Saturday, April 16, 2016

Incorporation of suggestions and feedback of pre-submission seminar

Date: ………………
The Research Coordinator
DR. K N Modi University
Newai, Rajasthan, India
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Subject: Incorporation of suggestions and feedback of pre-submission seminar.
Dear Sir,
…………………, PhD Scholar of the DR. K. N. Modi, University pursuing his research course under the Faculty of Management under my supervision since 2011. He is very sincere, hard working, dedicated, competent, experienced and well knowledge in the same field of his research work. His research topic is "……………………………………….". He has finished almost his research work with the constructive findings and conclusions. His findings related to the contributions of the NGOs and developing the NGOs assessment criteria could hallmark in the NGOs sectors and policy contribution to the government of Nepal.
He has attended the pre-submission seminar in November 16, 2015 and received valuable suggestions and some feedbacks from the expert and the research team of the University. He has incorporated entire feedback and suggestions under my guidance which are as follows:
1.     Scope of future work of the research is incorporated in Chapter Five .i.e. findings, summary and presented in the recommendations.
2.     Contribution of the NGOs in moral development related with values and character can be found in the thesis, specifically in 2.8.1 contribution in health and education development (page 48-49) and 2.8.8 contribution in social capital and moral learning (page 56-57) as literature review and 4.3.4 Contribution in Moral Development related with values and character as observation in Chapter Four (page no 132-133)
3.     Role of NGO’s in Education Development is incorporated in 2.8.1 contribution in health and education development (page 48-49) in literature review and 4.3.3 Contribution of the NGOs in education service sector in Chapter Four (page no 130-131)
4.     The sources of funding of the NGOs is incorporated in Chapter Four – Observation in 4.3.1 - Funding Patterns of NGOs and its contribution to Nepal and Karnali (page 127-128) and Chapter Five Discussion – Findings related to 5.2.3 - objective no 2 (page 189)

In my observation, as a supervisor, the research conducted by Mr. ........................................ is completed and considered as final thesis after incorporating all suggestions and feedback received from his pre-submission seminar.
I am very happy being supervisor of ……………………….., PhD scholar and would like to strongly recommend him to award the PhD degree from your prestigious University. I like to express heartily thanks to DR. K. N. University for providing me opportunity to supervise the research work of Mr. ............................................. and future relationship with the University will be highly appreciated.

We remain,



Teacher's Training program

Hindu Ritual : Puran

Saturday, April 9, 2016


Biologists have described one million species of the earth. In addition, they have estimated the number of the species from three million to thirty million. More than half of the species have their home in tropical forests. However, tropical forests rapidly being destroyed humans. Millions of hectares of tropical forests in Brazil, Indonesia and Malaysia have been cut down or burnt. The destruction of tropical forests is causing the rapid extinction of the natural species that are native there. Out of 2 million species living in the tropical rain forests, 4,000 to 6,000 species are being disappeared every year, and it might reach up to 27,000 in the future. First, rain forests species are a valuable resource because their genes may enable scientists to strengthen domesticated species. Researchers are using genes from the wild American oil palm to develop resistance to the disease called spear rot in domesticated African oil palm. Second, the wild species of the tropical forests are an underused, valuable source of wild plants that could be domesticated. Next, the endangered species of the tropical rain forests could be a source of important new medications. Vinblastine and vincristine are extremely effective in the treatment of two forms of cancer.

Although the rapid loss of tropical species cannot be stopped completely, it can be slowed if we address all its causes. First, conservation is a necessary component of a solution to the biodiversity crisis. By protecting the habitat of this species, it shows their extinction. Next, to provide the information needed for conservation and education, we need to speed up research into the species of the tropical rain forests. Only then people will realize the value of conservation. Finally, we need to reduce the economic pressures that force people to destroy the rain forests.



