Thursday, October 18, 2012

First Grade – Standing The Hall Chenyl Savageale

First Grade – Standing The Hall   
                                                      Chenyl Savageale
          This poem depicts a real picture of a classroom in which a poor student is punished by the teacher. By showing ill practice a punishment that poet strongly speaks for the reformatives of the education system. In fact punishment has got negative effect on the learners and teaching learning system is incomplete with punishment.
          According to the poem the boy couldn’t read and the teacher threw him out side of the class. He stood there and remember his grandmother who told him the stories but how she was at hospital. He wondered when she would be back at home. The boy knew that the letters told the stories but unfortunately he could not read them. Besides everyone pointed out him as a stupid and a hopeless and the principal punished him. He always waited for the bell to ring or the teacher calling him back in the class. Despite the punishment he still saw the sign port of hope looking at the spider webbing it’s net and the sun making the life presible. He felt a kind of communication with them and felt himself distinct from him teacher.
          The poet may be trying to tell us that punishment never makes a student eager to learn. Besides a students spill should not be measure in the narrow concept there are obviously many skills. Through which a child can shape his future. It doesn’t necessarily mean that the child who cant read is really hopeless and stupid even it he is poor in studies he can do the best in other field. Therefore the child must be left to learn in the natural environment and according to his will.
·        This poem forgrocends the discussion about educational issues including literacy, oral versus writing tradition, bilingual education, minority students learning problems and disabilities students punishment.
·        In this poem it is talked about the need for teacher to consider a student an individual. Different individuals have different interests background, intelligence. Imposition of any learning should be avoid. The students should be reflected in matters of creativity their language, cultural background and soon.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Story about coyote and dove

Coyate And The Crying Song
                                                                Retold by Horald Courkabde
“Hu – hu – huuu ! hu – hu – huu ! Ho –uuu ! ho – uuu!”
Coyote – Crow
          In this parable the narrator is trying to focus on wrong process of teaching – learning system. Coyote represents the teachers and the Dove obviously stand for the students without knowing the psychology of the students the  teachers always force them to believe what they think. Even the crying sound of the Dove is forcefully turned into a song. The Dove repeatedly rejected that he was singling, coyote was forcing him that it was a song. This incident mocks at the stupidity of the teachers.
          This parable can also be interpreted in terms of moral lessons – looking at coyote’s behavior. We can say that over confidence is a great obstacle in a learning process. Similarly reciting something without knowing it’s root is a great mistake.
          More over coyote is impatient ill- tempered and easily frustrated which are the great enemies in learning process. Besides this parable also clarifies that practical knowledge is a superior than the bookish knowledge. When coyote himself was hurts he know that “ Hu- hu – huuu! Was not a song but moaning sound.
          In this way this parable gives us some better tips in learning puscert, we must realize that teaching and learning must be in a natural environment and if possible in a practical knowledge.

·        Story about coyote and dove
·        Coyote claims clovers crying as song but dove denies.
·        Dove gives in and accepts his crying as song coyote wants to carry it home but he happens to meet an accident and forgets the song.
·        Coyotes learning style is memorization and recitation.
·        Coyote makes mistakes again and again and feels that he is committing crime.
·        In learning process coyote in student and dove a teacher or vice – versa.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Multiple intelligences and emotional intelligence - David miller Sadker and Uyra Pallak Sadker -

Multiple intelligences and emotional intelligence  -         David miller Sadker and Uyra Pallak Sadker  -

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Richard Cummins / An opposing view Richard Cummins

An opposing view
                           Richard Cummins
          When the article of Rothenberg was published a lot of responses appeared in the newspaper. Among them Richard Cummins also could not help publishing his ideas. He opposed the idea of Rotherberg and try to establish the web as an inevitable part of modern students.
          Richard Cummins appreciates the logus given by Rothenberg but he criticizes the marrow concept of Rothenberg Cummins argues that the available materials should be provided to the students so that they can make their writing and thinking even better. Similarly he rejects the idea of originality and clarifies that there is no infabaur of modern techniques that enable the students to increase their quality.
          Cummins uses the metaphor of a spider and a fly. It is up to the students whether to become a spider or a fly. In other words good and evil come together. Whether we take the good aspects or the bad ones depends an aurselves. So the web is not responsible for the destruction of students for their plight.
          Therefore the teachers should not advocate for banning (to respect) the modern techniques but they should teach the students how to get benefit out of them –
·        Personal persuasive essay
·        Educational hazards ( dangerous situation) of the world wide web (www)
·        Rothenberg’s criticism of students use of www
·        The use of interest is don’t read just connect, slarf (search), download, cut and paste 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

