but to live in temporary shelters, minister Ali said.
"Most villages are burnt. So where they will return? There are no houses. Where they will live? It is not possible to physically (return to their houses)," he said. The UN refugee on Friday raised concerns over the agreement, saying "at present, conditions in Myanmar's Rakhine State are not in place to enable safe and sustainable returns".
AFP Europe News Agenda
BRUGES, Belgium: Deposed Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont unveils electoral list for the December 21 election. 1000 GMT. PICTURE. VIDEO. (SPAIN POLITICS) KUEHLUNGSBORN, Germany: Chancellor Angela Merkel to address members of her conservative CDU at a regional party conference in her home state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, in her first major speech since the collapse of coalition talks. 0900 GMT. (GERMANY POLITICS)
- German Green Party members vote on whether to formally seek a role as junior partners in any new coalition government. 0900 GMT. PICTURE. (GERMANY POLITICS GREEN)
- Other stories -
LONDON: Ksenia Sobchak, who plans to run for the Russian presidency in elections next year, gives a speech at the offices of exiled tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky's foundation. 1700 GMT. (RUSSIA POLITICS BRITAIN)
PARIS: French President Emmanuel Macron gives a speech at the Elysee Palace on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. 1035 GMT. PICTURE. (FRANCE POLITICS WOMEN)
CLERMONT-FERRAND, France: French hard-left leader Jean-Luc Melenchon opens France Unbowed's national convention, his radical left party pitching itself as the closest thing the country has to an opposition as the mainstream left and right languish. 1200 GMT. VIDEO. (FRANCE POLITICS)
LONDON: March to demand the release by Iran of jailed Iranian-British mother Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, who was imprisoned 19 months ago on charges of sedition. (BRITAIN IRAN DEMO)
- Sports -
LILLE, France: Belgium and France face off in the second-day doubles match of the Davis Cup final, with the score tied at 1-1 from Friday's opening singles.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Poetry Section Critical Analysis

W.D. Snodgrass

      Snodgrass wrote him revolutionary work along with Robert Lowell and other confessional poets. He is chiefly known for his intricate, restrained and gently self-mocking poems with hidden and complex issues. He writes on what he cannot help thinking, not for readers, or for himself or for anything.
                                             April Inventory
     The title suggests the poet's schedule for coming April, the month of spring, greenery and happiness. This presupposes his timebound, busy life so that he requires a recess for rest and solitude. The green catalpa' tree has turned all white refers to the blooming April. The speaker realizes his old age with his hair turned grey, yet emotions are as young as spring. Flowers do not bloom to pay for any blessed thing we give. They do as are bestowed upon them by nature spontaneously without human cause. The fourth line apparently employs symbols which vivify the speaker's old age as can be discerned in "the blossoms snow down in my hair."
       The second line of the second stanza informs about the speakers profession, teaching and moves on to express his interest in girls, their physical attributes and beauty and his desire for them. He admires the physical body of the girl as sleek and expensive. 'Pinker', a color bears a sensual connotation. 'Bloom' 'out of reach' marks his sense of impassivity to obtain them because of the widening age gap between him the girls. The reference to 'pear tree' has a significant as regards his appearance at the old age since the white flowers covering the whole tree begin to fall down in the winter and finally there remain mere skeletons in the tree as can be justifiably compared with an old man's falling of grey hairs and remaining of mere ball head.
      A remarkable rhythm catching up movement as well as the way hairs fall is an outcome of linguistic play in the poem: 'petal drop like on a tabletop; most of them monosyllabic with alliteration and assonance which give a visual and sensuous picture. The speaker is till mute about his planning, he is occupied to describe his outer appearance and inner desires which are contrastive from each other. 'By now' show a time dimension and the speaker's long standing examination of the girls. He is aware of himself and his duty and realizes he is too old to wedge through a crowd to stare them (girls). He is so attentive, about himself that he takes their smile as a mockery of his fallen teeth. He is not ready to accept from the core of his heart the emotional difference between him and them but physique is betraying him, this knocks at his head all the time.
        This emulates the overtone of psychological complexity of the speaker. He even admits the linear passing of time which will not drive him back to his young shrewd, candid and duty free age. "The tenth time" presupposes his pervious lists about his requirements and duties. He is not tired of graphing his further activities which pronounce the tireless efforts of human being. He prepared a list year of what he had to know and told these things to his parents, and others who trusted him. Fifth Stanza jumps upon another part of discourse; he explores another aspect of his nature and experience. It bears in it a trace of mockery of scholars who are engulfed in moneymaking as soon as they receive degree and they forget what they have learned and what they have to learn. He places himself in that category and invokes his own temperament of forgetfulness and skepticism. Their (scholars) so-called dignity in cloth and profession is marked by 'starchy collars' and lectureship. He moves from third person again which has occurred throughout the poem. He taught a a British philosopher, whitehead's doctrine, Mahler's songs on one hand and on the other, he taught a child how to love and nature.