The use of pesticides and the fossil fuel are not the only causes of environmental damage in the present time. Humans have been damaging the environment for much longer than the last century. Clearing fields for agricultural use, which began ten thousand years ago, had a very disruptive effect on the environment. But man used water and fertilizing material to sustain agriculture. The settled societies that agriculture made possible also placed considerable strain on the environment. They cut down trees for fuel and farming land. Mesopotamia, the Mediterranean basin, and the Central America rain forests were areas where the ecology was disrupted by early human activities. Here the Mayan civilization will be discussed in detail.
The Mayas had built many cities with wonderful temples, palaces, and public buildings. And the total Mayan population was 5 million. To grow the crops needed to support their large population, the Mayas replaced the forest with a complex artificial environment consisting of raised fields and terraces with a drainage system. The MayasÚ expanding system of agriculture collapsed when the ecology of the region could no longer sustain it. There was soil erosion in the hills and the lowland was flooded. As a result, the crops decreased. The loss of food production caused increase fighting for the available resources Ù this destroyed the Mayan civilization. Like many other cases, the expansion of the Mayan civilization was unsustainable it ultimately destroyed the environment that supported it.


Up until two hundred years ago, humans did not have a significant effect on the ecology of planet earth because there were not more than one billion people. Because of the massive increase in population in the last two centuries, damage to the ecology from human activities is considerable and may become much worse. Locally, people respond to the pressure of overpopulation in ways that destroy the ecology of the areas they live in. They cultivate the hilly areas, where soil erosion makes the land unproductive very soon. The disappearance of tropical forest – a result of countries attempts at economic development – is causing great damage to the natural resources and the ecology of those nations. The destruction of the world's tropical forests will have negative consequences for the entire globe.

Family-planning programs, which have proved successful in some developing countries, could contribute to the solution of the overpopulation problem. They could make economic growth increase. The number of children currently in the worldÚs population means that birth control cannot be the sole solution to the problem of overpopulation. The worldÚs population is sure to increase. Social and economic development is also an essential part of a solution to the environmental damage caused by overpopulation. Economic development, which is the answer to the problem of overpopulation, is also the cause of massive damage to the environment. Europeans and North Americans today are asking the people of the developing nations not to overexploit natural resources, which they have been doing for centuries to develop themselves. In both developing and developed countries, traditional economic development must be replaced by policies and practices that are sustainable.



The pressure to make economic development and the short- sighted responses to this pressure are the cause of a great damage. It will make economic development impossible and the region unliveable. The recent history of the Aral Sea has proved this fact. In the 1950s the sea covered 66,000 square kilometres. It had an average depth of 16 meters. Its water was fresh. But by 1990 the Aral Sea became almost half and was divided into two separate lakes. Its water became just one third of its 1950s volume. The seaÚs salt content has increased by almost 300 percent. The basic cause of the damage to Aral Sea was the use of irrigation to expand agriculture.
The reduced flow of water into the Aral Sea has had disastrous environment and economic consequences for the sea and its basin fish has died. Cotton plantation has become impossible. Birds and mammals have halved. In addition, the salt carried by the storm has made the surrounding land infertile. Short-sighted agricultural practices have increased the levels of salts, pesticides, and other damaging chemicals in the environment. Because of the chemical contamination of drinking water, there has been an increase in human health problems. In 1990, a scientific conference decided that the Aral Sea region was an ecological disaster area in need of urgent action to prevent its complete destruction. The story of the Aral Sea is one example of the global problem of desertification through human activities. In addition, it has helped us to find out the cause of desertification and an alternative model for economic development.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016



There has been an intense debate among both scientists and politicians about global warming and about the appropriate response to it. Some scientists say that the global climate has been changing. But some others have said that there is no strong evidence to support the claim. The article will try to help the public understand the issue of global warming.

All scientists agree that gases like carbon dioxide, CFCs, and methane clearly produce a greenhouse effect because they prevent heat released by the earth from escaping into space. There is historical evidence linking increases in the earthÚs temperature to increased carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere. Now the amount of these gases has increased more than in the Ice Age. Any effects of greenhouse gases on climate will be felt worldwide and by future generations. Scientists have shown that the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has been increasing since 1800 because of the increase in carbon dioxide, methane gases, and more recently CFCs.