How the web destroys the quality of Students Research Paper. - David Rothenberg

How the web destroys the quality of Students Research Paper.
                                                                                                    - David Rothenberg
       In this essay Prof. Rothenberg has a display the harmful effects of the use of external specially for the students. The writer has claimed that plagiarism (copying) has lost the sense of originatily. Infact his experience with the last semester students clarify that the students were eager to download the materials without mentioning their sources likewise all the references were take from the external and the students even didn’t know where they exactly accured.
                   For the ever growing use of the web, the students themselves aren’t fully responsible because the universities themselves teach the students ,” Don’t read, Just connect”. Instead of searching the materials in the labraries, it is easy for the students to cut and paste.
                   The university teachers must be friendly with the students and they must encourage the students to read books from the libraries and consult the related journals when the teachers give pressure to the students they are likely to download the materials form the web that helps them to secured a good grade and avoid the pressure of the teacher.
                   It is also necessary that libraries must be mad up-to-date. It is better to invest on buying book than spending so much money for computer.

          According to the writer , he is given hundreds of research papers by the final years students. He would like to read all of them and eraluat them but he knows that this papers aren’t the original creation of the students for they were down loaded from the web.
          It was abuious that the downloaded materials lost their originality due to which writing of the students lost coherence (unity).
          While looking at the papers the writer noticed that all the works cited from the web and they were written during to months. It clarified that the students were missing the general trend of the past and they also failed to make their papers specific. Neither they were able to take any authentic writers. For their citation nor were they able to give credit to the owner of the material.
          In the research papers the beautiful pictures had been quited but those pictures were the result of copy cut and paste. Besides random quotations were found but the sources weren’t maintain.
          Prof. Rotherberg Denigh that he is a new – luddile but against the idea of misusing the technology. In other words, he believes that the students quality should not be damaged by so – called industrialization.
          After finding out the errors with students. The writer talks about the causing factors for their flight. First of all. Universities themselves are responsible because they are trying to show themselves modernize and spend a huge amount for the computers. The slogan “don’t read, first connect “. Encourages the students to download the materials rather than creat their own ideas. Sincilarly the teachers are unable to provide adequate information to the students the result in downloading the materials. Specially the students of second language download the materials hsow as to secure a good grave in their exams.
          Therefore the students must be made aware about the harmful effects of downloading the materials and they must be encouraged to use libraries free – entry.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

school is bad for children

-         Criticism of formal education
-         Recommendation to enhance learning

In the first half in this essay John Halt criticizing formal education and says that schools convert students natural intelligences curiosily, confidience, resource refullness independence patiences and energy into passiveness, lazyness,  dependences, indifferences, borden and low self esletm.  Halt fcerther says that the schools discourages experimentation, creativity and originality.
-         They teach students that learning in repeats from living and that students cant be trusted to learn and are no good at it. The children from school learn that the learning is a passive process.
-         School neglect students need an interest and show no respect f4rom individual differences
-         They teach student that , “ to be wrong uncertain, confused is a crime and as a result students start to dodge , bluff, fake,  cheat.
-         School don’t teach to interact with other people and to lives and without paying attention to anything going around them.
-         Schools are almost always  ugly, cold (not interested) and in human.
-         They encourage dishonesty,   --- and anxiety
-         They provide,  little opportunity for students to learn about the real world.
                   Halt’s recommendation to enhance reed learning and improve school.
-         Abolish a modify compulsory school, attention.
-         Take students into the community to learn about real world first hand.
-         Bring more of the real world into schools different professional people to talk that they actually do.
-         Encourage students to work together and learn from each other.
-         Encourage students to learn to evaruate their own work and find their mistake and correct them.
-         Eliminate (avoid) grades exams and rank.
-         Abolish the fixed, required curriculum.