            Other seemingly absurd references to his teaching of his own name, barking back, loosening love and crying, comforting his woman(probably his wife), and dying old man show the trivial daily chores of professor who cannot rid himself of homely affairs and of raw reaction to any experience despite his artificially imposed behaviour. I can find a dichotomy between nature and culture, former dominating over latter even in a so-called civilized and educated man. The continuation of the last two lenses of seventh stanza to the successive one points at the speaker's automatics responses of his natural instincts as he says "I have not learned how often I can win, can love but choose to die. I have not learned there is a lie/love shall be blonder, slimmer, younger…" All these things do not need to be learnt yet they are deeply seated in one's intuition. The speaker is at a confused condition so he is unable to distinguish what he has learnt and what not. Most of the things he talks about are unlearnt but powerful which lead him into action. 'blonder (more beautiful), slimmer, younger 'revoke in the speaker's mind an unsurpassable desire of sexuality which perplexes his eyes.
       The second last stanza speaks out directly about the hypocrisy of scholars who look modest, controlled, disciplined, well cultivated hiding their inner fallacious disposition as the phrase" procure and spend their leaves" suggests. 'Trees' symbolizes scholars. 'The gold and silver in my teeth' signifies external sufficiency and sobriety. The final stanza postulates the persona's self-consolatory remarks about the importance of soul rather than body or essence rather than forms expressed through 'gentles' and loveliness'. "There is loveliness exists/preserves us, not for specialists"-Creates a distinction between general and special perceivers and the speaker probes into the value of human existence which he sees in behaviour not in study, in intuition not in research and so on.
       However we have not got any specific list for his April. We can only speculate what he intends to do is not enlisted because what is enlisted is one's out-ward duty, responsibility or affectation. The persona in the last Stanza is very optimistic as he says, "we shall afford our costly season" which not by restructuring the sentiment, vigour and spirit. He is aptly articulating that man is never old as long as his spirit is young. The poem is ironical, full of self-mockery with a strong sense of moral lesson embedded in it.


Billy Budd: Captain Vere, another tragic hero

Billy Budd: Captain Vere, another tragic hero
We mourn the death of Billy, but the tragedy in this novel falls equally upon Captain Vere who has the mind to comprehend it, as well as the heart to feel. This novel then has not one but two tragic heroes. While Billy is a humble sailor; captain Vere is a man of an exalted rank. The higher status of captain Vere certainly makes his tragedy a little more painful, even though Billy Budd too is descended from noble ancestors. The tragedy of captain Vere lies in the fact that, although he is convinced of the essential innocence of Billy, he at the same feels compelled to enforce the military law strictly against Billy on a charge of having assaulted his superior officer and having about his death, though unintentionally. Captain Vere’s immediate reaction to Claggart’s death is that “It is the divine judgment on Ananias” and that Claggart has been “Struck dead by an angel of God”. However in the same breath Captain Vere also says that the angel who has struck the villain dead must himself be hanged. Thus, although captain Vere perceives the hand of God in the death of Claggart, he yet feels it obligatory upon himself to see that Billy doesn’t escape the punishment prescribed by the law for the offence, which he has committed. The court martial feels inclined to show some clemency in dealing with Billy; but captain Vere is strongly opposed to any such consideration being shown to the accused. Any leniency shown to Billy might give the ship’s crew the felling that the officers are afraid of enforcing the law. Any leniency might therefore cause damage to the discipline on the ship. Captain Vere goes so far as to tell the court-martial that Billy is innocent in the eyes of God and that, on the judgment Day, Billy would be honorably acquitted of the charge of murder. And yet captain Vere finds it necessary to have Billy convicted and sentenced to death. Captain Vere has here to choose between divine justice and secular justice; between moral justice and legal justice, between private morality and public morality, between the private conscience and the imperial conscience; and capita Vere in each case chooses the later. But the choice made by him robs him completely of his peace of mind afterwards. Up to the point of Belly’s conviction and the pronouncement of the sentence against him, Captain Vere shows no signs of any inner conflict or any mental reservations, or any uncertainty whatever. Once the sentence has been pronounced, however, Captain Vere feels overwhelmed by his feeling that, in absolute terms, a grave injustice has been done to Billy. He now holds a private interview with Billy and explains to him the reasons why Billy had to be convicted and sentenced to death. Captain Vere has allowed his private conscience and his moral principles to be pushed into the background by his official sense of duty and by his oath of allegiance to his king. Of course, he now tries to soothe Billy’s feelings and his won feelings by dwelling upon the rationale behind the arguments, which he had advanced against Billy during the trail; but he cannot really achieve any mental peace or serenity. He continues to be haunted by the thought of the injustice, which has been done to Billy, so that even at the time of his death he is heard repeatedly murmuring the name of Billy Budd. Even at the time of his death, Captain Vere isn’t able to forget the Handsome sailor, the innocent Billy, who had been hanged to satisfy the requirements of the military law at the cost of the law of God. Such then is captain Vere’s tragedy. He certainly doesn’t die a happy man; and he, like Billy wins our deepest sympathy.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Piano / D. H. L. / Four levels / Summary / rememberance

Piano    / David Herbert Lawrence, England (1885-1930)  / Four levels

a. Apply the four level of interacting with text to ‘Piano’.

Literal comprehension: Once the poet listened a song produced by a woman by a piano that brought the poet to his childhood. He recollected the scene when he was sitting near piano with his mother who was playing it with lovely tune. He remembered the Sunday evening sitting in cozy parlour, pressing the feet of his mother.Though the poet tried to control himself at present the past memories haunted him so strongly. He couldn’t stay, reminding at present but in the past singing of rhymes. So the speaker liked no more the song of woman rather deeply went back to his childhood. He became ready to hate his manhood and wanted to be child forever. Actually, that was impossible, so he started to weep like in his childhood.

Interpretation: The poem ‘Piano’ is fully nostalgic in tone because the memories of the past are central focus of this poem. Again through this poem the poet is trying to present the power and value of music to human being. The bored and monotonous present of the speaker is easily vanished with the help of music in this poem. By this poem the speakers is telling us that the childhood memories are stronger things we can’t escape from them. It is the charm of music that gives freedom to us from tensions and problems. The love between mother and son is strongly presented in the poem, the happy romantic childhood experiences become pleasant forever.