Industrialization, not processes occurring in nature, accounts for much of the increase in greenhouse gases over the last one hundred years. The burning of coal, oil and gas to generate energy necessary for industry and the use of the CFCs as cooling agents contributed to the increase in greenhouse gases. In order to feed the growing population of the world, more rice has to be produced and more cattle have to be raised. However, this increase in cattle rearing and rice production are major factors in the increase of methane in the atmosphere. Moreover, the burning of tropical forests in developing countries is a major contributor of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Following this some scientists have established that the earth has become warmer in the last one hundred years due to the rise of the sea level, and the reduction of the ice in the North Polar region and of the nonpolar inland glaciers. But some other scientists are not prepared to conclude that the warming trend of the last one hundred years is due to increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. They argue that every time the warming has not increased when the greenhouse gas has concentrated. Predicting the size of future temperature increases involves some uncertainty.

Despite some political opposition, most scientists argue that the evidence justifies our taking immediate steps to cut the emission of global gases. We have to control global warming immediately. If temperature increases are between 2 and 6 degrees Celsius, the consequences for ecosystems will be extremely serious. Higher temperatures will also probably have a destructive impact on agriculture due to lack of enough water for irrigation. Higher temperatures will lead to a rise in ocean level, which may endanger vast areas of densely populated, low-lying land.


The majority of environmental scientists believe that we should take immediate measures to cut greenhouse gas emissions and avoid a future catastrophe. The industrial nations should be the first to start programs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions because they have been responsible to this tragedy. Governments must develop energy conservation policies that will reduce the demand for energy produced by burning fossil fuels. Newer and more efficient appliances should be developed to save energy. To replace fossil fuels, governments must also develop alternative, sustainable sources of energy, such as wind and hydrogen.
Policies to increase energy efficiency were successful in past. As a result, many industrial countries made fuel efficient cars. We could reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions substantially with technology that exists today. However, a major disadvantage of programs designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is their enormous costs. The good news is that measures to stabilize atmospheric carbon dioxide at a safe level, though expensive, will not significantly slow the expected increase in global income.
Actions by the wealthier countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions will not solve the problem of global warming if we ignore emissions in developing nations. The industrialized world must ease the burden of debt carried by the poorer countries so that these nations can pursue ecologically responsible economic development. But debt forgiveness could be offered to developing countries who commit themselves to protecting the world ecology. Developing countries will also require increased economic and technical assistance if they are to help solve the problem of greenhouse gases.


The problem of global warming will not be resolved without massive expenditures by the developed nations. To make available the funds necessary to address the root causes of global warming, we must radically change our ways of thinking and behaving. We must consider that it is a global problem, not only the problem of a particular nation. People seeking a change in environmental thinking might be encouraged by public opinion polls showing changes in attitudes toward environmental issues. In a few international agreements, governments have committed themselves to reducing greenhouse gases. We have some reason for believing that a revolution in environmental thinking is still possible. 