Friday, October 5, 2012

School is bad for children Jhon Halt BA English

School is bad for children
                                                                  Jhon Halt
In this essay, the writer seems to be against the idea of formal education about he is not in fever of abolishing the school education, however he stands for the reformation of traditional teaching system.
          According to him, schools are killing the curiousness of the students by imposing (forcing) the final truth in their mind. When a child comes at school he comes with a lot of expectation and frantically he returns home with the feeling of pessimism. Besides, the writer argues that the schools change the students' natural intelligence, curiosity, confidence, recourse fuliness independence, patience and energy into pass, laziness, dependences indifference. Actually the child has got immerse confidence about his potentiality but the teachers always discourage him. The additional to this child, finds the classroom to be cooled and ugly fabulously. There are other children but they are unable to communicate with each other.
          Most of the schools separate the learning from the living. When they create the gap between life and learning the children are confused. The classroom environment is artificial and the teachers act almost like robots.
          Usually the students are taken as a blank sheet of paper and the teachers are free to write on their mind. The teachers never trust the students and they never appreciate their natural knowledge. As a result the children feel that he is not worth of listening to.
          The teachers neglect the needs for the respects of individual difference. Every individual has got different perspective snarl the teachers always try establish the final perspective.
          The teachers teach the student that to make a mistake or to be confused is to commit a crime and as a result the students start creating the teacher. The writer claims that the schools are teaching him to be indifferent. The class environment is just opposite to the way how a child lives his life in a natural form. There is no doubt that there are other children in the classroom but all of them are in silence. They all seem as if they have nothing to do with each other's. As a result, the child takes his teachers to be inhuman.
-         Reformation
According to the writer, there are fundamental changes necessary for school education. The first and foremost thing is that compulsory attendance should be abolished. He justifies that when something is made compulsory it develops unwillingness from the students. It is self-evident that forceful. Knowledge is useless at the time of crisis. Curiosity is developed not to force but through freedom. Undoubtly, the critics might counter argue, “If the children did not go to school where would they go?” It does not necessarily mean that if the children are not compelled to go to school, they will come out in the street. When the education system is made free, the children will be more eager to go to school.
          The second reformation that the writer puts forward is that the students or the children should be taught in a natural environment. In other words, the teachers should bring the outer world into the school. For example, the students should learn about the law not from the teacher but from the judging himself.
The children should be allowed to judge their works by themselves. It is better to encourage the student to learn from each other rather than dictating what to the small kids learn more readily from their teacher. They also point out the exams should be at list and he fixed curriculum should also be abolished. His argument is that certain hours examination cannot judge he ability of the students. Besides the fixed curriculum units, should be given the unlimited potentiality of the students.
          In this way Jhon Halt stand for the reformation of the traditional system of school education. In his opinion must of the schools are running natural knowledge of the students and they are making them passive and dull.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

A Coward Premchand BA English

A Coward
In the story a coward Premchand shows how cultural difference with in a conflict creates problem among the people who live in the same society. Basically the Hindu cast system has created problems among the people in case of marriage. Moreover, the gap between a traditional mind and the modern mind device the people clearly in to opposite pose most of the people still stick to their conservative beliefs due to which the gap has always remained unfulfilled in the story, keshav a Brahmin boy falls in love with prema a girl from banya caste. In the beginning keshav seems to he very strong because he is read to undergo any hardships that might come on his way. He convinced prema to be bold and fight against the conservative mind. Prema, who is loyal to her parents, doesn’t close to against them. However she doesn’t share to live her life without keshav as preama goes home. She thinks about keshav and collects her strangth to tell her relationship with keshav to her parents. In the beginning her parents rejects it strongly but they aggred when the put her life at stake. Prema’s father went to talk with keshav’s  father, who reacted very rudely to him. However he tolerated being the father of  a girl. Then prema wrote a letter to keshav informing him that she was ready to undergo to any shorts of difficulties if he was  readey to accept her as his life partner. She also wrote that her parents were eager to meet him and he was called for dinner. Prema waits for keshav impatiently but nature he nor his letter comes only the next morning prema gets the letter of keshav in which she finds him unaspectedly coward and distuyal. Her parents ask her about his response but she tells them nothing she hide her pain the whole day and the next morning she commit beucide.
          In this way this story shows the cultural problems of the same society due to the conservative feelings of the people. The lover like prema and keshav are very much frequient in our society too and they are killing themselves due to the fear of social parts which are almost impossible for them to cross.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