Critical Thinking: D.H. Lawrence has used the stream of consciousness technique in this poem. By this process the speaker has remembered his childhood experience in this manhood. It has written in rhythmical pattern with music. The present is the result of the present. We can be agree with the point that poet’s childhood was romantic with deep love of his mother. Still some question we can raise against the poet’s idea. A. how can a man weep like a child listening to music? B. can we always hate our manhood? C. can we always be in memories?, etc.

c. Do you agree that the poem ‘Piano’ is about the pain of remembrance? It is also about the pain of growing up?

Yes, I fully agree that the poem Piano is about the pain of speaker’s remembrance being grown up in to manhood from his childhood. There is strong tension in the mind of the  speaker between childhood memories and remembrances and the present reality. Now the speaker is adult but he can’t be free from the strong capture of his childhood memories. He is too much nostalgic when he listens the music made by a woman. That reminds him of his past living with his lovely mother. The speaker is at very nostalgic state that has not rejected the present reality also. As he listens the melodious music. He remembers his childhood, while he was sitting by the comfortable and soft feet of his mother in the cozy parlour and with nice tune of music of Sunday evening. Remembering all those Romanic and beautiful moments the speaker feels very sad now. He starts to weep like a child. This weeping is real expression of pain of growing up. Neither he can go back to his childhood physically nor he really can have his lovely mother sitting by. Even he cannot be small child enjoying a melodious music of piano. The memories, remembrances of by gone days have ached a lot to the heart of the speaker. The expression of pain is weeping. So this poem is in real sense. About the pain of remembrance of by gone golden childhood and growing up in to adulthood.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

The Telegram on the Table

The Telegram on the Table

ParshuPradhan Nepal (1843-)
b. Apply the four levels of meaning to the story “The Telegram on the Table”.
Literal Comprehension: Krishna had come into the city from his beautiful but remote village. He had been working as a tourist guide for ten years. He had dream of going to America with American tourist girl. He was crazy for that so he had completely forgotten his lovely wife, family and village. Once day he got a telegraph telling him that his wife had been died. Soon he felt happy because his dream of going to America was going to be fulfilled. He was passing his days as usual although his friends sympathized him. One night he had sudden remembrance of his lovely wife, home parents and village and became angry with himself. He started to weep. The separation of his loving wife gave him great grief. Only then the came to real life and began to cry.
Interpretation:  This story may be trying to tell us that those people who have come into city from village, normally, they forget real problems and situation of home. They even become careless to loving spouse and parents. The youths, basically, have strong dream of going abroad, earn much money and marry with rich foreigner. They think the parents, homely condition and village’s wife as burden. Being busy in artificial life of town they are so cruel that even the message of their dearest one’s death doesn’t affect them at all. Krishna a village’s youth had come to Kathmandu had forgotten to wife and village being crazy to go to America and marrying foreign tourist girl. Because of money and artificial city life he became selfish and stone-hearted that the telegram of his wife’s death didn’t touch his heart. These desires and selfishness of Krishna represent the desires dreams of selfishness of many Nepalese youths. Most of Nepalese youths have become crazy to go to foreign land and become careless to the value and cultures of their originality.
Critical Thinking: Before coming Kathmandu Krishna seems to have conjugal relation with his wife. Without calculating her mistakes how can Krishna forget his lovely wife? How can a person become so much careless to one’s wife’s death? For a dream of better future and money one can be devoted but as presented like of Krishna is not possible in every case.
Assimilation: After reading this story I got the idea that being a resident of city life I have given up all village’s memories parents, family and friends. This through me great lesson that we should not be careless to originality as Krishna did. We youth mostly commit this great mistake so we have to realize it in time.
c. Summarize the plot of the story “The Telegram on the Table” in a paragraph.

Krishna had come into the city from his beautiful but remote village. He had been working as a tourist guide for ten years. He had dream of going to America with American tourist girl. He was crazy for that so he had completely forgotten his lovely wife, family and village. One day he got a telegraph telling him that his wife bad been died. Soon he felt happy because his dream of going to America was going to be fulfilled. He was passing his days as usual although his friends sympathized him. One night he had sudden remembrance of his lovely wife, home parents and village and became angry with himself. He stated to weep. The separation of his loving wife gave him great grief. Only then the came to real life and began to cry.



David Herbert Lawrence, England (1885-1930)
b. Apply the four level of interacting with text to ‘Piano’.
Literal comprehension: Once the poet listened a song produced by a woman by a piano that brought the poet to his childhood. He recollected the scene when he was sitting near piano with his mother who was playing it with lovely tune. He remembered the Sunday evening sitting in cozy parlour, pressing the feet of his mother.Though the poet tried to control himself at present the past memories haunted him so strongly. He couldn’t stay, reminding at present but in the past singing of rhymes. So the speaker liked no more the song of woman rather deeply went back to his childhood. He became ready to hate his manhood and wanted to be child forever. Actually, that was impossible, so he started to weep like in his childhood.
Interpretation: The poem ‘Piano’ is fully nostalgic in tone because the memories of the past are central focus of this poem. Again through this poem the poet is trying to present the power and value of music to human being. The bored and monotonous present of the speaker is easily vanished with the help of music in this poem. By this poem the speakers is telling us that the childhood memories are stronger things we can’t escape from them. It is the charm of music that gives freedom to us from tensions and problems. The love between mother and son is strongly presented in the poem, the happy romantic childhood experiences become pleasant forever.
Critical Thinking: D.H. Lawrence has used the stream of consciousness technique in this poem. By this process the speaker has remembered his childhood experience in this manhood. It has written in rhythmical pattern with music. The present is the result of the present. We can be agree with the point that poet’s childhood was romantic with deep love of his mother. Still some question we can raise against the poet’s idea. A. how can a man weep like a child listening to music? B. can we always hate our manhood? C. can we always be in memories?, etc.
c. Do you agree that the poem ‘Piano’ is about the pain of remembrance? It is also about the pain of growing up?