Saturday, April 2, 2016

The Challenge of Diversity

The United States is continuing process of becoming a multi-ethnic society. That is why the country of San Francisco alone, the school children speak more than 45 languages in addition to English. The United States of the future will be even more ethnically and culturally diverse than it is today. There will be more Asian and Hispanics. Public opinion in the United States is divided on the issue of multiculturalism. Some support it because it will make the nation stronger, and others argue that it will destroy the nation like the former Yugoslavia. Then the specific issues to be discussed in the rest of the article have been identified.
Immigration policy is the most important determiner of ethnic and cultural diversity in the United States. Between 1921 and 1965, U.S. policy kept the numbers of immigrants low and was biased in favor of immigration from Europe. The realization, in the 1960 s, that racial minorities in the United States suffered discrimination led Congress to reconsider the racially biased immigration laws. In 1965, significant changes were made to the immigration law that favored Europeans, accepting non-Europeans and preferring the recent immigrants' close relatives to reunify the family. Adjustments made later to the 1965 immigration law increased the number of people allowed to settle in the United States. Immigration policy from 1965 to 2000 caused a considerable increase in immigration and changed its ethnic character. The new laws eliminated the earlier obstacles to immigration from Asia and Latin America. And there was an enormous increase in the proportion of immigrants from these countries.
In U.S. history, many new immigrants have been met with hostility due of fear. It is a common belief that immigrants damage the U.S. economy because immigrants are ready to work at low wages, and the employers employ them making the native-born persons unnecessary. Next, they take more from the state than they contribute to it. A research has given contradictory answers to question of whether immigrants help or hurt the U.S. economy. Because immigrants tend to live in ethnic neighborhoods and continue speaking their native language, immigration opponents claim that they are unwilling to really become a part of U.S. society.
Research on language shift shows that first-generation immigrants may continue to use  their native languages but that their children or grandchildren will be native speakers of English. If people ignore the fact that assimilation and language shift take time, they may wrongly conclude that today's immigrant families will not become part of American society. There is already evidence that contemporary immigrants, like the earlier European arrivals, are assimilating into U.S. society.
Although some fears about immigration are unjustified, there are problems associated with it. First, it is a risk to cause bitterness and resentment among poor unemployed Americans if nothing is done for them but at the same time larger numbers of immigrants are admitted. Secondly, immigrants tend to settle in a limited number of areas and cause economic problems in those communities. Thirdly, media reports about the number of illegal immigrants are probably causing an increase in anti-immigrant feelings in the United States. Hostility and resentment toward immigrants have caused problems between immigrants and native-born Americans in the past and could do so again.
The United States needs to take at least steps to ease the way to a multi-ethnic society. First, education and training programs are needed so that number of the underclass can advance socially and economically. Secondly, the federal government should provide adequate financial support for those regions where immigrants tend to settle. Thirdly, illegal immigration can be reduced by increased border security and better identification of companies that employ illegal immigrants. The solutions suggested will give cultural understanding and tolerance, time to grow and will help create a more integrated society.
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Friday, April 1, 2016

Porn Star in My Life

It was spring of 2015, when I was having great fun with my colleagues. We had organised a picnic in the wilderness: at the bank of Chepe river, which was just like parade ground surrounded by greenaries. The picnic was non-veg. Most of my friends were enjoying baked meat. On the other hand live song competition was going on. Almost participants were youngsters.
While I was enjoying both picnic and live song competition, my friend Man approached towards me and pointed a hot girl and said, "She is porn star". I could not understand it. I dared to ask her myself and approached to her and asked. "What?", she said, and gave me a slap on my right cheek. When I opened my eyes it was just a dream.

English Language Skills

Class: 7                                                                                        F.M.: 100
Subject: English Language Skills                  Time: 3 hrs.                               P.M.:   40
1.      Read the text and do the activities that follow.
         First of all, email is easy. All you need is the appropriate software on your computer. There are no stamps and no trips in the freezing cold to post box. Secondly, email is fast. Now matter where you're sending your message, whether it's to the next street or to the other side of the planet it takes only seconds to reach its destination. Thirdly, email is not only fast, it is also cheap. Unlike long distance telephone calls, you pay no more for message sent from the US to London. Also email messages are easily stored. In additional to this, email is environmentally friendly because being electronic, it saves natural resources such as paper. Last but not least, email is practically universal. Even my great grandmother is using it these days.
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 A.     Write "T" for true and "F" for false statements. [5]
         a)      When you send message by email, it takes hours to reach its
         b)      This text describes the advantages and disadvantages of
         c)      Email message are easily stored.
         d)      According to the passage email. Is expensive means of
         e)      It destroy natural resources such as paper.