BA English / Friends And Strangers / Margaret R. Nydell

Friends And Strangers
                                                                                                Margaret R. Nydell
This essay studies the inter cultural differences is relation with the concept of friends and stranger4s in American culture and in Arabian culture. In Arabian culture there is distend gap between friends and strangers. There are certain rights and duties in a friendship cuhereas a stranger is neither alone for lesing rights nor he is offered any duties. In Arabian culture refusing a friend as taken out breaking the friendship even if the work is impossible to perform, a friend never refuse it directly this response is “ I will try my best”. This response from a friend keeps the friendship alive forever
          An Arabian culture personal benefits is taken from the friendship we often here “ Do it for my sake” but in American culture no benefit is expected from the friendship even if a persona is helped by the other he is not morally oblized to help him.
          The personal chose in so much valued that even the children aren’t oblized ot take care of their parents an American culture, personal details are much more important than a person himself. they realdily disclose their social and economic backgrounds. An contrast to Arabian culture, the Americans are uncuilling to disclose their personal details and individual is much more important then his background.
          An Arabian culture insuling the friends is frequent without information they used their friends and story there as a long as they please. They do not feel that they are interfering their personal life.  Being alone is taken as either being dissatinfie or being sad but in American culture privacy is highly value. A person likes to have a moment of privacy so that they could feel onself with theirself. Besides the Americans enjoy being with the friends but they never let them cross the boundary of personal life.
          These are some of the differences between the Arabians and the Americans concept of friendship. The Arabians have distinctly the line between friends and strangers but the Americans have blurred the line.
-         The concept of friendship
-         Reciprocal favours
-          Introductions
-         Writing patterns
-         For Arabs a friend is someone whose company one enjoys and whose duty is to give help and do his/her ability where as for westerners a friend is someone whose company one enjoys but whom one doesn’t except to have the same sense of duty.
-         For Arabs and oral promise has its own value as response where as for westerners actions are valued more then words.
-         For Arabs loyality is expected from friends but westerns don’t except the same sense of loyality.
-         In the culture of Arabs when introducing oneself it is common to give a lot of information about oneself from a one’s family and one social connections. Where as in westerns culture are disclosed less personal information less personal information.
-         In the culture of Arabs one wret ones friends often and has little concern about privacy where as in western culture one just ones friend less after and has a strong sense of privacy.
-         Arab people, except a friend to reciprocate invitation but the western people don’t have as strong of a need for reciprocal invitation.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Polite But Thirsty Yaping Tang BA English

Polite But Thirsty                                                                       By: Yaping Tang
In this essay “Polite but Thirsty” the writer has explained some of the cultural variations in between Chinese and American society. Specially she has tried to make the Chinese students aware about the American culture so that they could be adopted very easily in American culture.
Usually a new comer feels like a baby or an idiot in a new culture because a culture misunderstanding. There is a several language problem but in addition to this the cultural differences make the problem even worse. Thus it is necessary to learn the cultural differences. The writer as a students found some fundamentals differences between the Chinese and the American cultures.
a)     The Chinese classrooms the students are in proper discipline. There are certain rooms and values of the classrooms that they aren’t allowed to it anything but in American classroom the students eaten like in a canteen. As a eastern student, it was really a strange experience and a great adventure to be adopted in the American classroom.
b)    The second fundamental differences that the writer noticed was the directness of American people. They responded just in two ways ; Yes or No.  They never show the so-called politeness which is highly esteemed eastern culture.
c)     The American people believe in the informality. They break the hierarchies and treat every individual equally. They address even their professor by their first name without adding the title Sir/Mam.
d)    The Americans never hide their feelings when someone praises the food, the house, the cloth, etc. They never reject it but rather they accept it happily which is very much ware in the eastern culture.
e)     The Americans open the gifts just in front of the host, he opens it and practice by heart but it is taken as uncivilized manner in the east. In eastern culture, gifts are given usually at the end of the part  and they  are opened after the departures of the guest.
f)      In American societies tipping system is highly popular as even as it is taken as necessary work in a restaurant. But in eastern society especially in China leaving a tip is rarely found. The Chinese students are ashamed when they aren’t leaving the tip to the workers. In this way Yaping Tang has tried to ease the problems of Chinese students in America. Her main intention is to reduce the cultural misunderstanding and to enable the Chinese students to learn the American culture before they come to America.

·        Cross –  Cultural differences in values between the united states and China.
ü Informality / formality
ü Equality / social hierarchy
ü Direction / indirection

-         Self asserts / modern
·        Culture shoes – feeling of love and change and so suffering – food, climate, language, mannerism communication
Symptoms of culture shocks :
          Absent, mindness a feeling of hopelessness, fits of anger, excessive fear of being cheated, robbed or ignored, homesickness.

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summary BA English BBS English Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Nepal AFP TU Business English four levels AI AR BA 2nd year Compulsory English BA First Year BASW BBA VII BBS 1st year Billy Budd: The tragedy of justice Compulsory English ESG Exam Gaia Shreedhar Lohani Love Piano Pokhara University Question The Four-Tusked Elephant The Great Gatsby The Lunatic Third Thoughts Third Thoughts / Four Levels BBS FIRST YEAR / TU / BUSINESS ENGLISH / VR What is poverty? Why Chinese mothers are Superior - Chua Amy bias billy budd data privacy education four level healthcare machine learning sustainability term paper tribhuvan university "No Problem" - Jennifer Halperin 4 years course A Concept Paper for PhD A Descriptive Essay A Synopsis A THOUSAND SPLENDID SUNS A strategic approach to academic reading AERIAL AGGRESSION AMERICAN VALUES AND ASSUMPTION ASSESSMENT ASSIGNMENT Abraham Adaptive Failure: Easter's End Ahab and Naboth Albert Wendt American Studies Analysis Antarderisti Anyway? 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