Yes, I fully agree that the poem Piano is about the pain of speaker’s remembrance being grown up in to manhood from his childhood. There is strong tension in the mind of the  speaker between childhood memories and remembrances and the present reality. Now the speaker is adult but he can’t be free from the strong capture of his childhood memories. He is too much nostalgic when he listens the music made by a woman. That reminds him of his past living with his lovely mother. The speaker is at very nostalgic state that has not rejected the present reality also. As he listens the melodious music. He remembers his childhood, while he was sitting by the comfortable and soft feet of his mother in the cozy parlour and with nice tune of music of Sunday evening. Remembering all those Romanic and beautiful moments the speaker feels very sad now. He starts to weep like a child. This weeping is real expression of pain of growing up. Neither he can go back to his childhood physically nor he really can have his lovely mother sitting by. Even he cannot be small child enjoying a melodious music of piano. The memories, remembrances of by gone days have ached a lot to the heart of the speaker. The expression of pain is weeping. So this poem is in real sense. About the pain of remembrance of by gone golden childhood and growing up in to adulthood.



To His copy Mistress Andrew Marvell, England (1621-1678)
b. Apply the four levels of meaning to the poem “To His Copy Mistress”.
Literal Comprehension: This romantic love poem is composed by Andrew Marvell. The speaker is in Deep Ocean of love and praising the value of his beloved very much. The speaker of the poem wishes if he had enough  time he would sit and spend a lot of time with his beloved. He would spend plenty of time to praise either her forehead or eyes or breast. He hopes he would spend unlimited time with his beloved. But the speaker is hastening that the vehicle of time is running quickly telling that beauty youth are matters of decay. With the passage fo time everything will decay. So the speaker requests his beloved to be according to the demand fo time. So they can’t stop the sum from moving. It is request of the speaker to be united and burn the light of love in time. It is sure to pass youth and beauty and become meaningless things after death no one will praise her beauty in the grave. Whatever they have to do they must do in right time.
Interpretation: this beautiful love poem might be trying to make us to understand the value of time “Time and tide wait for nome” is clearly presented here. Whatever (love, duty, and others) works we love to do we should do in time. In the process of love the lover is wooing his shy beloved to understand the boundary of time and love when she has youth. Sometimes we are carefree of our life but the pace of time reminds us what we are doing and where   we are going. So, to impart the value of time and do our duty in time this love poem is inspiring us a lot.
Critical thinking: This love poem has logical presentation. There are three movements in the process of love within the rotation of time. It begins with “ If we had …. Time” proceeds with “But ….we do not” and concludes with “therefore…”. Since it is purely love provoking poem, there is exaggerations. Thought there is ideal presentation of love and lovers’ activities, the speaker has not gone out of the boundary of time. But we are confused: Is this love for purely spiritual or just for physical passion? Is it speaker’s intension to sex? Even then the poem is really romantic, impressive and appealing one.
Assimilation: After reading this poem I came to know that there is much value of time and out youth, which is fully controlled. Time and beauty of youth pas like the fading of blooming rose. Not only love but any passion to do any progress should be done in time. “Later is better than never” is not suitable in case of love and youth because the blooming rose of love will be plucked by somebody sooner. This poem on the one hand reminded me to get married in time not being over thirty. One the other hand I should make my bright career during my youth otherwise with the floating of time I will float and miss everything. I will just have of repent them.
c. Interpret the poem “To His Coy Mistress” as a romantic love poem.
The poem may be trying to show that we should do everything in time because time is going on with its movement. If the time and poet’s beloved were same forever, there would not be any hurry to make love. If the beauty and youth lasts longer, there will not be any tension I becoming hurry. This shows that the speaker seems a bit crazy in love. He seems to be in sensual love, which is fully related to emotions feelings and imaginations. We may raise some questions that are youth and beauty only for love? Are not old people be in love? This shows that the poet is deadly in love.

No doubt, in love there must be faith truth and beauty. Since love is life which is a combination of two souls. It shouldn’t be artificial one. Like the speaker’s view time changes everything but love never dies. Love is not only sexual desire. It is a matter of soul not of the skin.

What is intelligence, Anyway?