         B)     Write words from the above text having the following
         meanings. [4]
         a)      A letter sent through electronic media.
         b)      An electronic device set in the computer.
         c)      A place to reach.
         d)      World wide
         C)     Answer these questions. [6]
         a)      Why is email easy?
         b)      What is the third advantage of email?
         c)      Why is email environmental friendly?
         d)      According to the passage, why is email universal?
2.      Answer the following questions based on your textbook. [20]
         a)      Why was that day at the airport a lucky day for vinicius?
         b)      Who are the main actors in the film 'Catch me if you can?
         c)      How were the woodcutter's wishes granted?
         d)      Why didn't the Egyptians conduct ceremonies in the
         e)      How did the conductor help the lady?
         f)      Why was Anuradha Koirala awarded with the CNN Heroes
         Award 2010?
         g)      What are some of the ways of checking floods?
         h)      What can you see in the painting of Amar chitrakar?
         i)       How did Danier save the local people's lives?
         j)       What is the most popular job for teenagers in Britain?
3.      Match the following [6]
         Exhibition                    Respected or honoured
         Decorate                      The group of people who represent a
                                    country in foreign country
         Brilliantly                     Make something more attractive
         Stall                             When things like painting or soulptureare
                                    shown to public
         Embassy                      A small area designed to keep things for
                                    public display or selling
         Venerated                    Cleverly
         Script                           Luxurious, showing that you are rich
         Fusion                          One part of a situation problem or a subject
         Grumpy                       Words for a play or film or advertisement
         Babysit                        Combination
         Sumptuous                   To take care of someone's child
         Aspect                         Easily annoyed
4.      Find the synonyms of the following words. [6]
         Happily, gaze, rich, wonder, upset, upset, pulled
5.      Complete the sentences with the first conditional. [7]
         a)      If it rains, we __________ out. (not go)
         b)      If he sees our message, he __________ us. (phone)
         c)      Sunita will be unhappy if seema __________ to the party.
         (not come)
         d)      If she goes to India, she __________ us an email. (Send)
         e)      If my brother comes, I __________ him to help me with my
         homework. (ask)
         f)      If lalita passes her test, her father will buy her a new
computer. (pass)
         g)      My mum won't let me go to the park if I __________ my
homework in time. (not finish)
         h)      If you __________ (leave). Your bag here, it __________
         (might et) lost.
         i)       If you __________ (ask) her, she __________ (help) you.
         j)       ______(call) me if you _____(nned) any help ok?
         k)      If they_______ (be) tired, we _____ (not/go) to the          park.
         l)       If you __________ (See) Kabir, please __________ (not tell)
         him about the party.
6.      Are the following statements true or false? [7]
         a)      There's a 200 in capital city of Nepal.
         b)      Animals in the zoos get their natural habitant.
         c)      Zoos can help educate people about animals.
         d)      Those people who have seen animals in zoos are less likely
         to kill animals in natural habitat.
         e)      Supporters of 200s say that 200 can help protect animals
         serving as a breeding center.
         f)      Karma lives in Manang.
         g)      Rasika's parents are business people.
         h)      Globla warming causes natural disaster.
         i)       Carbon dioxide is not necessary. It is just pollution.
         j)       Sea level is increasing day by day.
         k)      If we are careful, we can cheek global warming.
         l)       Sohan can enjoy more space now.
         m)     Karma's parents have a shop that sells old and unusual things.
         n)      Karma's parents are going to Manang next month.
7.      Choose the correct answer. [5]
         a)      Frank Abagnale is (an imaginary person/a character of a
                  film/a real person)
         b)      Abagnale looked (older than he really was/younger than he
         really was/older than the picture on his driving license)
         c)      People believed he was a pilot because (he knewevery body
 at the airport/he had a pilot's uniform and an ID Card/he could fly planes)
         d)      Abagnale left prison when (he escaped/he pretended to be government official/the government wanted his help)
         e)      After he left prison, Abagnale (again became a criminal/gave money to the people he had cheated/became a film star)
         f)      We had prepared/had been preparing for our holiday for weeks before we left.
         g)      We had booked/had been booking our trip on the internet two weeks earlier.
         h)      When we arrived at the Nobel, we had travelled/had been travelling all day.
         i)       We hadn't been/hadn't been being there long when there was a bad strom.
         j)       We got very wet because we hadn't brought/hadn't been bringing any raincoats.
8.      Change the following into indirect speech. [5]
         a)      Basu said to me, "I don't call anybody."
         b)      Supriya says, "I don't know the answer. "
         c)      Avash said, "can't come tomorrow."
         d)      Usha said to Bina, "Asha has sent a gift for you."
         e)      Sapana said, " I was sick yesterday."
         f)      "Where are you?" he asked.
         g)      She asked me, "Can I borrow your bike?"
         h)      He said, " I've bought this  book"
         i)       He said, "Can you play cricket?"
         j)       He said to me" Look at this chair"
9.      Put the following events in order by numbering them from 1 to 6. [6]
         a)      Vinicius became a film sta.
         b)      Walter salles met Vinicius at the airport.
         c)      Vinicius lived by polishing the shoes of people.
         d)      Vinicius gave a short film test.
         e)      Vinicius asked salles for money.
         f)      Salles started talking to the shoeshine boy.
10.    Fill each blank with a suitable tag question. [8]
         a)      You know that's right, __________?
         b)      He could have bought a new dress, __________?
         c)      Nisha will come tonight, __________?
         d)      He won't be happy, __________?
         e)      She has a cold, __________?
         f)      You are a student, __________?
         g)      Suman gets up at six, __________?
         h)      She had never win gold medal, __________?
         i)       You have cleaned your bike , __________?
         j)       Nisha will come tonight, __________?
         k)      She saw a black cat under the chair, __________?
         l)       You know that's right, __________?
         m)     He won't be happy, __________?
         n)      You want to try this dress, __________?
         o)      Nina nad Mina often go home late, __________?
         p)      You wouldn't give me a replay, __________?     
11.    Write a letter to your brother who is living abroad describing
         about the present condition of our country. [5]
12.    Write an essay on "Education for women" or "Importance of
         English Language" [10]