What is intelligence, Anyway?
                                                                                                Issac Asimov, USA

                                                                                                [ 1920-1992]
Apply the four levels of meanings to the text “What is intelligence Anyway?”
Literal comprehension: the writer scored 160 in aptitude test that morally people scored 100. With this score the writer felt himself more intelligent than others. In army selection/ training he scored such high level. He used to regularly go to auto- repair man whom he evaluated that he would hardly score 80. He thought he was far more intelligent than auto- repair man. Once the auto- repair mechanics asked the writer an intelligent question. If a deaf and mute person went into a hardware store to ask for some nail, he puts two fingers signaled like hammering with finger. In this context the auto-repair man asked the writer how could a blind man asked for scissor. Writer gave hand single with fingers that was wrong answer. The essay but tricky answer was “by asking” as scissor. Auto-repairman made the writer mad or an educated fool.
Interpretations: this impressive essay might be trying to highlight the relative function of intelligence. This means intelligence can’t be absolute one. Again, the next ideas it might be focusing on the concept that no one can be jack of all and master of all but one can be the jack of all masters of none. No one can always be perfect in every situation and in every work. A person can be perfect in one sector but can’t be in others like the writer. Still the text might also be trying to impart the massage that we should not dominate other as an interior in our in any case because he can be better than us in other cases. We shouldn’t overvalue ourselves and undervalue others. Cook is perfect in preparing varieties of dishes so is an auto repair man in repairing vehicles and a teacher is teaching learning strategies but not in computer and scientific sector by the same person.
Critical thinking: the basic concept given in this short but congested essay is always praiseworthy. We have to be critical and creative as we can. But we cannot always be smart. Education and the intelligence are two different subjects. Despite being impressed from writer’s idea we can raise some disagreeing points. Did the writer be able to answer such easy questions? Even than we cannot fully be disagree with the ideas given in this essay.

Assimilation: after reading this text I got the ideas that we have to thinks that even a normal person can be perfect in concerned subject matter. Each and every one can be best in his or her place. There should not be the concept of senior or more talented and less talented. We have to see from practical knowledge because sometimes a shepherd can instruct a scientist.
c. Do you agree with Asimov that human beings can’t be placed on a one-dimensional intelligence scale, that they are all made up of a unique mixture of intelligence and stupidity?
            I fully agree with this strong and impressive concept given by the writer in this essay “What is Intelligence, Anyway?” actually the concept of intelligence is a relative things. It can’t be absolute in all places and situations. Rather it never can be placed on a one dimensional pattern because a person having highest level of aptitude test can be useless in machinery and technical aspect. Like the writer who scored 160 far better than normal score 100 but in front of a common auto repair man he became like an uneducated and stupid person. But the writer had evaluated the auto-mechanic would score maximum 80 from his calculation.

            All people have different levels of intelligence that cant be generalized and can’t be in one dimensional scale. We human beings are mixed up intelligence and stupidity so that we can’t always be master of everything and everywhere. So, we can be jack of all but not the master of all. Though some educated people assume themselves more intelligence than others but uneducated and common persons can defeat sometimes them. It is meaningless always regard ourselves as a smart, perfect and the intelligent because we do have stupidity with us as well. Since this concept is different is human being, two people can’t be of similar nature and of same capacity as well.

Keeping Errors at Bay

Keeping Errors at Bay

Bertrand Russel England (1872-1970)

b. What are the principles of keeping Errors at Bay?
According to the writer, Bertrand Russell foolish opinions must be avoided from us. Believing any statement without enough experiments and reasons is silly error. There are some simple rules by using them we can avoid some of the common errors we generally do. First of all we have to make observation of that item if possible. Like Aristotle didn’t count his wife’s teach rather told theory women have fewer teeth than males. Secondly we have to compare our opinion with our opponent’s. we become angry and disagree if we have bot good reason. If we have good reason we don’t become angry. Again we can avoid some of our errors and the dogmatic ideas keeping ourselves familiar to different socio-cultural contexts. It needs wide visit  and enough talks and interactions. We should read opponent’s papers and should not copy the foolish customs of others.

Fourth way of avoiding some foolish opinions is conducting some imaginary dialogue. The enemy group is against and we ourselves as for group and discus a lot fifthly, we should leave our self-esteem that makes us to be one side that emphasizes our benefits and other’s loss. We should think that we are living a short-dramatic life in the  small dark place of universe.

Another case of having errors is ‘fear’ that can be fear of death fear of dark unknown etc. it disallows us to think about many important things. So, we must use reason or speak reasonably everywhere and every time. We should leave our habit of knowing everything, which does basically know nothing about it we should leave to given priority on our nation, sex, etc. that makes us being careless to truth.
Apply the four levels of interacting with the text Keeping Errors at Bay .
Literal comprehension : this beautiful essay Keeping Errors at Bay is written by famous 20th century writer Bertrand Russell. The writer gives some techniques about how to avoid our foolish opinions. We can remove many of our foolish opinions by observing facts or ideas. If the observation is impossible we have to compare our ideas with that of ideas of others. It helps us to know who we are and where we are. We have to be familiar with different social and cultural contexts. We can take make travel in different countries and places. Sometimes we have to read  opponents ideas in their papers and writings. Such ideas help us to judge correctly. But we shouldn’t accept foreigners ideas blindly. Another solution to remove some of the foolish opinions by creating and imaginary dialogue with the opponents. By this also we will be less foolish and do less mistakes. Another solution is that we should not be proud of our sex, nation and other things. If we are proud we never find the truth. So, this concept of self-stem should be removed from us. Again we should be free ourselves from learning fear. Fear is the sours of error .fear of different types prevent people from knowing the truth and becoming irrational. If we are fearful we are the victims of superstitions.

Interpretations: this essay might be trying to tell us why human being are not able to find the truth .people don’t observe the problems or matters carefully. It is people’s ego that they know everything well. It also tells us that we people never tolerate other’s opinions. We have ego that we are the greatest, our sex nation and ours every things is the nicest. If we compare a lot with others we can go nearer to truth.
Critical thinking: most of the ideas presented in this essay to avoid our foolish opinions are acceptable. The writer has given them scientifically. Neither we compare nor observe not tolerate others opinions. We do have ego of greatness of ours. But there are some disagreeable points with writer. How can we compare our subjective ideas and thinking with others? Can we always accept what others have done is right? Can’t we be right? Don’t we have pride of our nation and land as nationality?

Assimilation: after reading this essay I have got a lot. I have started to listen and read to opponents. Previously, I used to think that me and our circle are good and correct and others are always false and wrong. I have made my habit to make a comparison and come to real truth. I will never do one sided judgment after reading this suggestive essay. It has opened my eye of self- esteem and overprodness of mind and thinking. I have started to observe, compare and real others without having self- esteem and fear of anything now. This essay has become like a medicine to avoid many of my foolish ideas.

Mr. Know-all

Mr. Know-all

W Somerset Maugham, England (1874-1965)
b. Apply the four levels of interacting with the text “Mr. Know-all”.
Literal Comprehension:  The narrator was going to Japan from American us ship after world war I. He had to share his cabin with Mr.Kelad, a British citizen whom the writer disliked very much. Son he took different kinds of drink asking the narrator to have anyMr.Kelada seemed active in every activities and talked a lot. He insisted on winning the argument and never realized his mistake. Thus he was called Mr. know all. Ramsay friend of speaker was also there. While talking, Mr. Kelada claimed that he was perfect in pearl business and also claimed that he could know real price. Of pearl worn by Mrs. Ramsay claimed it just cost 18,000 dollars. While arguing in Mrs. Ramsay locked very terrified. Mr. Kelada judged it with magnifying glass and also confirmed by looking the gesture of Mrs. Ramsay. Mr. Kelada gave a hundred dollar note to Mr. Ramsay that made all people in the ship toe make fun letter addressed to Mr. Kelada indicating one hundred dollar note inside. Narrator was observing all that. When he knew that Mr. Know all was good person he had no hatred towards MrKelada at all.
Interpretation:  This story may be trying to tell us the concept of racial discrimination between whites and blacks. No doubt Mr. Kelada was social, honest, helpful etc. But his mistake was becoming unable to find out whether he was wanted or not. He was a bit arrogant in his opinion still he seemed to bear some insults not to break conjugal relation of Ramsay’s couple. The narrator had prejudiced on Kelada so he hated him but by last changed his attitude towards Mr. Kelada. The story also tell us not to leave wife away from you.

Critical Thinking: Though the story is talking about racial discrimination, there is some doubt. How can Mr. Kelada bring out so marry drinks at once? What is the reason in narrator himself despite of being hated a lot?
Assimilation: The story gave me a clear concept of racial discrimination. Whites hated blacks in USA or in Britain or elsewhere very much. H learnt that sometimes he should live for others although we get some insults ourselves. Mr, Kelada bears a lot for the conjugal life of Ramsay’s couple.
b. Retell the story “Mr. Know All” from Mr. Kelada’s point of view.
I am Max Kelada. Once after the First World War I was going to Yokohama, Japan by sea from San Francisco. In the ship I couldn’t get separate cabin but I had to share my seat with an Englishman. When I looked for my set partner I found him in smoking-rom. When I told him I was a British citizen to could not believe, so I showed my passport. To make him friendlier I offered him different types of drinks but he only liked to take Martini. Though I liked my best to make him talking a lot he disliked me. I wanted to please him anyhow. Then I started to show him some cards tricks though he disliked them too. Though we spent time a lot he didn’t like me much within couple of days I became familiar with all people in the ship. From my different tricks all people gave me new name as “Mr. Know All” . I liked that name as well

One evening there was a discussion about a Japanese made pearl. One of the ship partners Ramsay’s behaviours made e to show my identity as a dealer in pearl. I told them I could know everything about the pearls. I claimed that the pearl worn by Mrs. Ramsay was $30,000. I bet with him for 1,000 dollars if it was duplicate one. I looked the pearl closely and knew that it was original  one. When I looked at Mrs. Ramsay’s face she was turned into white. She seemed afraid and her gesture requested me not to open up the truth. I told a lie and gave $1000 to Mr. Ramsay. I was made fun that evening. Next day I knew that Mrs. Ramsay had brought is secretly but told her husband she bought only in 1800 dollars. Next morning Mrs. Ramsay pushed hundred-dollar note secretly to me. When my partner knew the reality. I was right about the pearl, he started to like me.