The End

Our English : Annual Exam 2072 BS

Class: 7                                                                                       F.M.: 100
Subject: Our English                  Time: 3 hrs.                              P.M.:   40
1.      Read the text and do the activities that follow.
                  Differrent people have different hobbies. My friend Sunita Chaudhary, has a hobby of reading books. Sudip Limbhu, another classmate, enjoys travelling, and my hobby is gardening. I have developed this hobby since my childhood when I saw my father loving and caring for plants in the garden. Wherever I have spare time, I go to my small  garden. I see the little plants grow. I watered them. I saw seeds in the field and water them. I have also grown different kinds of flowers such as roses, marigolds, and lilies in my garden. When I look at them, I smile from the heart because they give me great joy.
                  I work with spade and hoe every morning and evening in my small garden. I root out the unwanted plants. There are many types of fruits, plants and flowers in my garden. Thus, I grow many fruits and vegetables in the garden. I enjoy playing there. It gives me a lot of happiness. Moreover, my hobby keeps me physically fit because of exercise I do while gardening.  
         A.     Fill in the blanks with right answer from the above text. [5]
         a)      Sunita Chaudhary likes to __________
         b)      Sudip Limbu's hobby is __________
         c)      The speaker's hobby is __________
         d)      The speaker does in his garden such as __________
         e)      Speaker just throw out the __________