The stub-Book
Pedro Antonio de Alarcon, Spain (1833-1891)
b. Apply the four levels of interacting with the text “The Stub-Book”.
Literal comprehension:  This story “The stub-Book” starts in Rota a smallest city in Spain. Among dedicated and hardworking farmers of fertile sandy soil of Rota Uncle Buscabeataswas the best example. He was the most dedicated gardener of plants, fruits and vegetables. Most importantly, he was fully familiar with each plant of vegetable and each fruit by shape, colour even by name. being sixty years old farmer, he had spent 40 years in toiling same soil with same dedication. That year he had grown large and nice 40 pumpkins. Like to daughters or children uncle Buscabeatas was well familiar with name and size of pumpkins. He had deep love, compassion as well as dedication in growing them up. One day he made his mind to sell 40 ready pumpkins in market  atCadiz. That night he couldn’t sleep being serious like the father whose daughter was going to get married next day. He expected to earn 15 duros from them.
Next morning to his surprised he didn’t find his pumpkins in his garden. He though they were stolen at might be sold in Cadiz son he went there with police. When he saw his pumpkins he told police to arrest the seller. Seller informed his that he bought them form Uncle Fulano.  When Uncle Buscabeatas was giving proof, Uncle fulano came there. Fulano tried to escape but inspector ordered him to stay, Uncle Buscabeatas gave the analogy of stub-book of tax pay and joint all the steps of pumpkins perfectly fitted in all. That convinced all standing there. Inspector made Uncle Fulao give 15 duros to seller and that amount was given to Uncle Bascabeata’s Uncle Fulano was sent to jail.
Interpretation: This suggestive story might be trying  to focus on the concept of love, dedication and job one does. It is our tendency that we hardly respect and love  the work we do Rather, we evaluate others’ works better. Again another meaning of this story is that the root of labour is bitter but its fruit is sweet. If we do hard labour sooner or later we meet its fruits like Uncle Buscabeatas. Like him we people must respect and be in touch with out work and our production. Still another idea  this story might be trying to open up is that evil door will be punished one day. We cannot be rich by robbing and stealing rather by hard labour and dedication to our work. The message of this story. In generals is that let our work be loved and respected by all.
Critical Thinking:  The story is presenting  the idea of love  and deep compassion one must have toward his/her creation. It is worth attending idea that we must be positive and always  cheerful on what we do. I agree with the crux of this story but there are some confusions that I like to ask. Some questions about. How can a sandy land be so much fertile? Can a man kiss his vegetable forty times a day? Is it possible to be familiar with dozen of vegetables by names? Can always such proof as given by uncle Buscabeatas be convincing? Still the moral aspect of the story is unquestionable one.
Assimilation: After reading this lessonful text, I learnt new thing that we must be happy and love our work very much. We must have dedication and positive attitude what we do. Only then we can meet our goal. Only then we can be successful. Before reading this beautiful piece of story I thought my job very boring one but after  reading this story I learnt that my job of folding papers in the printing press is not  less important. By my labour a number of people will be educated and knowledgeable. I changed my negative looking view to my work.
c. Retell the story “The Stub-book” in are paragraph.

Among dedicate farmers of Rota of Spain Uncle Buscabeatas was the hero with full dedication in same farming for 40 years. He was well familiar with each plant, fruit, vegetable he had grown with size, colour and even by name. He had grown up nice 40 pumpkins. He made  a plan to sell them in local market next day. He couldn’t sleep whole night thinking that he was going to lose his dear pumpkin like the father to his going to get married daughter. He hoped to earn 15 duros from them. To his surprise he did not find his  pumpkins next mornings. He guessed that they might be stolen at night and taken  to local market Cadiz. He went there with a police and sooner found a seller who was selling his pumpkins. Buscabeatas ordered the police to arrest him but the seller told that he bought  the pumpkins from Uncle Fulano. Fulano came there at right time. He tried to escape but he was stopped by inspector. He threatened Uncle Buscabetas to prove his claim. However, Uncle Buscabetas had brought the stems of those pumpkins and gave analogy of stub-book in tax payment. All the people along with police were convinced from Buscabeatas ideas. Fifteen duros was given to Buscabeatas and Uncle Fulano  was sent to prison for his crime.

Science and The “Spirits”

Science and The “Spirits”

John Tyndall, England (1820-1893)
a.      Write the summary of the essay “Science and the Spirits”.
In this essay “Science and the Spirits” the writer has utilized scientific methods to examine the supernatural events that scientists generally don’t do. Once the writer was invited in a dinner party where the incident of contacting with spirit took place. He tried his best whether applying scientific methodologies would fit to spiritual aspects or not. The attendants were the writers host (landlord), his wife a gentleman named x and writer himself.
When all of them sat at the dinner table they started to have wonderful narratives and talks. “Medium” (lady who could contact with supernatural power) arrived. The writer asked the lady who he was thinking then. But she couldn’t answer. Writer made second test with magnet Because Medium used to be ill because of magnet. When the writer was with magnet but she was feeling well then. Then she felt ashamed. Then she claimed that she could see waves of light coming from. The sun.when the writer asked her if she could count the waves, she was answerless. Sooner a knock heard then the writer was told that the spirit was knocking with meaning. When the writer kept a wineglass upside down then a buzzing sound produced they said it was sound made by the spirit. The table was pushed and knocked by one person then they (Participants) believed that was made by spirit. The writer stopped making movement of leg then there was not presence of spirits otherwise there was presence of spirit for spiritual believers. The  writer found out their dilemma of spiritualism but he didn’t open up the secrecy because they would be angry otherwise. Moreover, the writer was made confused by spelling name by spirit with knock that writer made spirit silent. The writer found two groups of people in that dinner party.
(a) Who didn’t need proof (b) and who didn’t like to be undeceived? He said science-controlled weeds of superstitions got giving mental soil to be grown. Scientific reason is far away from the intoxicated soul or belief even then people are living with dilemma and delusion yet this has not completly damaged our mental capacity.
c. Make the interpretation of the essay “Science and the Sprits”.
 This essay may be trying to focus  on the ideas of scientific reasoning  and delusive spiritualism. The writer is against the concept of so-called spiritualism. Many people are busy in making others  confused with proof less  thinking. Anyway we should reject any of the concept spiritualism or what so ever. Experiment or analysis done with positive mind without any preconception may lead someone to find out ground reality. Some proof less concept may be dangerous. We  shouldn’t be cheated by other in the name of any concept rather we must utilize our logical mind in each and every step of our  dealing and experience.
People can be free from any type of dilemma and disbeliefs when they use their critical mind in every thinking and dealing. Weak-minded people sometimes be lured by such whimsical beliefs and trapped by them. These spiritualists are far away from the reasoning mind. Actually, there is no presence of spiritual agents rather it is false beliefs of human beings who have no scientific thinking and logical mind. So far scientific investigations with their a number of experimenting devices are concerned they have not found out the existence of spirit. The main crux of this essay is that people must be social scientific and critical in every aspect of life so that they can hardly be the victims of so called spiritualism. Then they can have life with objective and concrete experiences.
d. What is your over all  view of humanity? Are people interested in truth or are they interested in believing what they wish to believe? Do you agree with writer Tyndall “Science and the Spirits” that human beings have  weak mind?
I am fully agreed with the writer about his concept that human beings have weak minds. They are interested in believing what they wish to believe. All people don’t think critically. They mean all  people have  no trust on truth and objectivity.

Scientists like people are more interested in truth. But there are other large numbers of people who believe what hey wish to believe. They have faith on ghost, spirits, communication  with supernatural forces, etc. about which they themselves are not sure. Such people have few logic yet they are not scientific. On the basis of narrow thinking and  very few unproved reasoning they  make any concept. Such low-based minded people are easily cheated by false concept. If they are told about their mind and the concept about far away things they are very much satisfied. In any  incident such people justify the cause of event that is unproved. With their narrow concept and low-based cause of incident they have evaluated of the events and drawn the shallow conclusion:

Third though

Third though

E.V. Lukas, England
b. Apply the four levels of meaning to “Third Though”.
Literal Comprehension: This event was told the narrator by narrator’s friend. According to narrator his friend was always unsuccessful in his business because he used to buy the things expensively and sell cheaply. It was his destiny. But once he bought a drawing at ten shilling from the shop and sold it at fifty pound. In this way, he got net profit of forty-nine pounds and ten shillings because the painting proved to be original painting of tuners. It was great profit of his life. So, he was very impulsive and wanted to share fifty prevent of his profit with his dealer. But suddenly he thought that he was doing wrong. He did not like to give him sharing money and changed his mind. Then he decided to give only five pounds. After sometime he again changed his mind and thought that five pound was also big amount for first success. He also thought that it would be great challenge to the goddess of business. Therefore, at last, he bargained with his soul and decided to give only one pound. Then after, he want to club and played bridge (cards) and lost all money including the money in the envelop for dealer. At last he came to conclusion that buying and selling are perfectly straightforward matter between dealer and costumer. So, it is not necessary to share the profit.
Interpretation: Through this beautiful essay E V Lucas tries to express his arguments that buying and selling are perfectly straightforward matter between seller and buyer. This also tries to say that all human beings are impulsive by nature. But in business, impulsive sentiments do not work at all. In business, profit oriented motive is forceful. That motive is very practical process of doing business through which one leads to the success. In this essay a costumer wants to share his profit to his dealer. But due to his profit oriented nature he doesn’t let him share. The essayist also wants to interpret that people should not think more while doing good thing. That means if one think much, he will not be able to do anything perfectly. Through this short essay, the writer also makes fun of human weakness and foolishness.
Critical Thinking: This is an interesting essay through which the essayist wants to show the real principle of business. But there are some basic details, which make me, raise few questions. Can we believe when a businessman purchases the things from the dearest market and sell in the cheapest? Is he ready to share his profit money to his dealer? Isn’t he very ideal person? Can a dealer not recognize turners painting? Does he really sell such beautiful painting lower in price?
Assimilation: After reading this text, I came to understand the real natural of business people who are always profit oriented. It also teaches me that all businesspersons should be very practical. And only practical businessperson will be successful. Ideal and impulsive people are not successful in their business. Whenever I am buying anything from dealer I remember this story and its theme that whether I am profited or am cheated. Then I begin to bargain with dealer heavily because this story has taught me that the dealer can take as much profit as he can. And I also came to understand that all people are impulsive by their nature but sometimes their impulse does not come in their practical life when they become over thoughtfulness. This text also very clearly clarifies that over thinking delays the action.
a.      Write a critical summary of the essay “Third Thought”.
The destiny of writer’s friend was to buy things in dearest price and sell in the cheapest one. One day he bought watercolor painting at Ten shillings and soon he sold it at 50 Pounds. After that there came a soul bargaining with him. He planned of giving dealer half profit. So, he wrote a letter but couldn’t send because of lack of stamp. He couldn’t sleep well at night so got up 3:30 am and recalled everything. He self discussed and made his mood to give 10 pounds. Still he couldn’t get sleep. He again made mood of giving five pounds. Again, while putting on clothes he thought to give him just a pound. Then he went into club for lunch. He played card and lost all his money. Then he told himself that buying and selling are perfectly straightforward matters between dealer and customer. There is no obligation of any kinds in any side.

Outwardly, one can heat his soul but he can’t do inwardly. Morally one can purify his soul but he can’t do rationally. The speaker has self-conflict in this story. In his highest relaxed mood he planned to give half profit. Slowly, he reduced to ten pounds to give half profit slowly, he reduced to ten pounds to five pounds to five pound to a single pound. Generosity in buying and selling is just meaningless thing. When he quits all his money he becomes a realist. It is human thought that has changing nature. There is no question of kindness and rudeness rather buying and selling are ever going process between customers and sellers. Between two parties there is dealing to some limit of payment and goods. Having such ideas of generosity comes with some of the idealistic people. Both buyer and seller can do this best to sell in dearest price and to buy in cheapest one. This is true concept occurs in business. Without profit no one sells anything and without some consideration no one becomes ready to buy anything.

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