         B)     Write "T" for true and "F" for false statements. [4]
         a)      Sunita, Sudip and the speaker are friends.
         b)      The speaker has developed his/her hobby from mother.
         c)      The speaker gets pleasure from gardening.
         d)      Gardening means playing and dlong exercise in the garden.
         C)     Answer these questions. [6]
         a)      Whose hobby is gardening?          
         b)      What kind of flowers are there in the speaker's garden?
         c)      When does the speaker work in the garden?
         d)      What are the advantages of gardening?
2.      Answer the following questions based on your textbook. [20]
         a)      How has the hamlet of Leguwa changed these days?
         b)      Why is Jacinta popular among students?
         c)      What happened with the two old towers of Kathmandu?
         d)      Why do many young people from Chewa go abroad?
         e)      How did the youngsters spend the Deusi money in the
         previous years?
         f)      Why is a city life not as healthy as  a village life?
         g)      How can we protect these endangered animals according to
         h)      Why did Bibha not enjoy games in the fourth period?
         i)       Why were the students not sure who won the final race?
         j)       What were the kites in the long past made of?
3.      Fill in the blank with the correct words from the list below. [5]
         [Pursue, head of state, degree, monarchy, opportunity]
         a)      After school I shall __________ my studies in a good
         b)      __________ is the system of having king.
         c)      In Nepal the president is the __________ .
         d)      Generally, a person with a university__________ is more
         likely to become an influential person.
         e)      There is a saying in English__________ knocks only once at
         your door.
4.      Match the following [6]
         Oval shaped                 trees that produce hard dry fruit called cone
         Surrounding                 Very pleasant
         National Park               Shape like an egg
         Coniferous                   award
         Heavenly                     near or around something
         Prize                            area of land protected by government to
                                    preserve the natural beauty
         Stand behind the          in
         Tell me all                    about it
         Shut                             page 59
         Come                           line, please
         Take you feet off        up
         Turn to                         the sofa
5.      Complete the following sentences with the appropriate expressions. [6]
         a)      They _________ eat all the food if they are not hungry.
         (have to/don't have to)
         b)      My teacher _________ give permission to be absent from
         the class without any reason. (May/may not)
         c)      We _________ keep the environment clean. (Should/should
         d)      We  _________ follow the rules in school. (must/must not)
         e)      The doctor said that I_________ have cold drinks because I
         have a running nose. (should/should not)
         f)      Students _________ ask questions if they do not understand
         the lesson. (can/cannot)
         g)      Those shoes ________ too much. (cost, costs)
         h)      I __________ to watch movies. (love, loves)
         i)       He ________ a big wedding. (wants, wants)
         j)       We both _______ to the radio in the morning. (listen, listens)
         k)      We ______ have time to d that on the way home. (doeasn’t, don’t)
         l)       The post office _________ at 5:30 pm. (close, closes)
6.      Write down the meaning of the following words. [10]
         Dignitaries, sprinter, parbicipants, considerable, frenzied, nonetheless, gloomy, hush, drone, fate
7.      Fill in the blanks with suitable article if necessary. [8]
         a)      _________ sun is _________ big star.
         b)      Srilanka is _________ island.
         c)      She looks beautiful in _________ coat.
         d)      We can not live without _________ food.
         e)      Who is _________ first person to climb Mt. Everest?
         f)      He needs _________ new chair in his room.
         g)      Do you wear _________ uniform at school?
         h)      _________ church on the corner is progressive.
         i)       They had ________ dinner at a restaurent last night.
         j)       Is there _________ nice restaurent near here?
         k)      She likes to read ________ Kantipur everyday.
         l)       Which is _______ deepest sea in the world?
         m)     This is ________ useful book for us.
         n)      _______ Kantipur is widely read in ________ Nepal.
         o) Tihar comes once _________ year.
         p)      He saw _________ English man in the street.
8.      Change the forms of the verbs to complete the sentences. [7]
         a)      (Sing) she _________ a song. (present continuous)
         b)      (Sunbath) They _________for two hours. (Present perfect
         continuous )
         c)      (Answer) I _________ the questions. (present perfect)
         d)      (See) We _________ two wild buffaloes. (simple past)
         e)      (visit) I _________ my grandmother next week. (Simple
         f)      (climb) Look ! the boy _________ the tree. (present
         g)      (eat) They_________ fish. (present perfect)
         h)      (write) I _________ a poem tomorrow. (simple future)
         i)       (see) We ____ already _____ that film. (present perfect)
         j)       (want) He ______ to read cpmics. (simple past)
         k)      (stay) Maybe we ________ at home. (simple past)
         l)       (send) We _______ the postcard. (simple past)
         m)     (go) Angela _______ to London yesterday. (simple past)
         n)      (cook) Sudha _______ food daily. (simple present)
9.      Fill each blank with a suitable tag questions. [7]
         a)      I'm leaving early enough, _________?
         b)      They talk a lot , _________?
         c)      She has a cold, _________?
         d)      You wrote it, _________?
         e)      We win things in a lottery, _________?
         f)      Yesterday wasn't too hot, _________?
         g)      He and she will sit here, _________?
         h)      She draws a beautiful picture, ______?
         i)       You can swim very well, _________?
         j)       Nothing is wrng, __________?
         k)      She loves flowers, _________?
         l)       You won’t trust him, _________?
         m)     You dn’t like fishing, _________?
         n)      He sells toys, _________?
10.    Write a letter to your cousin telling him/her about your daily routines. [6]
11.    Write an essay on "Television". [10]

The End

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